I second Boeroer's fortitude debuffing Berzerker idea. I still haven't finished this game after restarting 1264712 times. Berzerker/Troubadour has been really fun, especially once you get to level 16 and can get the energized inspiration from that one invocation, Champion's something or other, because then every time The Long Night's Drink crits someone, you interrupt them, so you can aoe interrupt while zerker bonking priority targets with the Willbreaker.
I'm at max level going through Beast of Winter, and it is a bit less effective right now because of all the high Fortitude enemies, but overall it's a very satisfying build.
I've always loved 'offensive aura' type builds. I first saw the concept back in Diablo 2 with the Paladin's damaging auras, and was hooked on the idea since. In PoE I was in love with the Dragon Thrashed chanter and was really disappointed in how lame DT was in PoE2. This build sort of lets me recreate that character by being a walking AoE menace, although its with debuffs and interrupts instead of ridiculous damage this time around. This is why I chose Troubadour instead of Skald, I wanted to be able to potentially interrupt targets every 3s (Brisk Chant) instead of every 6s. Honestly I think Skald would have ended up being more powerful overall with Berzerker, but if you like the AoE menace idea Troubadour is great.