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Everything posted by Sayne

  1. This bug seems to have returned for me. Is anyone else experiencing it? RTwP on an old savegame, one that was started when the game was in 2.0 I think.
  2. To expand on the OP's comment. In my game, once I turn down a companion for a romance, I begin to get their "Annoyed" responses when selecting them both in the party selection screen (like on the ship or in an Inn) and during the game. Xoti give me the "What NOW?," Maia gives me the "I heard you..." I when selecting characters from the Inn or on the ship, Maia now gives me "Fine... I'll just wait on the boat" when before she gave me some upbeat retort. When selecting her I get "Just following orders" instead of "Chuckle - this'll be fun!" Similarly with Tekehu, he now seems annoyed any time I add or remove him from the party, and occasionally gives me the annoyed response when selecting them in-game. All have positive disposition with my Watcher, Xoti and Maia have +2, Tekehu has +1. Is this intended or a bug?
  3. I both got the sky dragon egg despite killing her in PoE1 and when in the underwater city speaking to Galawain, he refers to himself as "I am your god" as if I had chosen his path in PoE 1 (or just a poorly written line of dialogue, not sure).
  4. This happened to me probably a month ago when I defeated him. I just used the Unity Console mod to add the item to my inventory, but yes I've experienced it too.
  5. I’m in Real-time, but yes, I’ve felt like their walking, even when not obviously at “half speed” is sluggish at times as well. Something definitely is borked.
  6. I am getting this as well. Sometimes everyone walks really slowly, usually if I have "Tab" depressed to highlight containers. If I stealth and then reissue the walk command, then unstealth, the speed issue goes away. Once everyone moved crazy fast and entering and exiting stealth fixed the issue. This only started happening with the 4.1.1 patch today.
  7. I really really really just hope that they don't abandon the true game, which is a Baldur's Gate successor... which means RTwP. I tried the turn-based and I got the same feeling as always when I try D:OS or ToEE or any game like that: This is plodding and takes forever, and just feels silly.
  8. I don't mind them implementing this if it brings in more players, but I hope this doesn't convince Obsidian to abandon RTwP for any future titles. I hate hate hate turn-based combat. It feels silly and contrived and artificial, while RTwP feels fluid and dynamic. It's what I've been use to for literally 20 years playing Baldur's Gate (2) and its successors. I hope Obsidian sticks with what they know, and what POE was brought into existence to emulate and pay homage to: the Infinity Engine style of classics like Baldur's Gate 2. If they develop it as optional, that's fine! Just don't replace the classic Infinity Engine combat, please.
  9. So this is something I've noticed in my game. Whenever the game takes away my party and re-loads it, the party members taken away are re-loaded in REVERSE order. For example, my party is (in order) 1. PC Wizard 2. Eder 3. Xoti 4.Pallegina 5.Aloth. I have the formation set so that Eder and Pallegina are in the front line, with the others behind. Now, here's what just happened in my game. I stumbled upon the Rekke encounter, where you are placed on your deck with your party and you have the conversation with Rekke. After the conversation ends, you are re-deposited on your deck to roam about the ship. Now, I leave the deck to go back to the world map and set sail for my destination. I notice my party is out of order. 1. PC 2. Aloth 3. Pallegina 4. Xoti 5. Eder. Mid-voyage I get attacked by pirates and decide to just fight them on deck rather than play the ship battle mini-game. As soon as the battle begins, I see Aloth up in the front line along side Xoti, where Eder and Pallegina should be, and with Eder and Pallegina in the back line. The enemy charges across the ship before I have a chance to flip my formation and Xoti and Aloth drop almost immediately. This "Reverse the Formation" bug happens any time the game takes away my party and re-loads them. It also happens in Inns. If I take away 3 party members and re-load them, they will be re-loaded in reverse order. It is tremendously irritating, and game-breaking for ship encounters where there is no chance to flip the formation. If you can't fix the reverse order bug, please at least allow us to arrange our party members from the world map. I had to re-load a save and avoid the whole encounter so that Xoti and Aloth didn't get one-shotted by enemy NPC fighters and barbarians.
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