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About fishdogg

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  1. well good news lol I finally am playing torment planescape again. Found it on gametap they have alot of older games. BG2 icewind series planescape. Going to see if gametap can add some other of my older favorites. Dungeon keeper 2/themepark hospital spellforce and such.
  2. Yeah I expected those type of comments. When I'm typing fast and long explanations on the internent I write in fragments alot.
  3. I thought the scripts worked great for me. My main is always a paladin in BG2 because hell they are so dang strong once you get holy avenger haste boots and reflect coat. Minsc got to have minsc just for his funny saying. JUMP ON MY SWORD WHILE YOU CAN EVIL I WON"T BE AS GENTLE. BOO SAYS WHAT, plus hes a great fighter. Anomen cause he is a great healer and at end of game I give him the +25 titan hammer. Yoshimo even though he dies later is a great asset once he gets the boom blade I forget whats its called right now I know it was a katana. The girl that needs you to help clear trolls out of her estate shes a good mage. I always equip her with the throwin knife that returns to her hand so shes stays in the back. And jaheira cause well shes a great fighter and healer. For scripts I put on minsc, my paladin, anomen and Jaheira. Heal if less than 50% hit points worked great. For my mage I used alot of the thiefs scripts lol to keep her out of combat. And for yoshimo I used all of the thief scripts whichever one I needed at the time or put him on berserker melle one since he doesnt heal anyone just a DPS unit and unlock stuff for me and pickpocket whenever. End game honestly of times I wouldnt even use my other party members. I would just use my paladin alone once he was fully equipped he wasnt a character anymore he was a Force by himself. ridicously strong. I would clear out the whole beholder lair with just him. The vampires since he was an inquisitor couldnt be feared or level drained just plain raped vampires. All in all BG2 was a great game and was the first long awaited game i ever seen put out where they actually put a holy avenger sword in the game with 50% dispel hostile spells.
  4. Thats cool as long as they throw dakkon back in there along with whoever did his voice. The knowing speeches he gave was priceless. And in knowin grow strong. I would also love and have always wanted to see a game formated to Times of Troubles. The module where the main God AO of D@D realms sent all of the gods to earth as human form because he wanted them to understans what it ws like to be mortal but with god like powers. The only God that was allowed to stay in the heavens was Helm and he gaurded the stairwell so no Goids could come back up til they learned there lesson. Except for Mystra she tried to come back and Helm had to kill her.
  5. I'd love to become a writer for games. Always wanted to do that. But I have 6 more years left in the Air Force until I retire. Then me and the wife plan on RVing around since the kids will be 19 and 20 then and off to college. I always had great ideas for games my wife said along time ago I should of made games instead of serve in the Air Force (married 15 years now). Long time ago in my youth I played D@D alot was also a dungeon master about 5 times lol back then. One of the funnest times I had playing D@D I played a druid. Since I was the only healer class lol, the DM decided not to ever kill me but he pretty much killed everyone else at least 3 times. My druid had a symbol (puffed mushroom) which I ate and could get stoned. Made my druid back then a goofball like minsc was written was alot of fun and laughs with the old D@D group. You know you have a good group of people together when at the end of playing for a year everyone said that was one of the best times they ever had playing. Just had a good mix of people. No one was sarcastic no one was the ***hole type everyone got along. I have never found that type of group again or quality of people in my life. If you really want to make a great game this is what I learned in life. Everyone together making the game has to be allowed to be themselves and everyone back each other up. Whether there a comedian goofball whatever (there the best types to have since they mediate problems for most other people). There are certain types of people that ruin group dynamics everyone knows who they are (unless they are the ones that ruin the group lol because they can't see there the ones ruining the fun). I believe the reason torment planescape was made so well was because the people that worked together got along great and acted goofy and stuff. I mean who puts together a game where somehow a dude wakes up on a mortuary slab/ a skull comes and is his friend/ meats a gith named dakkon from of all places limbo lol/ meets a mage so crazed with fire he will burn anything if you ask him or hell even if you don't ask him/ somehow meets a girl that has fiendling blood and loves the smell of the main character cause he smells dead/ meet a sucumbus that somehow knows how to heal tanaari. Somehow all these people come to group together as a team and somehow became the best game ever made to me. If I wasn't in the Air Force I would take up the job offer but I still have 6 years left in the service for retirement. I fix jets so America can stay free.
  6. A sequel to torment planescape.
  7. Only problem I have with dying in BG2 is the illythids. Lol best way i found to beat them was open a door keep the area they re in shaded to where they don't have visual contact with you. Then take a mage cast cloudkill in the room. As fast as possible I would then use cloudkill wand since it's not casting time. Then I would hurry and close the door or they would come after you and do that psi thing on your brain and then yout one hit dead. I'd rather fight dragons than illythids lol.
  8. LOL that was a good one.
  9. Also no I didn't patch it I read that on the many searches through google for about 4 days lol. It's supposed to be already patched.
  10. Thanks for the many repies. I made a mistake. I forgot i loaded windows 2002 xp with service pack 2. Yes I'm using the 2 CD version. I went through for now going on 4 days through google and such trying to find an answer. But no one says anything just about the 4 disks version. It plays perfectly on wondows 2002 xp until I get to leaving the mortuary. Once I get to the mortuary it crashes and says Microsoft c++ runtime error. When the movie is about to play. I also loaded the game to my other computer that is windows 2000 service pack 2 and the same thing happened plays perfect until I get to where I have to leave the mortuary. I'm really at a loss I can't figure it out. I tried the compalability changes/window sizes/32 bit to 16 bit/ colors change/messing with the torment ini. files/cache and temp folders I deleted the stuff in it but the the game almost makes it out of the mortuary halfway loads then crashes to desktop. Just it's been my favorite game of all times and I can't get it to work. Just got a craving to replay it. Favorite character of all time in any game is dakkon. Not like I'm a gith lover or anything lol. But whoever did the voice or that character sounded perfect along with the picture. "Through the teachings of zerthimon I have become stronger My blade has changed." If anyone knows a solution to this problem please I would love to know.
  11. Oh and forgot to add made my paladin on BG2 a inquisitor so he couldnt be feared or leveled drained only think he lost was lay on hands. Very powerful main class character for BG2.
  12. Thanks I never use the evil characters on game didn't know that was his quest. My main character is always on every game a paladin or druid/fighter dual class. For Baldur's gate 2 once you get the +5 holy avenger, boots of haste and the cloak of magic reflect from the underwater city. Your paladin is more not like a character, your more like a FORCE to be reckoned with ripping through stuff. Great game
  13. I've read google for about 3 days now and can't find an answer. I've switched the compatibilities and they dont work. Was thinking of just doing a system restore it worked before I did all the microsoft updates. I read one website where it said do not install service pack 2 it messes up alot of old games causing the microsoft c++ runtime error.
  14. Also wanted to add I see alot of posts about torment being the best game ever made. Even when I talk to be about games that like roleplaying games. It's always the same thing torment planescape was the best game ever made roleplaying style. MAN I HOPE THEY MAKE A SEQUEL. Suikoden one I played as a kid. Game was so dang popular it didn't make alot of sales at first. But the company got such a demand to make a sequel it sold so fast. Now there up to number 5 in suikoden now. Got to admit though whoever designed suikoden 3 and 4 didn't do to well. But suikoden 1 2 and 5 were awesome. Suikoden 3 was good also. Suikoden 4 just plain blew cause of all the water traveling. I mean to get to one island to the next if you never played it before can take an hour just sailing and fighting enemies on the ocean.
  15. I'm trying to play torment again and have failed to get the game to work. It crashes everytime once I try to leave the mortuary. It says Microsoft C++ runtime error. Think it is having problems with playing the movie. I have Windows xp 2000 and service pack 2 installed. Please if anyone knows I'd love to play that game again. Also Baldurs gate 2 always lol I can't figure out 2 things in the game everytime i play it. In the temple area, there is that dudes house pinachio or whatever his name is. I can't get the door open he always says go away. Also there is a house in the temple area where if you kill everyone in there. You get 2 empty vials I never knew what those are for. Lol if anyone knows what they are for I'd love to know and how to get in thaqt dudes house.
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