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Master Assassin

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Posts posted by Master Assassin

  1. Sounds like story-wise, it's going Bourne.


    Besides, I like the odds associated with Bourne movies. 24 would make a terrible RPG, raising ridiculous stakes to ever more ridiculous heights until the plot is completely useless. And Bond is outdated.


    Actually, the game 24 for the PS2 was executed pretty well; despite the blocky models a la PS2 graphics, all of the voicework was excellent and used the show's actors for it. I found it pretty immersive - given the show's premise, it isn't hard to imagine what the outcome might be but it was still a lot of fun to play and they tried to make it more engaging by inserting segments that didn't involve your usual run and gun tactics; like disarming bombs (albeit a bit easier than I thought it would be), picking/hacking electronic locks, using SAT imaging to determine sniper posts prior to a VIP caravan passing through- all very interesting and made the game go by quick.


    FTW Sean Connery is really the only Bond in my book.

  2. Just as a reference: I loved Deus Ex's weapon customization.. :)


    I guess their 'one pool of ammo' that all weapons drew from was kinda cool, but all of the weapons lacked punch so I didn't actually play through to see some of the cooler elements of the game. I got to it too late though, that had a lot to do with it.


    I didn't get to see the customization; I'd like the ability to add stuff on rails for a given situation. That'd be cool.

  3. I would like a captive bolt gun to be available...only for a mission or two, it need not be something kept for long periods of time, I'd just love to do it once. Or twice.


    Barring that, for the main weapon, I want the M4 assault rifle, with ALL of the optional pieces you see. For a sidearm, the HK USP or the SIG P229 in .40 caliber.


  4. I can think of only four-


    Conversational - are you smooth like Bond, master interrogator like Bauer or taciturn like Bourne?


    Cognitive - ability to 'see' or anticipate enemy engagements, like a Bond sense


    Corporeal - this amounts to talent with hands and feet- it could incorporate agility, stamina and CQB skills/hand to hand combat and melee weapons


    Armorial - any weapon that is not melee-only (non-firing) could be considered here.


    Kinda broad; maybe I'll break it down later.

  5. I like statistics like that; for instance in COD4 I would've loved to have known how I did but never could figure it out. I guess I just like to know how many kills I rack up over the course of the game, as well as how I did it. The GTA series was really good about collating all of that data; but it doesn't really take away from the game if it isn't there.


    That might be seen as off topic so let me add that secret areas, I can take'm or leave'm. If they're in the game, its only gonna make me have to be more careful in my movements about the gameworld- which may or may not be really feasible depending on the situation.

  6. Hey folks, I'm new here and a huge fan of all 3- albeit for differing reasons. I like the fact the Jason Bourne is your basic everyman until something sets him off; I like Jack for his intuitive senses and ability to shift gears on the fly- and while I like Jason's Kali techniques, Jack struck me as more realistic when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. James Bond is just ultra-cool...and Sean Connery epitomized the character in a way that none ever has, and most likely, ever will.


    I'm not big on the gadgets and I don't need a love interest to advance a game story so I'm looking at a Jack Bauer type with Jason's fighting abilities (the realistic fight stuff wouldn't be very sensational in a game, I do not think) and just a touch of Bond Sense. Heh.


    Edited to add: I knew I should've read the posts all the way through- TOTALLY forgot about Mack Bolan; what an old school BAD AZZ that guy is! Good one!

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