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Posts posted by Bos_hybrid



    It's easier to write a grey villain, than an interesting evil one.


    Not really.


    Yes it is. It's far easier for a reader/player to connect to a grey antagonist, than it is an evil antagonist. Quite often, a reader and player will cry lack of depth, due to not being able to understand or connect to an evil antagonist. (Of course at the same time the reader/player they can be right depending on the character)


    The exclusion of an evil PC, is the exclusion of choice.

    Completely and utterly wrong. On all accounts.



    Nope. It's the excluding of meaningful, selfish, power hungry/greed, narcissistic, psychotic and betrayal choices.


    I can roleplay a dozen different character that make different choice - and all of them could be "good". Or would they be?

    Is the character pragmatic? Slow? Tired? Sarcastic? Does he value A over B? A lot of choices don't even have to concern morality at all. And when they do, they can be interpreted differently.


    But the character is still good and the hero of the story. A Sarcastic/slow/pragmatic pc all play out essentially the same way. Save the world, be loved, adored and live happily ever after. I would prefer if there was an option to play a pc that was hated, reviled and paid for those choices.




    I pretty much never play through "evil" in any game. Just not appealing.


    But it might be more interesting if the "evil" option were more than just, well, an option. The choices presented, if any, are always somewhere along the lines of "You get five options of varying good to neutral, and one where you kick a puppy." Which just isn't that neat even if I were interested. It would be a lot more interesting to see more varying ways to be something that's not necessarily a paragon of virtue, and might even be considered evil. Selfishness, vengeance, cruelty, etc. are all things that could, at some point, be options for the player.

    Yeah, in my experience, when people say they want to play evil, they really are just looking for ways to complain about not having enough "choice".


    Inexperienced then I guess. Or more likely selective reading. 

    Wow, what the heck did I say to provoke that response? Did I dare bring up the idea that gamers can be fickle?


    Yeah, in my experience, when people say they want to play evil, they really are just looking for ways to complain about not having enough "choice".


    Truth be told it was probably harsh.


    I just took it as another comment saying that no one wants evil choices/path. Or that they don't know what they want. When it's quite obvious there are people(even if we are all mentally deranged) that do enjoy that choice/path.


    If it wasn't the intent, apologies. If it was, you know my thoughts.


    I pretty much never play through "evil" in any game. Just not appealing.


    But it might be more interesting if the "evil" option were more than just, well, an option. The choices presented, if any, are always somewhere along the lines of "You get five options of varying good to neutral, and one where you kick a puppy." Which just isn't that neat even if I were interested. It would be a lot more interesting to see more varying ways to be something that's not necessarily a paragon of virtue, and might even be considered evil. Selfishness, vengeance, cruelty, etc. are all things that could, at some point, be options for the player.

    Yeah, in my experience, when people say they want to play evil, they really are just looking for ways to complain about not having enough "choice".


    Inexperienced then I guess. Or more likely selective reading. As I will always play the villain/evil the first time, much more interesting.


    I'm not alone either, most people enjoy having a villain/evil path for several reasons.


    1) They enjoy rolling an evil character

    2) Replayability

    3) Branches the the plot.(C&C)

    4) Adds depth to the plot

    5) It makes being the hero more rewarding(adds depth to the PC)

    • Like 1
  4. Star Swarm demo


    Sins of a Solar Empire and Galactic Civilizations publisher Stardock are helping fund a new engine from a small studio called Oxide. We got a glimpse of the engine at CES, and it only made us more excited for the future.


    There are a lot of great engines out there, but a lot of them are built for FPSs. We wanted to build an engine that could display thousands of units at once."

    And Oxide has achieved just that. The demo we saw featured nearly ten thousand units and hovered around 30 frames per second the whole time.


  5. And of course, Alien the franchise has not had good luck in the game genre ... kinda like the Star Trek franchise. So while this early bit looks intriguing, it's a very long way from making me go "yeah, this is it!" ;)


    Star Trek has had some good games, ST: Bridge Commander being the best, I really enjoyed the Elite Force games, the Armada games, 25th anniversary and Birth of the federation too. Hell I even gone enjoyment out of ST:Legacy. But then I'm a Trekker.

  6. I find Star Citizen an interesting case study in the types of payment options available and what fans actually consider acceptable in terms of price discrimination and exclusive access to content.

    I'm not sure if you can apply Star Citizen's craziness to other games.


    Space sim fans have been starved for a looooong time, about the only thing on offer since freelancer(which could be argued wasn't a proper space sim) has been the X games(Reborn never happened), which are a whole different beast from Wing Commander games and Freespace. It has been essentially a dead genre. No other genre has been so ignored. Now add to that, the creator of arguably the best and most loved of these games is making this new space sim game, with pretty graphics, mmo features, SP campaign(the thing I'm looking forward to) and aggressive/good marketing to a starved fanbase and whole bunch of peoples wallets open.


    I don't think it's reproducible on this level. At least until another genre is ignored to the same extent and length.

  7. However acting like a self-centered, egotistic anti-hero. That's what I'd like to see.


    No thanks, leave that for bioware games. More of MoTB in PE please.


    A)An example, you and your sister (or girlfriend) are running away from wolves, she trips and falls. Do you stay and help her and risk your life or do you run away to safety and leave her to the wolves.


    B)Your son/little brother/childhood friend has been brainwashed and wants to kill innocent people. Do you help him or kill him?



    Why are they interesting?A) It's be a hero or coward B) be a hero or be a hero.


    Far better choices would be the option to trip up said GF/sister to escape/get to a certain situation sooner, or be the person that brainwashes child/brother/friend. But only if the motivation to do so is interesting/purposeful.


    It's shouldn't be about removing evil choices, it should be about giving those choices meaning besides 'ha ha I'm evil' *strokes white cat while picking human flesh from his teeth with puppy leg bone.


    All the rpgs lead you to a conflict with a villain.


    Again I have to point to MoTB where the final encounter wasn't a villain, just an antagonist and an unfortunate one at that, just like the rest of the games antagonists. Really the only real villain in that game was the PC(if player chooses this path) and the NPC an evil PC could choose to create.  


    Preferably PE won't have a main 'evil' villain but a antagonist.

    • Like 1
  8. I agree Bos, but I think that by fulfilling some requirements could bend any companion to the PC's will, because why not? Allows for more narrative freedom. It shouldn't be easy like DA:O "Here's a gift! Here's a gift! Here's a gift! You like me yet? Here's a gift! Here's a gift!" etc. etc. but should be more similar to a quest-line.


    I just don't like the idea of having all the companions being broken by the PC. Can some people be manipulated/broken/enlightened to the PC's point of view, sure, but you also get people that stand by their view and won't be broken down. No matter how cunning/deceptive/intelligent/brutal the PC is.



    • Like 1
  9. I wonder why people become so obsessed with morality in Video Games? I suppose that it's part of the immersion and all but it seems that every time an RPG is released there will be a thread talking about an evil playthrough and the merits of roleplaying evil characters. So its curious as to why this aspect rises above the rest.


    Simple if there is no choice for self serving/scheming/warmongering/greed/betrayal, your railroaded into being the hero and down a singular path. Doesn't that make it less satisfying for people that like to play the hero? Don't you prefer having choices? Another reason is that villains simply have more fun.


    I'm often left to wonder why the people that call evil boring or simple writing, never say the same about the good/hero path. Apparently being a selfless doormat is interesting and quality writing.


    The truth is, that in an RPG the hero/good path is the default, no one is going to post the question; 'can you be the hero in this RPG?'. It's a given. Having an evil/villain path is not such a sure bet, and those that are interested in that path will pose the question about it's possibility.

    • Like 3
  10. The BGS/Zenimax and ZOS buildings are linked by a sewer filled with radiation and ghouls.


    So that's what happened to their writers.


    Just thinking about a voiced TES/FO4 PC is terrifying. The only reason to have a voiced PC, is if you are making a cinematic storytelling game, the exact opposite of what bethesda do.  And the exact opposite of their strengths.


    Also I am so unbelievably tired of Star Wars.  


    On that note, if Obsidian were to make a Star Trek RPG, I think I would die from awesomness poisoning.


    Obsidian's hallmarks are complex morality, and the dark aspects of authority, and sin.


    How exactly does that dovetail with the Star Trek universe?


    Apply even 1% of Obsidian's cynicism and the Federation would fall apart like gin-soaked cake.



    I'm failing to see a problem with this scenario.


    But they could just set it in the mirror universe. Still not happening anyway, unfortunately.


    Looks like the backer page is having some problems, can't place me order for some reason.


    It took me a few tries. I kept getting the "Error, try again later" but after about half an hour it worked. So I'd say try again in a bit.



    Cheers will do.

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