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About Lazdude

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  1. But really, how do you define being "strong" or "powerful"? Those are fairly broad terms, because alot of things have to be taken into considderation; their lightsaber skills, force mastery, diplomatic ability, willpower, passion, drive, loyalty, so many things. Its impossible to really compare one Jedi to another as all are unique in their own way, and one person's strength is another person's weakness. To me for example, true "strength" means to be able to resist the dark side at every turn. To another however, "powerful" means being able to kill a Sith Lord. Its all in the eye of the beholder.
  2. My guess is Kotor III is the Duke Nukem Forever of Star Wars. It has probably been in secret developement for years - either because they can't keep up or they havn't got a good window of opportunity to release it in.
  3. I don't think so, Windows is pretty enthusiastic about the whole "Games for Windows" thing and RPGs are best suited for PC's. Besides, Bioware are releasing Mass Effect as an Xbox exclusive title so it would make sense to have another big profile RPG to be available for PC first - especially if it turns out to be an MMORPG.
  4. I wouldn't say that either. More like they slowly decline into the Dark Side... But regardless of what you do the end result is always the same. You kill Malak, defeat the Sith and save the republic. You kill Malak, abandon them and the Sith destroy themselves, thus saving the republic. You track down and reunite the Jedi Masters, only to have them killed by your teacher, and you defeat the Sith to save the future Jedi Order. You hunt down and kill the remaining Jedi Masters, and destroy the Sith, but the Jedi arn't completely gone. You see? It doesn't really matter what you do because as long as Light Side is canon, the developers are forced to leave very little artistic freedom for the alternate Dark Sided storyline.
  5. First thing I would do is get a cool robe and mask like Revan's to stand out. Next I would restructure the Sith from a bunch of rogue jedi and stolen ships into a proper empire mirroring that of the Republic as well as establishing a Sith Order similar to the Jedi Council except with different philosophies and leadership roles. Then instead of trying to conquer the galaxy by means of the military I would wage a war of politics, gathering support from neutral planets to join our alliance like the soviets did in the Cold War. Force the Republic into a conflict with us like the Mandalorians did and forge a legacy so as to preserve the Sith instead of leaving them to descend into civil war.
  6. Revan was a smart man, he realised that the Jedi Council were corrupt and the Republic were pacifists, and so he was forced to fight to gain the full support he needed in the upcoming war. He also knew the history of the Rakata and how prolonged use of the Star Force led to their destruction. To battle the True Sith meant a war of distance and attrition, he needed not just a fleet but an empire backing him. Basically his plan was to usurp the government and take direct control over the Republic, with the least number of casualties, and this probably would have worked had it not been for Malak betraying him. He was the one who devloped dellusions of granduer in hopes of conquering the galaxy. Just blame Malak, thats my motto.
  7. My guess is both Revan and the Exile will start out just like we left them. After all the player has already "started over" with both characters once before (When Revan's mind was destroyed, and when the Exile disconnected from the force). But if the True Sith are as powerful as they are suspected to be it wouldn't take anything less than a Jedi Master to fight them anyway. Developers have already accounted for this with the relative leveling system, that is to say - the enemy is only as powerful as you are. Both games went to either extremes when it came to levels (Kotor I had too few feats/powers/skills, Kotor II had too many), so this time a compromise is sure to be reached, an advanced one perhaps that gives players something a little different, ie. less but better character improvements. Whatever the case, I'm sure this game will turn over a new leaf ragarding its gameplay.
  8. Carrying on from the "True Sith" discussion, I discovered something interesting about the Mandalorian Wars relating to this. These entries are again taken from Wookiepedia; --- Early in the war, at some point in the year 3,963 BBY, Revan visited the ancient Sith world of Malachor V while scouting for new outposts along the embattled Outer Rim. Word had reached him that Malachor was anathema to the Mandalorians and he wished to know the reason why. Upon landing on the planet's surface, he was nearly destroyed by the resonance of ancient Sith power and he only managed to survive the encounter through sheer force of will. He fed upon the power of the dark side of the Force, and in so doing, avoided being utterly consumed by it, yet he did not escape unscathed. The dark side beckoned and Revan fell under its influence. --- Revan himself was delayed outside the system by a Mandalorian scouting party. He eventually arrived at Malachor and entered the fray, but he was late and the Mandalorian fleets were far from defeated. In that moment, he drew upon the Sith energies haunting the surface below to augment his power. Soon thereafter, Revan pressed Mandalore into a direct confrontation and the fallen Jedi struck the great Mandalorian leader down in single combat. Meanwhile, more and more of the Jedi fighting in orbit found themselves unable to resist the call of the power emanating from the planet below and were thus drawn to the dark side. --- Now we know Kreia said Malachor V was once one of the worlds bordering the ancient Sith Empire, which lies in the darkness in the unknown regions. The battle of Malachor seems to be the catalyst responsile for corrupting so many Jedi so quickly, a question raised in Kotor II but never solved. At first I thought the Star Force might be the answer, but this seems more likely. Think then, if this kind of force aurora over a dead and forgotten world is so great with the dark side, to the point where even Revan was not able to restrain himself from falling, how much more so are the other Sith worlds? In theory then, only those Jedi strong in the force who have experienced and rejected the dark side as Revan and the Exile did would be able to venture into the unknown regions without certain death or conversion. Maybe this is why neither of them could bring their loved ones. Through this line of reasoning, if a third protagonist is introduced into the 3rd game, they would have to equally powerful and as versed in the force in order to follow the Exile and Revan. Anyone else would either be killed or be corrupted by the dark side. I beleive this will be highly unlikely, and reccommend the story be revolved around both heroes only.
  9. I hope after this trilogy is finished LucasArts decides to make another expanded universe franchise in the same RPG spirit in other time period. For example, there is alot of interesting storyline in the Great Sith War and a potential for another trilogy there. If you don't already know, this is a time shortly before Knights of the Old Republic I. This entry is taken from Wookiepedia; "My warriors need another crusade. The Empress Teta system is in chaos, overstretched by their many conquests. The witch Aleema and her Jedi devotee Ulic Qel-Droma will fall under the fist of Mandalore." ―Mandalore the Indomitable The roots of the Mandalorian Wars lay buried deep in the turmoil of the Great Sith War. In 3,996 BBY, the restless Mandalorian Clans made their way to the Krath held world of Empress Teta system as they roamed far from their homeworld scouting the known galaxy for worthy foes. Mandalore the Indomitable, the Lord of the Clans, had heard rumors of the military exploits of the Krath's young commander, a fallen Jedi named Ulic Qel-Droma. On the world of Kuar, Mandalore challenged Ulic to single combat and he was defeated by the Sith Lord. After the duel, he pledged his loyalty to Qel-Droma, thereby allying the Mandalorian Clans with the Sith. Under orders from Ulic Qel-Droma and his Sith Master Exar Kun, they laid waste to countless worlds and earned the enmity of the Republic and its Jedi defenders. In the waning days of the Great Sith War, as the Brotherhood of the Sith hovered on the very brink of defeat, the Fourth Battle of Onderon took place. The Mandalorians staged a surprise assault against the city dwellers of Iziz, but just as the tide of battle had turned in the their favor, Republic reinforcements suddenly arrived in the system. The Republic commander informed Mandalore that his master Ulic Qel-Droma had been captured and demanded the Mandalorians' immediate surrender, but Mandalore refused to concede the battle. Caught between the incoming Republic fleet and the native Beast Riders, the Mandalorian forces were devastated. Mandalore ordered a rapid retreat to Onderon's nearby moon, Dxun, believing that he could lose the Republic pursuit in its dense jungles. Unfortunately, while withdrawing, a Republic frigate fired upon his Basilisk droid mount and he crashed into the canopy far from friendly aid. Rising from the wreckage, Lord Mandalore was immediately set upon by a pack of ravenous Drexl and was devoured. Initiating a search of the moon's dangerous forests, the remaining Mandalorian Crusaders scoured the landscape for signs of their leader. In a fateful moment, one crusader stumbled across Mandalore's mask hanging, snagged in a patch of nearby foliage. In accordance with the laws of his people, he claimed the mask and became the new Mandalore, Mandalore the Ultimate, whose legacy would affect the galaxy for years to come. (Mandalore the Ultimate went on to begin the Mandalorian Wars in which Revan and Malak fought.) The story of Ulic Qel-Droma is similar to Revan's in that he is a Jedi Knight that turns to the dark side but later redeems himself, so maybe you could play as him.
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