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Everything posted by bigbazoopa

  1. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/10/06/baldurs-gate-3-apparently-in-the-works-with-brian-fargo/ Just a simple google news search will bring up dozens of similar articles This is truly a beautiful day!
  2. Yeah well if Boeroer wants to keep being a aggressive prick to other people on this forum there is going to be more posts like this thread. So Boeroer learn your place buddy and stop being a wanka Thanks mods in advance for deleting this thread and putting me on MOD que. BYE BYE!
  3. You are not being a true friend to Boeroer A true friend would tell there friend that 6000 hours on 1 game is a problem You cant argue with that. You go walk outside your house and ask anyone what they think about someone spending 6000 hours on one game and they would say that person is crazy and has a problem
  4. Well it is very clear to evryone who is reading this that you are an addict. 6000 hours is nothing to sneaze at man. You need to get help for your addiction
  5. Again the deflection away from your addiction So are you saying no its not an issue that you have spent 6000 hours on a game?
  6. Wow. You are deflecting Boeroer away from your addiction. 6000 hours and counting bro . That is serious stuff you need to address your addiction
  7. It has been in the top 10 of all games on steam (not just rpgs) ever since it was released I am guessing the pathfinder IP is the reason for this. I played it for a bit and yes deadfire is clearly a better game IMO. If Obsidian had left the casting and rest system the same as POE1 and not had the sh$tty boat combat then Deadfire would be selling alot better IMO
  8. No i dont think that would be the right way to go about it. That would be like substituting Heroin with cocaine. What we need to do is to try and get him into one of those retreats up in the mountains where there is no internet connection. This way he can go cold turkey in peace and deal with his withdrawal symptoms with support from other gaming addicts
  9. It has been in the top 10 best sellers ever since it was released. Deadfire dropped right out after the first few days
  10. Enough is enough. We cant just sit by and let this young man waste his life away being addicted to games. Boeroer has clocked up over 6000 hours on both eternity games this is a very clear sign that his addiction is out of control. Lets help save this young man from a doomed life. Lets help Boeroer!
  11. This may make sense of alot of things discussed here. Like BIG TIME! Pathfinder Kingmaker is completely blowing away the steam charts BTW. So give this video some credit! And my OP!
  12. Yeah but the stupid thing is you don’t actually need ypur soul. You can still use all your abilities and cast spells no problem without it so why do i need it?
  13. I think there is a helmet you get in the expansion that prevents the dragons pull attack Give it to your ranger and sit on the sidelines and peg him off with a high dps ranged weapon Also dont attack him while Lengrths safe guard is activated Also the wizard spells slicken, combusting wounds and wall of fire will help alot
  14. Is deadfire an open world game? Doesnt open world mean a game with hardly any map loading? Deadfire has hundreds of maps that you need to load to get into and out of areas. Skyrim, farcry ect are my idea of open world
  15. SOZ? And deadfire isn’t really an open world game. There are hundreds of map areas that load when you enter them and shut down when you leave them.
  16. The main problem i have with the main plot is that it just appears to random, made up and all over the place. It is as if Obsidian spun a wheel back at there office that had all different kinds of plot scenarios on it and the wheel stopped at eothas breaking down my house sucking my soul out then he decidedly to play a game of hide and seek. I mean come on really? This is just plane stupid. Then the god rants oh my god the god rants. They where just embarrassing.
  17. Do you have hearing difficulties ? Or maybe your volume is turned down? Did you actually watch the cut scenes? Im guessing no becasue otherwise you would have noticed that they talk all through them The narrative designer would also be in charge of the story, plot , writing and of course how this is implemented into the game. Deadfire is a computer game not a hardcover book it can only be implemented through graphic design
  18. They really missed the mark with the writing in Deadfires main game. Take a look at these cut scenes from BG2 There was none of this magic in Deadfire. No interesting animations that captured my imagination like this instead just stupid bizare god rants on those book type cut scenes. Man they really no how to kill of interest in a game with bad writing like that.
  19. Because man the writing in the main game sucked hard. The plot was stupid and not interesting and the companions where just boring. All that god crap was just cringe-worthy. Then i played the Beast of Winter and it was like playing a completely different game. This expansion was a complete 10 out of 10. So much fun. So does anyone know if Beast had a different narrative designer to the main game? If it does they need to sack the main plot guy and use the beast guy for the next game.
  20. Yes but speed bonuses that are designated to recovery also get applied to reload. That is why it has doubled up. Yes it is a clear 100% bug. I can prove it is a bug because only ranged weapons with reload get the 40% bonus. Bows, sceptres, rods ect only get 20%
  21. The chanter chant that gives extra ranged speed is currently bugged I think. It is giving a boost to both reload and recovery 20% each. Firearms have both so it is giving a 40% boost while bows are getting only 20%. So if you want a good POTD ranged build use this chant.
  22. Yeah I agree. I found the writing quite terrible in deadfire. Playing beast of winter was like playing a completely different game written by different people. I did not feel attached to the main plot at all. In fact I felt quite detached from it and surprised at how ridiculous the plot was the more the game unfolded. The pillars world was just not interesting and the companion banter was terrible. Fortunately the rest of the game more then made up for these short comings and the experience overall was excellent. If they do a poe3 I hope they get a new writing team.
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