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Montgomery Markland

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Posts posted by Montgomery Markland

  1. So my question to you guys. Did any of you get into the field later in life after you had walked a different path?


    I spent 3 years working in politics and 3 years in law school before going the mod route, so my advice would be to just throw yourself into a mod project and work your ass off until somebody notices.


    Apply for specific jobs when your portfolio of work is ready, not before -- ideally after making some connections in the game business through conventions, modding, forums, whatever.


    Bottom line: If you are passionate about something and you pursue that something then you will eventually achieve something worth achieving. In other words, fight for your dreams and be ready when your dreams fight back.

  2. I've been playing with it some, it's pretty enjoyable. Seems to move fast and everything.


    Though having Monty play a psychopath does make it a little more fun...


    Patrick's psyker roleplay is choice as well.


    I think the setting plus the combat, plus J.R.'s indulgence of the group's quirks combines for a good time.


    Nathaniel is starting up a dark matter campaign so it'll be interesting to play in both concurrently and compare.

  3. Aleins

    ;) Aliens - The big and manly RPG for big and manly men who

    like to play big and manly games on their big and manly computers but

    for slightly older, more lonely guys than the Gearbox one and who are also

    worried for their dad's ructions and may need some bailing twine! :p


    Coming soon from Obsidian Entertainment...


    Obsidian Entertainment will not be liable for any resulting injuries.




    Also... what's a ruction?


    edit: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ruction -- Apparently it is a noisy disturbance.

  4. No problem, but it isn't like I really want to do them. :)


    But are you really a developer on AP? If so, could you comment on the animation? :D


    I work on Aliens, so I don't know much about animation on AP (also I work as a designer so I don't know much about animation generally).


    I do know that we've got very talented animators at Obsidian.


    I also agree that the animation in Assassin's Creed and Uncharted was awesome. Uncharted has been one of my favorite console games so far and the fluidity of movement combined with the camera system was a big part of that enjoyment.

  5. Everything sounds great so far, and this is quickly becoming one of my most anticipated titles.


    My only worry is the animation. So far, the only two games that impressed me this generation on animation are Aassasin's Creed and Uncharted.


    I'm hoping we get some nice, fluid animations when it comes to the main character's movements. Especially the hand to hand combat scenes.


    Hello Jason,


    I loved your work in Berlin.


    Best wishes and hope you get passed the whole "being a cold-blooded assassin thing."


    Your friend,



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