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Everything posted by mepp22

  1. Why what? Do you know a better Monk build? Monks are strong but this combo is just silly.
  2. What makes it so sick is the AOE is vs Reflex and Veteran's Maneuver makes you immune. These misses will then feed your wounds. If you are fighting a Megaboss where there is only one enemy and you can't use Whispers of the Wind just equip Belt of Magran's Choosen and Spam Stunning Surge until a Fire Blight spawns now you can use Whispers of the Wind and have a chance of spawning another Fire Blight to keep your combo going. You really just have to make sure you don't get hit so if you have a party make sure you dont have any characters with retaliate gear or single class barbarians. If you are doing some fight where you keep getting hit and don't need all the extra accuracy you can equip a shield in your offhand (I recommend Nerian's Ward with Father's Masterwork and medium shield modal).
  3. Yeah except this is waaaaaay waaaaay stronger than any normal monk builds. Normal monks can't solo mega bosses in minutes.
  4. I am not sure if people are aware of this combo but it is game breakingly strong. Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak + Boots of the Stone+ Ring of the Marksman +Ring of Focused Flame (if not nature godlike then add Acina's Tricorn) + Scordeo's Edge+ Keeper of the Flame + Saint's War Armor all on a Monk with Whispers of the Wind + Imagined Pain is absolutely ridiculous. Keeper of the Flame does a religion scaling area of effect burn damage attack that is both friend or foe on hit. The area of effect attack is treated as a ranged attack therefore Ring of the Marksman will increase it's penetration and accuracy, Ring of Focused Flame increases accuracy another 10 since it is a fire attack, and Scordeo's Edge can increase the accuracy by 20 or 30 depending on your upgrade (the +20 upgrade is probably better because you still need your first hit not to miss and vs Mega bosses you need all the accuracy you can get). The Stalking Cloak gives extra accuracy for attacks from stealth and your attacks will stun which is already excellent with Whispers of the Wind. The amazing thing is that the area of effect attack from Keeper of the Flame will hit you and it is vs Reflex, and Saint's War Armor is immune to Reflex until hit by something else two times. This means that the attacks from Keeper of the Flame AOE will count as a miss vs you and Imagined Pain turns these misses into wounds! You can now spam Whispers of the Winds non stop and will constantly trigger Rooting Pain. Keeper of the Flame AOE doesn't have the highest penetration however you can get the accuracy up to around 180 and the flail modal reduces reflex by 25 which will make you crit all the time getting your penetration above 20. The Boots of the Stone are there to protect you, in case you some how get hit twice you wont be stunning your self all the time. I would also put on Gauntlets of Greater Reliability vs some of the Megabosses so you are guaranteed to get some grazes in which will in turn inprove your accuracy but really any gloves can be effective. Sadly for some reason using Avenging Storm some how causes you to hit yourself but that means you can put your skills into Alchemy and have some potions and drugs last all fight. While under the effects of Blade Cascade you can gulp down potions like no tomorrow. Don't forget you will be doing a ridiculous number of hits for Resonant Touch. A tight group of enemies will end up with over 20 stacks after only one use of Wispers of the Wind. I think the best build for this would be a Nature Godlike Hellwalker. Although it also works fine on Xoti.
  5. =================================== Arcane Hunter =================================== Difficulty: PotD v5.0.0.0040 -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Hunter (Blackjacket + Arcane Archer) -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Hearth Orlan -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: White that Wends, Mystic -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats (char creation, no Berath's Blessings): MIG: 10 CON: 7 DEX: 18 PER: 21 INT: 18 RES: 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Active Skill: Acana (!) Passive Skill: Metaphysics ® -------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Proficiencies: Arquebus ® Hunting Bow (!) Dagger ® War Bow (!) Mace ® Flail ® Saber ® Battle Axe ® -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities ( r=recommended, !=important) note: You don't have to get the skills in the order they are listed. Some of the Abilities such as (Quick Switch or Beast's Claw) won't help you until later in the game. PL1 Fighter Disciplined Barrage (!) Arms Bearer Ranger Companion Bear ® Wounding Shot Marked Prey Resilient Companion ® PL2 Fighter Fighter Stances ® Confident Aim ® Two-Handed Style Ranger Marksman ® Protective Companion PL3 Fighter Disciplined Strike (!) Penetrating Strike ® Ranger Accurate Wounding Shot ® Evasive Roll or Charge (!) PL4 Fighter Vigorous Defense® Quick Switch (!) Weapon Specialization ® Ranger Hunter's Claw ® Stalker's Link PL5 Fighter Armored Grace (!) Conqueror Stance ® Unbending Ranger Driving Flight (!) PL6 Fighter Clear Out (!) Improved Critical Ranger Beast's Claw ® Survival of the Fittest ® PL7 Fighter (if you don't take Arms Bearer you can take Weapon Mastery here but I like the flexibility of having 4 weapons choices) Ranger --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (*=additional enchantments; !=important, r=recommended): Weapon set 1: Magistrate's Cudgel + Sun and Moon ® Weapon set 2: Scordeo’s Edge (Blade Cascade*!, Strategic Shot*!) (!), Slayer’s Claw (!) Weapon set 3: Frostseeker(!)(!) Weapon set 4:Essence Interrupter(Thermal Conduit, Soul Diplomacy) (!) / Vielpiercer(Weightless Draw!, Disruptive Arrow®) ® Chest: Miscreant's Leather / Devil of Caroc Breast Plate / Gipon Prudensco ® Helmet: Heaven's Cacophony (!) Amulet: Strand of Favor Cloak: Shroud of the Phantasm (!) Gloves: Firethrower's Gloves/ Left Hand of the Obscured ® Ring: Ring of Clenched Muscle (!) Ring: Ring of Prosperity’s Fortune (!) Belt: Gwyn's Bridal Garter Boots: Rakhan Field Boots (!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Goals: This build has a surprisingly easy start considering it is somewhat of a glass cannon cannon and has several huge power spikes along the way. In the very early game Blackjacket and Ranger have a few tricks that can make life much easier for you than it would be for most characters. As a Blackjacket you can take advantage of the Arquebus Weapon Modal and start combat with a well aimed Wounding Shot before switching to a Hunting Bow with Rapid Shot. If needed you can always switch to a Dagger with Modal and Shield (a great time to use scrolls) to survive a dangerous situation. This combined with having an extra Tank from the Ranger Companion means you should be able to cruise through your first fights. Also don't forget to use scrolls (you have the Arcana for it!) in my opinion some of the first fights are among the most difficult all game and a well timed scroll can tip the tide in your favor. The first power spike comes from getting Essence Interrupter. This is probably the best Hunting Bow in the game and will get you through Port Maje no problem and is useful vs enemies that are weak to Electricity all game (just be sure to focus down far away enemies E.g Spellcasters/Ranged, first so the Summons don't attack you). It isn't cheap but if you do some pickpocketing around Port Maje you can afford it before even having a real fight. Before long you will get access to Imbue: Web. This isn't the most game changing ability but at this time in the game you will cast it with about 15 bonus Accuracy (10 from Arcane Archer Arcana bonus and 5 from Fighter stance) not to mention your high perception, this WILL hit most enemies you encounter at this stage giving you the opportunity to focus down enemies one at a time. Opening combat like this makes things easy. Your next big power spike comes from Frostseeker. You have slowly been stacking Accuracy and Hit to Crit buffs and Frostseeker will Crit ALL the time! After grabbing Frostseeker go buy Heaven's Cacophony and once per Rest you can cast Avenging Storm and absolutely shred through mobs. This may only come once per rest but soon you can cast Avenging Storm scrolls and don't have to plan on resting nearly as much. The next thing to look forward to is level 13 where you get Armored Grace and Driving Flight, your electric ice storms are now almost twice as effective. Now would be a good time to pickup Magistrate's Cudgel, Sun and Moon and Veilpiercer. Getting the Cudgel is a little tricky but there is more than enough ways to stack Resolve temporarily (Cloak of Poverty +5, Pet +2, Rings +2, Amulet, +2, Boots +1, Resting +2, Berath's Blessing +2 ). Magistrate's Cudgel gives you a random bonus of +1 Armor, +1 Penetration or -20% Recovery when you first engage an enemy and instantly kills lower level Kith on Crit. Combine this with its Weapon Modal,a Flail using the Modal and Clear Out ( later No Quarter) and you can open combat with a Buff for yourself and great Debuff (-25 Reflex, -1Armor) to a group of enemies, making them extra Vulnerable to your elemental storm and then quickly Evasive Roll to safety. Veilpiercer won't be your main damage dealer but it can be very useful against bosses or high level spell casters and being able to swap it in and out with no penalty is incredibly useful. Disruptive Arrow is especially useful vs Mega Bosses. Your next goal should be to pick up Shroud of the Phantasm. This gives you another once per rest "god mode". Living Illusions summons 4 copies of your character including your weapons and buffs! The most hilarious part is it also summons a copy of your Companion Animal so not only do your enemies have to deal with the heavens erupting with ice and lightning but also 5 hungry bears come charging as well! Around now you can switch from using Imbue Web to Imbue Eora. This packs everyone nicely together to make your elemental storm all the more effective. Make sure to give your companions immunity to Pull effects if they are going to use Melee. Next you should be able to pick up Rakhan Field Boots and Scodeo's Edge. You can combine these to start combat jumping in to a group of enemies, doing a Full Attack to each one, potentially using Clear Out to do even more Primary Attacks before Evasive Rolling to safety. You should easily get between 5 and 10 Primary Attacks in, which increases your ranged Accuracy between 15-30 and has a 20-40% chance to cast Blade Cascade. Blade Cascade is insane especially when you can instantly switch to a bow. With all your Intelligence you should have time for a Priest to throw on a Salvation of Time to keep it going. The last three things you should work towards is Ooblit, Slayer's Claw and Ring of Clenched Muscle. Ooblit increases your beneficial effects by 3 seconds which is great since your most powerful abilities (Blade Cascade, Living Illusions) have a fairly short duration. 3 seconds might not seem like much but its actually really really good its a 60% increase on blade cascade and 30% on Living Illusions. Slayer's Claw is great because after getting a priest to cast Champion's Boon on you, you will now Interrupt on Crits even from range and it also gives you access to another No Quarter style attack which significantly increases your chances of triggering Blade Cascade. Ring of Clenched Muscle turns you into an absolute Affliction king. You hit so many enemies so quickly it doesn't take long before they all have all tier 1 Afflictions. If things still aren't easy enough for you make sure to "prep" with Hunter's Claw/Beast's Claw before your bigger fights. The best way to do this is to use two one handed weapons including Sun and Moon. This will get you 3 stacks per use saving you some time. A Blunderbus used to work better for this but I think it got fixed. Another weapon that can be fun in certain situations is Lover's Embrace. Attacking from stealth and using No Quarter from your boots you can do an area of effect permanent Raw Damage over time attack and have a good chance of giving yourself Frenzy before Evasive Rolling to safety. Miscellaneous Thoughts: Once you get Brilliant having access to both Penetrating Strike and Accurate Wounding Shot becomes very useful because you can rotate between them since your Resources replenish fairly slowly. You also never need marked for the hunt. Marking is only really useful vs hard to kill bosses. You will Crit most enemies easy enough without it and far too often the Mark moves to a Tank when you should be focusing on something squishier. Vigorous Defense and Unbending don't have the longest duration but most of your best buffs aren't too long and you want to use Salvation of Time to extend all your buffs anyways. Anyways you should have enough Intelligence and fire power that it is rare things expire before the fight is over. You don't have the highest deflection but Vigorous Defense and Hunter's Claw can get you over 120 of each type of Defense. This Build is fully viable the whole game but it does get a bit silly towards the end. I had fun with it but sometimes it feels a bit like cheating. The biggest weakness is the need for an optimized party to really take advantage of the builds strength. You need a Priest for Salvation of Time, some way to access Brilliant because of how quickly you can go through Resources, a good Tank especially early game because you can be quite squishy and a reliable source of healing. You can solo as well but you have to rely on a lot of cheese in the early game and vs mega bosses. I hope you have as much fun testing this as I had making it. I feel like Blackjackets and Arcane Archers don't usually get that much love around here but they offer so much versatility and really encourage you to use more weapons and scrolls than you normally would.
  6. So I know you can no longer use Wild Barrage and then switch weapons. Does anyone know if you can put Kitchen Stove in my offhand and for example Eccea's Arcane Blaster in my main hand and take advantage of Wild Barrage/Fractured Bullet? Also is it confirmed that attack bounces trigger multiple Imbue spells for Arcane Archers? And while on the subject of Arcane Archer are you able to increase the penetration of their spells without taking a caster class?
  7. Any idea why True love's kiss doesn't get triggered when using Whispers of the wind? The description says attacks from stealth trigger the effect the same as the Stalking cloak and Mask of the Grotto both of which work fine with Whispers of the wind. I can only get True love's kiss to trigger on my first attack from stealth. If it did work it would be ridiculously strong so I'm not saying it needs to be fixed, I just want to understand why the other items work but it doesn't.
  8. If you love the Tactician subclass as much as I do (Main Character Helwalker Tactician) then I highly recommend having a Witch in your party. Probably the best way to apply Flanked to all enemies at once is with Phantom Foes. This works incredibly well with the Barbarian Spirit Frenzy because Spirit Frenzy applies Staggered when scoring a hit with an attack (not weapon attack!) this includes being hit by Phantom Foes. This is basically one massive Debuff that that Flanks every enemy on the screen as well as prevents them from Engaging/Flanking instantly triggering Brilliant Tactician. As an added bonus it Debuffs Fort defense which is great for Fighter abilities, Cipher's Detonate and Barbarians with Brute Force.
  9. Of course, but there are other good weapons to get you there. Engoliero do Espirs is just the power spike you get before doing the DLCs. Cipher and Barbarian are loaded with fantastic passives and I think a witch can make a pretty strong build. Also as a bonus having access to Phantom Foes is amazing if you have a Tactician in your party.
  10. I was thinking about trying a Witch (Ascendant or Beguiler/Beserker) with Engoliero do Espirs. The idea is to Detonate near death enemies causing AOE crush damage while triggering Ghostblades and having no recovery. Bonus points if you have a party member using Oathbreaker's End for even more AOE damage on kills. Probably Human race for the bonus Acc/Damage which will get triggered from the Beserker Frenzy. Starting with a ranged weapon at least until you get Devil of Caroc Breastplate because you are squishy and you don't have to worry about being Confused. Beguiler would be nice so you can debuff right away but Ascendant would also be cool for starting a Detonating chain reaction. Both Barbarian and Cipher have some great passives that work well together and I am surprised there aren't more witch builds. What do you guys think?
  11. Yeah I know there are other ways to use the Assassinate passive, I just thought maybe there was a way to extend invisibility time so you can do other useful things like heal and still be dealing ridiculous damage to finish off opponents.
  12. I tested it, Salvation of Time seems to completely remove Shadow Form :/ Thats too bad... Being able to extend shadow form to around 30 seconds would have been amazingly powerful. Being able to heal/buff your party while picking off near death enemies dealing well over 150 damage per hit while being untargetable would have been quite a strong combo. Killing and retreating is a bit too cheesy if you ask me.
  13. According to the GameFAQs walkthrough Shadow Form from Slippers of the Assassin doesn't break invisibility on Buffs or one-shotting an enemy. Would it be possible to have some sort of Assassin build with high intellect (for longer invisibility) that focuses on one-shotting injured enemies? Perhaps a Priest of Skaen Assassin? If Salvation of Time works with Shadow Form it could be ridiculously powerful. You could stay invisible the whole fight meaning as long as you one-shot, each attack does +4 Pen, 25 Acc and 50% Crit Damage, Ajamuut's Stalking Cloack gives another 5 Acc and 5% Damage, Backstab gives +100% Damage for near by enemies. If you use Dragon's Dowry as your main weapon you won't have much trouble one-shotting most enemies. Scion of Flame increases Pen +1, Ring of Marksman another +1 Pen, +4 Acc, Ring of Focused Flame +10 Acc. Thats a whopping 44 Acc and 6 Pen just from a few items off the top of my head...
  14. Does anyone know what area Clear Out hits? Does it only attack targets in front of you and does weapon reach cause you to hit more enemies?
  15. Mask of the Grotto Deep is another item you should use because it makes Melee weapon attacks from stealth apply Raw Damage over time to target. You can make a really strong monk build for Xoti with those items and WotEP or Oathbreaker's End. Xoti is especially good at it because she regenerates wounds by getting kills which can let you constantly spam Whisper of the Wind as long as you are getting kills. Add the Spider Silk Robe and envenom your weapon for some serious damage dealing.
  16. I was working on a Brawler Build before the new classes and it was already very strong but now I think a Tactician/Nalzpaca can be absolutely devastating. In the early game you can use Deadeye to get Interrupts on attacks while Rooting Pain also provides a steady stream of Interrupts (free Discipline). With Swift Flurry and later Heartbeat Drumming you will do a lot of hits very quickly, letting you basically spam fighter abilities. In the late game you can wield Slayers Claw (Improving Tenacious from Thunderous Blows to Energized) to interrupt on every Crit. If you are also wielding Scordeo's Edge you will quickly have 20 bonus accuracy and Crit/Interrupt all the time. You will then be able to Charge into a group of enemies use Clear Out hitting everyone with a chance of repeat attacks from Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming giving you a good chance of triggering Blade Cascade (with the high Int from Turning Wheel this is absolutely insane). Being able to get the Brilliant inspiration means you can spam any your abilities however you want. Wearing Gipon Prudensco makes you immune to Flanked; completely negating Tactical Dilemma and the Hearth Orlan Race (for the bonus Crit chance) you will want to attack enemies attacked by your party members anyways basically removing all the penalties of Tactician completely. The amount of synergy is ridiculous. I think getting Discipline on Interrupts is just too powerful with how easy it is to Interrupt. Do Fighter abilities that Interrupt like Charge and Knockdown also refund Discipline?
  17. Do you know if Clear Out triggers Heartbeat Drumming and or Swift Flurry? I am debating making a build using Scordeo's Edge and either an Ascendant that spams spells after triggering Blade Cascade or a Monk that can trigger Blade Cascade more quickly.
  18. Does anyone know if abilities like Carnage or Torments reach trigger Scordeo's Edge Blade Cascade?
  19. There are tons of damage bonuses in the game. First of all as I said you get Frost Seeker very early in the game. It is not that hard to save enough money to upgrade it to Legendary (Mythic with Berath's Blessings) which is 60% (75%) damage bonus this alone is enough to justify dumping Might. Right from the start you will do +40% Damage when under 50%hp (15 from Human, 25 from Bloodied) This is not hard to trigger due to the self damage from Frenzy. Don't forget Frenzy increases Might 5 points bringing you to 9 Might not including other bonuses. You get 2 Handed style at level 6 (also very early) another 15%. Then another 15% from Weapons Mastery (10% comes at level 12 not that late in the game). One Stands Alone adds another situational 20% it comes late but before the Endgame you focus mostly on ranged combat. These are just the regular Damage bonuses. Most attacks will be abilities (Penetrating Strike/Barbaric Blow). Penetrating Strike does 20% bonus Damage and 3 bonus Penetration. Barbaric Blow/Smash does 20% bonus Damage and +2 Penetration and 50% Crit Damage. These abilities scale with Power level. You have very high Penetration +2 from Berserker Frenzy +1 from Ring of Marksman, +up to 5 from Upgrading your weapon, + from your abilities, and if needed you can always toggle Overdraw/Vulnerable Thrust for yet another +2, finally Crits increase Penetration by 50%. You will almost never under Penetrate and often trigger over Penetration. Finally this Build has very high Accuracy, hit to Crit chance and bonus Crit damage. High perception,+4 Accuracy from Ring of Marksman (only ranged), Disciplined Strikes(+5 Perception), +10 Accuracy from Fighting stance (when not using Cleave and over 50%hp, +5 when under) +8 Accuracy when under 50% hp from Human. As well as Brute force targeting Fortitude if it is lower. 25% hit to Crit from Disciplined Strikes, 30% hit to Crit with Barbaric Blow/Smash, 30% hit to Crit with Melee from Frenzy, 20% hit to Crit vs Near Death Opponents. Crits increase Damage by another 25%, +50% from Barbaric Blow/Smash, +50% vs Near Death opponents (Being able to switch to Ranged weapons and instantly pick off Near Death opponents is incredibly useful because of this) Might is simply not that useful for this build. In the end Might barely changes your overall Damage and also increases raw Damage which you can't defend against. Dexterity increases Action speed which is much harder to buff than Damage (25% from Frenzy, 20% from Bloodlust,5% from Aegor's Swift Touch). High Perception is needed in PODT and much more useful than Might (this Build has many Bonuses on Crits ect). Intellect increases duration for the many Buffs and increases area of Frost Seeker Crit as well as Carnage. Finally Constitution or Resolution is needed to keep from being too squishy. As I said in the Build Guide Constitution is better because of the high Brute Hp per level and to balance out Fortitude defenses.
  20. I played in a group. You could probably solo but it might be difficult to get to Neketaka on your own.
  21. ★ Jack of All Trades - Build Guide for Human (Hearth Orlan works too). The Jack of All Trades has 3 distinct fighting styles (Ranged, Offensive, Defensive) but focuses mainly on high attack speed and kill stealing to snow ball into an unstoppable tornado. The Barbarian Class (even more so the Beserker) is amazing at snowballing when in Melee range but often gets stuck fighting the hard to kill Tanks while enemy Casters and Strikers stay just out of reach dealing most of the damage. By combining Beserker with Black Jacket you can use a ranged weapon to start combat and deal with Casters quickly getting a valuable kill before they can get their buffs up and then switch to Melee to wipe up the remaining mobs. You also have the option of using a 3rd weapon set with a shield in case you are being focused down by the enemy and need to buy time before help/healing arrives. ~~~~ You start the game as a back line ranged striker because you are too squishy to solo the front lines and Confusion makes it too dangerous to have allies near you. Fighter and Barbarian have instant buffs and passives in the early game that lay the foundation for a very strong ranged Crit Striker build. Luckily Frost Seeker (one of the best Ranged Crit build weapons in the game) is available very early. Around the same time you get access to the Devil of Caroc Breastplate which makes you much tankier and you resist the Berserker Confusion (this lets you move from a back line striker to a front line striker). These two items are crucial to this build. The bow does splash damage on Crits letting you soften the enemy up before moving to Melee for the kill. The armor prevents the splash damage from hurting your party, gives you regular healing, lots of armor and gives extra resources you need to keep your buffs up and spam your abilities. All game you only need 2 active abilities (not including buffs): Penetrating Strike for softening enemies up and Barbaric Blow for finishing them off. With these Items you will have no trouble making it through to the late game. Also equipping Kitchen Stove with Thunderous Report as a 4th weapon is a great way to open combat. Late game is when this build really shines. There are 3 incredible weapons/shield that you can only get at the end of the game and they are what brings this build from good to great. Bronlar's Phalanx is the easiest to obtain. It can increase your deflection by up to a whopping 28, give you +1 armor and provides healing. If you are ever in a tight spot switching to this weapon set will buy you plenty of time for healing and support. The next weapon is Slayers Claw. This is a great weapon on its own but is really only used for one reason: Stelgaer's Ferocity-Might Inspirations applied to the wielder are increased by 1 Tier. Once you activate Frenzy you get the Energized Inspiration (Crits interrupt even at Range!) Now switch to Frost Seeker and kill any pesky spell casters. Frost seeker shoots 3 projectiles combined with your amazing Accuracy and Crit buffs means you are almost guaranteed to Crit once every time you attack. This leaves the Spell caster unable to get off any spells (even if they have concentration you shoot 3 projectiles that will most likely all Crit interrupting even the most powerful spell Casters). And finally Engolierio do Espirs. If not for the -3 debuff before a kill this would probably be the strongest weapon in the game. With this build you get around the debuff by using Frost Seeker to kill the Casters while softening up any near by units. Once the Casters are dead you switch to Engolierio do Espirs activate Cleaving Stance and Lion's Sprint. Run up to any near death opponent do a Barbaric Smash/Crushing Blow and mop up anything left standing. ♦ Difficulty: Path of the Damned ♦ Role: Striker, Off-tank ♦ Class: Fighter (Black Jacket) / Barbarian (Berserker) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​ ✎ Starting Attributes: 4 Might You will get ridiculous damage boost from Fighter and Barbarian and enough sources of healing that Might can be dumped. Might also increases the self Raw Damage from Berserker Frenzy. 15 Constitution To keep from being too squishy you need either high Constitution or Resolve. Since we dumped Strength and pumped Intellect we need Constitution to keep our Fortitude from being too low. Also Brutes get a lot of Health per level meaning the Health % bonus from Constitution is extra effective. 21 Dexterity (+1 from Background) (+1 from witch's Potion) (+1 Effigy) You have several nice buffs you want to get out at the start of combat and want to attack as fast as possible, the best way to do this is have high Dexterity. 18 Perception This is a Crit focused Build having high perception means you Crit more often. However the higher Action Speed from Dex is better than the 1 point of Accuracy so you want to put your extra points there instead. 18 Intellect You have several spammable Buffs with fairly short duration high Intellect lets you make the most of them. It also helps your Carnage and Frost Seeker Blast radius. 4 Resolve For the majority of the early game you will fight with a bow, only coming forward when the enemy is already engaged with your Tanks. Once you do start going into Melee you should have enough equipment/abilities to keep yourself safe. ✎ Leveling Progression Level 1: Frenzy & Disciplined Barrage Level 2: Blooded Level 3: Arms Bearer Level 4: Barbaric Blow & Fighter Stances Level 5: Confident Aim (or Accurate Carnage) Level 6: Two-Handed Style Level 7: Bloody Slaughter & Penetrating Strike Level 8: Disciplined Strikes Level 9: Bloodlust Level 10: Blood Frenzy & Vigorous Defense Level 11: Quick Switch Level 12: Weapon Specialization Level 13: Barbaric Smash (or Crushing Blow) & Armored Grace Level 14: Conqueror Stance Level 15: Wild Sprint Level 16: Brute Force & Improved Critical Level 17: Lion's Sprint Level 18: Unflinching Level 19: Blood Thirst & Weapons Mastery Level 20: One Stands Alone (or Blood Storm) ♦ Civil Skills: Job: Hunter Active: Alchemy Passive: Intimidate ♦ Weapon Proficiency: At creation: 1. War Bow* 2. Rapier (There are some decent Rapiers early game e.g. Rännig's Wrath plus the modal gives accuracy helping you Hit/Crit early game) 3. Great Sword (Once you start getting some 2 handed bonuses and regularly hitting enemies you can switch to Whispers of the Endless Paths as your Melee weapon) Blunderbus* Battle Axe* Estoc* Large Shield (War Bow should be taken on creation along with any other decent 1 Handed Melee weapon you can find early as your backup weapon and a two handed back up weapon. Make sure before Level 20 you have Battle Axe, Blunderbus and Estoc and maybe even Large Shield.) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​ ✎ Equipment / Gear Blackened Plate Helm (Head): +1 Intellect +1 Perception, +1 enemies Engaged Charm of Bones (Neck): +2 Intellect Devil of Caroc Breastplate (Medium): -10% Recovery time, +2 Max Power Pool, Resistance to Intelligence Afflictions, +2 Health (scaling) restored per 3s on Critical Hits with your weapons. Ring of the Marksman (Ring): +4 Accuracy with Ranged Weapons, +1 Penetration with Ranged Weapons Voidward +2 Corrode Armor Rating, -25% Raw Damage taken (or Ring of Overseeing) Boots of Stone: +1 Dexterity, +1 Resolve, +Resistance to Might afflictions Undying Burden (Belt): +1 Athletics, +2 Constitution, Incoming weapon Damage is reduced as Health is lost (Max -10% Damage Reduction), Grants 2nd Second Wind. (or Girdle of Mortal Protection to save Undying Burden for your Tank) Aegor's Swift Touch: +1 Dex, +5% Action Speed with Weapons, 5% Chance to avoid Ranged Attacks when over 50% Health Shroud of the Phantasm: 1% Chance to gain Brilliant Inspiration when taking damage, Living Illusion (Great for hard fights), Mystical Celerity (not much of a bonus for you) Most fights end too quickly but you have lots of Health and Healing so Brilliant has a chance to trigger. Early Game a Cloak/Greater Cloak of Deflection is recommended. Nalvi (Dog): +1 Resolve, Reduces Recovery penalty for armor (varies by Armor Type) ✦ WEAPONS: Set 1: Slayers Claw: Tier 1: Stelgaer's Ferocity (Might Inspirations applied to the wielder are increased by 1 Tier.) Tier 2: Stelgaer's Lunge (The wielder leaps forward, dealing heavy damage and knocking their foe prone.) Tier 3: Stelgaer's Rage/Independence/Restraint (10% chance when Hit to gain +1 PEN for 8.0s (Stacks 3x) / When not near allies, the wielder gains bonus Raw Damage to their weapon attacks. Tier 4: Aspect of the Stelgaer (Restores 15 Health on scoring Kill, Deals Raw Damage to nearby enemies on scoring Kill) ›› Combo with Bronlar's Phalanx. Start Combat with this set Equipped. After activating Frenzy you have the Energized Set 1: Bronlar's Phalanx: Tactical (gain Smart Inspiration when Engaged), Strategist (The first enemy engaged becomes confused), Stand Firm (Deflection goes up as Health goes down up to +20) Stand Firm (when under 25% Health unable to move, +1 Armor, +3 Health every 6 seconds) Set 2: Kitchen Stove: Thunderous Report (Lots of damage over a big area once per encounter) Set 3: Frost Seeker: +10% Damage as Freeze, Fires 3 Projectiles with reduced damage, Freeze/Slash AoE on scoring Crit, Garlands Breath (Does Freeze Damage and Paralyzes Enemies in a large cone, great if you are being overwhelmed.) Set 4: Engolierio do Espirs: Ravenous Soul Devourer (-3 Might Constitution and Dexterity before Kill +3 after), Blade Feast (Cast Ghost Blades on Kill and Heal based on damage done). Frost Seeker will be your main Weapon until the End Game. Use your high Attack Speed and Crit chance to pepper enemies from afar focusing on enemy Casters. After getting Devil of Caroc Breastplate with the Int enchantment you can start switching to Melee and flanking opponents after taking out the casters. You aren't squishy but wont have great deflection so make sure to start combat in the back line until enemies are engaged by your Tank/s. You should be the highest damage dealer in your party except for maybe Maia with Red Hand abusing Arterial Strike. If you have the Mythical Adra Stone from Berath's Blessings get Frost Seeker to Legendary then Mythic ASAP. You can get Frost Seeker early and you use it all game. In the end game after getting Slayers Claw, Bronlar's Phalanx, and Engolierio do Espirs you change from being a 2nd line Striker into a devastating tornado killing any and everything really really fast. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​ ✎ Abilities Preview ♦ Black Jacket Subclass: Bonus: Start with an additional Weapon Set and Weapon Proficiency. Reduced Recovery time penalty by 1s when switching weapons. Penalty: Constant Recovery is less effective ✦ Berserker subclass: Bonus: Tenacious (+5 Might, +2 Penetration) and Hardy (+5 Constitution, +2 Armor Rating) are the Inspirations gained while Frenzied. This replaces Strong (+5 Might) and Fit (+5 Constitution) Inspirations. Gain 30% Hit to Crit conversion on melee and carnage attacks while frenzied. Penalty: Frenzy applies Confused Affliction, does Raw Damage over time, and Health bar is hidden. ✦ Abilities: Human: +7 Accuracy, +15% Damage when Bloodied. +1 Weapon sets. Gives you space for Kitchen Stove letting you open combat with Thunderous Report Two-Handed Style: +15% Damage with Two-Handed Weapons Improved Critical: +10% Crit Damage Armored Grace: -25% Armor Recovery penalty. Faster Recovery to help you get your first Kill quickly. Quick Switch: -1.5s weapon change recovery. Combined with Black Jacket lets you change weapons instantly. Weapon Mastery/Specialization: +15% damage with proficient weapons. Confident Aim: +30% Grazes to Hits conversion with proficient weapons. Cleaving Stance: Do a full Attack to one nearby enemy whenever you personally kill an enemy. Switch to Cleaving Stance when you are about to go on a killing spree with Engolierio do Espirs. If there aren't enough enemies packed together just stay in Conqueror Stance. If you chose Smashing Blow you might not ever need to change to Cleaving stance. Ghost Blades+Carnage+ free Attacks from Blood Thirst and Smashing Blow is usually overkill. Conqueror Stance: +10 Accuracy, +5 Deflection when Hurt or above. +5 Accuracy, +10 Deflection when Bloodied or below. Use it to start the fight so you do even more Crits with Frost Seeker. Disciplined Strike: +5 Perception, +50% Grazes to Hits and +25% Hits to Crits conversion. A big bonus to Crit chance. Penetrating Strike: a Full Attack with +20% bonus damage and +3 penetration. This is your main attack. Use this until enemies are Near Death. Vigorous Defense: +20 All Defenses and concentration for 15s. Use this at the start of combat to boost survivability and to gain concentration. For harder fights save 2 discipline to trigger this in case you go down to Near Death. (This can give you time to get back healed up.) Accurate Carnage: +5 Accuracy for Carnage Attacks Blooded: +25% Damage when below 50% Health. Combined with Human bonus you will do 40% more damage with 8 Acc making you all the more dangerous. Bloody Slaughter: 20% Hit to Crit vs Near Death Targets, +50% Crit Damage vs Near Death Targets. A big boost to kill sniping helping you snowball all the faster. Blood Lust: 20% Action Speed for 10s after a kill. This Build is based on attack speed and getting kills. Blood Lust improves this even further. One Stands Alone: +1 Enemy need to be Flanked, +20% Damage when near 2 or more Enemies. Adds damage for when you rush in to Melee and the flanking bonus is also nice. Unflinching: When over 50% Health Resistant to all Body Afflictions. This keeps pesky Casters and Rogues from being able to disable you in the beginning of combat. By the time you are Bloodied they should for the most part all be taken care of. Brute Force: Attack Fortitude instead of Deflection if it is Lower. Increases your Crit Chance significantly against certain enemies. Blood Thirst: Recover immediately after a Kill. With so many on Kill Effects you will soon get a Kill every Attack and have 0 Recovery. Blood Frenzy: 4 Raw Damage per 3s for 6s on Crit. Bonus damage that works with Ranged Weapons. Barbaric Smash/Crushing Blow: Full Attack +20% Damage, +50% Carnage Area of Effect, +30% of Hits to Crits, +50% Crit Damage, If Opponent Killed refund cost or Recover instantly. (Crushing Blow stacks with Blood Thirst giving 2 free Attacks) Use this whenever an enemy is Near Death to almost guarantee a kill. I Prefer Barbaric Smash because Shroud of the Phantasm doesn't trigger as often as I would like and with such high action speed you will fly through your Class Resources, maybe Crushing Blow is better though. Lion's Sprint: Nimble (+5 Dex, 100% Stride) and Immune to Engagement for 6s, +15 Accuracy on next Attack. Use this just before you rush into Melee, double Stride and Immunity to Engagement means you can get to any Near Death enemy incredibly fast without the risk of Disengagement Attacks. The extra Accuracy just helps ensure you Crit. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​ ✎ Summary A very powerful end game build that is playable all the way through. You can easily set up an AI that does most of the work for you. You just have to decide when to switch from ranged ice storm mode to a tornado of Ghost Blades. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had developing it!
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