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Jason Bourne

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Everything posted by Jason Bourne

  1. I really hope they iron out the tearing. It was mind numbing awful. Oh and the pink sunglasses.
  2. I think the game will do well.
  3. Yikes. Those are some of the ugliest looking textures on his arm/hand I've ever seen! EDIT-I was beaten!
  4. MOTHER OF GOD I am sorry for doubting Starbreeze. I just watched a few of the CQC videos of the new Riddick game and I was blown away! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45292.html Jesus Christ at the number of counters and grappling moves! I have NO worries about Starbreeze working on a new Bourne game. Hell, even if it's in first person, I won't complain after watching that video. Best looking CQC FP EVER. Not to mention the graphics are insane. P.S. I'm strapped on cash, and after watching more videos of AODA, I'm definatly buying that game over Killzone 2. Two games for the price one with a cool MP mode. I'm there.
  5. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/star...rne-game-for-ea Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this. Starbreeze is awesome, but do they not only make FPSs? Would that mean a Bourne game being first person? Would be weird to use CQC in first person.
  6. Yeah. Where's my trailer? I feel like I'm waiting for Splinter Cell 5 all over again.
  7. I'm starting to get impatient here. I cannot believe we haven't gotten any videos yet.
  8. Told ya I wasn't lying. I mean, I don't believe things like this happen in real life that often, if not, ever. Probably like what? A couple of times throughout the Clandestine's history? That's what the CIA teaches you if you're ever in bad situation. They teach J-turns, weapons training, fighting, etc. Personally, I'd give up my life in a heartbeat if the CIA had a similiar program to Black Briar, like in the Bourne movies. Brainwash me, train me in multiple languages, learn to fight and evade........AWESOME!
  9. It means budunkadunk.
  10. Interesting. Hopefully the animations look fantastic.
  11. Does the game pauses, and you input what kind of moves you want and watch the two fight each other?
  12. Bourne doesn't use Krav Maga. He uses the empty handed version of Filipino MA, Kali. There's no way I see Kali transitioning smoothly from movie to game. It's just too fast. You're right about Kali being Bourne's style. That's what Damon and Liman were looking for in the first movie. A fighting style that suited Bourne even when not fighting. Can't wait to see videos of the CQC.
  13. When are we going to get a freaking video crying out loud!
  14. Good stuff. MMA is the best martial arts to use if you're ever in a real fight. I know this guy who's on the SWAT team that practices BJJ. I'm hoping to go to the police academy in January, and maybe later on I'll practice soem MMA. There's no way I'd want to use Kali in a real fight. I'd get my ass kicked, lol.
  15. ANYTHING. He even mentioned the glasses you're wearing. He even jokes about how you can kill a man with the tie you're wearing around your neck. A stick, if thick enough to penetrate through the throat. A rock. I can't remember in details about this, but he said if you strike the blow at a man's upper cranial area, then that'll knock em out for good.
  16. I've seen the doc. on the History Channel years ago, but if you look up Barry Eisler, he'll tell you about the training he received, and as funny as this may sound, during the uncut version of Bourne Identity shown on TV (channel USA), a former clandestine officer mentioned the use of picking up any object you see around you and using it as a weapon.
  17. You don't think of spies choking people? Really? What spies have you been watching? Krav Maga also does have plenty of knees and elbows, just for the record. Most special forces and agency guys are not shown any one style. The CIA gets very, very little martial training. I was hanging out with a freshly recruited CIA person (completely by chance at a wedding) and the people that have combat training usually bring it in from their previous experience. I've trained with people that were going off to train marines after they worked with us, and they explained that the marines have very simple training, even more slimmed down than Krav Maga or any "full" martial arts style, and they have experts come by to help them improve aspects of their skills. Stealthly missions? Sure. You don't want to chain up combos if you're sneaking up behind someone. Look at Sam Fisher. Quick choke holds and punches to the face, but if say an alert goes off and the guards are coming, they will be prepared to fight you. You can queue up whatever CQC moves available, and a precanned animation of dodges and punches insues. Most Special Force guys use a technique called L.I.N.E.. As for the CIA guy you talked to, was he in clandestine operations? Because I've seen documentaries where former CIA spies are trained with every single object possible to use as weapon, whether it be a pen or hand towel.
  18. Knee to the face or choke holds aren't something I'd consider great martial arts skills in videogames. Most federal government agencies use krav maga, like the secret service. I know in the CIA, they teach you to use anything that could be turned into a weapon. Think of Bourne when he rolled up the magazine. Anyway, I think some of your guy's ideas like environmental takedowns are awesome.
  19. Can a developer confirm if the game will shown in video form?
  20. He cried underwater in Supremacy when Marie died and at the end of the movie where he told that Russian girl he killed her parents. He wasn't ballin in tears. Just the sniffles and a few tears.
  21. Where the EFF is the video?
  22. Well, maybe it isn't so bad afterall. I hear Mass Effect had unlimited ammo.
  23. Send the scans to me too.
  24. Yeah. You guys really need to get rid of the infinite ammo.
  25. What the F! Where is it!?
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