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About Avakki

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. After 17 episodes of Claymore, it felt like watching Pokemon in disguise All that "Use <insert special ability> now to defeat that monster!" and constant annoying artificial crying and swordplay got on my nerves eventually. Then I picked Ergo Proxy and it has been absolutely magnificent so far. It has many similarities with Ghost in the Shell series; intelligent plot, interesting characters and most importantly I can take it seriously.
  2. Holiday starts today and I have absolutely nothing to do for 9 days
  3. Europa Universalis III + Magna Mundi mod
  4. Make sure that Gann is in your party, he's the trigger
  5. When you go to Slumbering Coven, you get an ability that allows you to step into her dreams.
  6. How EA swallowed Origin I really hope EA has learned from it's mistakes.
  7. I didn't have a cleric, but everytime I tried to use Kaelyn's turn undead on a single dread wraith, the result was "Too many hit dice to turn bla bla". So you can expect it to be pretty useless.
  8. Yes, you learn something new after you fight Okku, which is needed to advance in the vault.
  9. Good choice with creative and financial leader. Creative gets you land and financial makes sure that land is good I usually go for alphabet first so I can get some tech trading done. Bullying others to get new techs and giving sucky ones to friends is good way of diplomacy.
  10. I was thinking about a rerun with Favored soul/monk/sacred fist. Unfortunately for some reason favored soul didn't get the option to pick combat casting, which is needed for sacred fist. Feat props say that prequisite is 1+ spellcaster level, so I'm positive it's a bug. Class does seem interesting though. It's basically more melee combat oriented cleric, with some monk specialties. Only problem for me was to choose how many levels of monk to take to get fancy specials. Monk relies much on those special abilities, so it's a hard call ;_; Oh and, A++ and well done Obsidian.
  11. Hah, that trailer wasn't anything special Blizzard is known for really decent vids, just watch Starcraft 2 or Wow trailers. I've been playing Motb for a while now and reached act II. So far it has felt refreshing compared to official campaign. Focus is more on quality than quantity
  12. NHL 96 forever Other than the golden jewel of 96', 2k series are alot better than EA's scramblings.
  13. Ghost in the shell. That's it. I can't take most anime seriously, but this one is just pure win. Script is good and extremely intelligent and unless you understand japanese well, I'd recommend trying to find english version dubs. Complexity of the stories doesn't open clear enough with just subtitles. To be honest, this one is better than anything that comes from tv nowadays. And as for others, Cowboy Bebop is good but nowhere near Ghost in the shell series.
  14. Official campaign was just running trough even on hardest difficulty. Dragon part was the only place where I had to use tactics. Artificial intelligence can never be perfect when it comes to providing difficulty. The more you play it, the better you start to know it and can anticipate it's next moves. Raising difficulty (monster stats, not ai tactics) is an option, but results in relying more and more on chance to instakill. Adding more random factors, like environment effects and surroundings provide more interest to me at least. From what I've read of Sawyer's replies, the difficulty on Motb looks good. I just hope that the combat pace is slower aswell, so there's at least chances for strategic thinking.
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