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About Draikin

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  1. baggy pants + running shoes looks retarded on the cover. Your spy would be instantantly recognized as an american lacking any sense of style in any European country
  2. Zoma > it's true. Penny Arcade even made a comic about him.
  3. from the conference call - http://kotaku.com/gaming/liveblogging/eas-...call-309944.php Sequels, Wii+DS for profitability, Re-using engine for profitability ... sounds like the usual EA buyout. wow, It's 860$ million and they expect to be profitable by 2010. I think a lot of games will be rushed to achieve that, Bioware devs should also get ready to work 80 hours per week.
  4. The doctors are rich, they dont care about the quality of their games or if their employees will be unhappy and leave. Same for Riccitello. And you know that exactly? I always got the impression Ray & Greg really do care about the company and continuously try to improve it. Not caring means to me like "Interplay", or "Herve Cain". They've been dumbing down their games for years in order to reach the mass market and sell their company. Bioware is strong enough to stay independant and they can easily find publishers for their games, that's an ideal situation if you ask me. But EA paid 775$ million for Pandemic and Bioware. There is nothing positive to gain for Bioware as a company but it's a great financial operation for the doctors. The Guillemot family has been fighting for two years against EA: they dont want EA to take control of Ubisoft, they try to protect their employees. There are so many taxes in France, everyone knows EA would close Ubisoft Paris and Ubisoft Montpellier as soon as they take control. Bungie had to sell their company to stay alive and they fought their way to independance again. That's something I can understand and I'm sure Jason Jones is a real gamer.
  5. The doctors are rich, they dont care about the quality of their games or if their employees will be unhappy and leave. Same for Riccitello. The last EA acquisition was DICE ... I'm sure the higher-ups at DICE are happy but the developers are working on Battlefield games non-stop since then. It's only a matter of time before the audience gets tired of Battlefield and the day it happens they'll all be fired by EA. It'll be the same for Bioware. To maximize profitability, all games will be made using the same engine. I bet the only difference between their RPGs will be story/setting.
  6. At first, I thought they needed some time to build their new studio so I didn't mind that they released an unfinished product without even trying to innovate. I expected more for NWN2, sure it was rushed but how could you explain the camera and the AI worse than the 6 years old IE games ? Signing a contract with SEGA about an Alien game was too much: SEGA is dying (or already dead), all their games are bombing, it's pretty much like working for Interplay again.
  7. "In other action games, the enemies are there for you to kill. In Ninja Gaiden, the enemies are there to kill you." - Itagaki Such a simple concept most game designers forget I probably played more than 200 hours of this game, the combat system is just perfect.
  8. - I cant assign my mouse buttons 3-4-5 to game control functions, I use the free camera and i'd like to be able to use the backward/forward buttons to rotate the camera. - Make everything bigger please, I'm playing at 1280x960 on a 19" display and everything is too small.
  9. Was that the final version ? mine work flawlessly exept the long loading times and some sound stuttering you can find in all Source games. I had only one bug so far (got stuck in the wall while climbing a rope, just had to reload) I think the game is great in a medieval Jedi Knight kind of way (i'm on chapter . It's the best first person melee combat game out there, I dont get those sites reviews, especially since they all praised Oblivion.
  10. Yes, it doesn't make any sound on 5 Volts, the GPU and DDR are overclocked (+10%) but it's only 35
  11. I have one and I'm happy with it. I just changed the noisy fan for a Zalman VF700-Cu. Unless you're lucky, it's hard to overclock it that much because of the already really high frequency.
  12. here's what Ragnar had to say: For me, April and Kian were much more interesting than Zo
  13. . Westhouse shifted and met the Undreaming in 1933, way before Peats. . It's hard to know who the prophet is and who captured/killed the White Kin, it could be Westhouse, the Dark Person who cant see April as a wave or someone else. . Reza is in the same state as the twins and the cat, exept he is not controlled by Peats but by someone else. . Chavez is Cortez, the Red of the Kin. . April is related to the Draic'Kin, death might not be the "end" for her. Also, you've to remember that it's easier for her to shift when she's in danger. . Lady Alvane is most likely April Ryan.
  14. It's supposed to be a Deus-Ex-like game. I think it's been in development for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever, it has changed genre/developer/engine many times. I dont really know what to expect in term of quality exept UE3 graphics.
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