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8 NeutralAbout Carnifexus
(1) Prestidigitator
Actually, I added shattered vengeance onto my Pallagina, added calu scanth, and ran around engaging and disengaging with Pall...it took all frigging day, but I finally got him down with these two. 5x shattered vengeance debuff+at least 700 stacks of resonant touch...I spread them out because I wasn't sure how much it would take, but it was a LOT. I always kept my pell between the boss and my monk because I chose not to use grog...it worked. Same +2 resolve dog through the game! So happy to be done with this, now for my second ending tomorrow. Gah, this fight was not a fun one in any way shape or form, I sent pell around the boss in circles a good couple of thousand times...immune to disengage tank is what I'm talking about. Thanks a bunch for the help, wouldn't have been able to do it without you! And yay, no cheats! Boss isn't bugged, just an ****. Good luck to others! I will never, ever do this fight again, not even at gunpoint hehe.
Drop the other three and keep Nalpazca Monk and Herald Pellagina. Use pellagina for summoning ancient weapons as well as the chanter phrase that summons skeletons. I've tried this with a troubadour subclass so I don't know if this will work with normal chanters but I think it should. The summons should keep Dorudugan busy. Make sure to spread out the ancient weapons so when Dorudugan does the meteor shower thing, one of them should survive. Make sure pellagina has exalted endurance (hp regen per 3) and any other hp regen items as well as having enough burn armour (only meteors will hit her as the summons will do the tanking while she stays near Dorudugan NOT attacking him). I recommend horn of auroch helmet so he can't pull you either. For the Nalpazca Monk, get frostseeker. Normally I would recommend kitchen stove but that has too low range when you don't have a proper tank and you only rely on summons for tanking. With frostseeker excess range, you should be able to reposition if Dorudugan kills all the summons and starts coming towards you. Stack all +accuracy items and have the captain's belt so Dorudugan can't pull you. Also make sure you have Revku Cape (turns all fire damage to healing) so you don't die fcrom Dorudugan meteor attacks. To proc it you can have Pellagina force attack your Nalpazca Monk and kill your Nalpazca Monk to gain an injury before the fight. Equip the grog pet so that in the unlikely scenario Dorudugan reaches or use his pull power thing your Nalpazca Monk or Pellagina can just run away. This fight should take you 15-20 minutes as you only need to have 550 stacks of resonant touch to denotate Dorudugan. So do stack alot of drugs in your monk invnetory. But that should not be a problem as a drug lasts for around 250-300 seconds. There you go, easy peasy. I can confirm that 550 stacks is not enough to kill him on POTD with level scaling. I have gotten him to near death, but no closer. This fight is the worst part of this game. So tedious. In fact, 700 stacks was too few. WHY!? I've actually had a conversation about this with 2 people before on the other thread. One person was claiming 400 stacks was enough for them. The other person had the same issue as yours. The Dev gave me a command line to spawn a Dorudugan with accurate stats so this is what I use, LaunchRandomEncounter RE_Hellfire_Construct. Try fighting this Dorudugan. At POTD Upscaled difficulty, my level 20 Helwalker monk with 35 might only takes 550 stacks to kill Dorudugan. I try to detonate it when he doesn't have the Charged Helstorm buff. Ah, I think that's the problem right there...I went for a perception/dex build druggy monk based on sin tee's build. It worked until the patches came, and now I'm stuck with a Monk with 11 might...And, uh, that command doesn't work.
Drop the other three and keep Nalpazca Monk and Herald Pellagina. Use pellagina for summoning ancient weapons as well as the chanter phrase that summons skeletons. I've tried this with a troubadour subclass so I don't know if this will work with normal chanters but I think it should. The summons should keep Dorudugan busy. Make sure to spread out the ancient weapons so when Dorudugan does the meteor shower thing, one of them should survive. Make sure pellagina has exalted endurance (hp regen per 3) and any other hp regen items as well as having enough burn armour (only meteors will hit her as the summons will do the tanking while she stays near Dorudugan NOT attacking him). I recommend horn of auroch helmet so he can't pull you either. For the Nalpazca Monk, get frostseeker. Normally I would recommend kitchen stove but that has too low range when you don't have a proper tank and you only rely on summons for tanking. With frostseeker excess range, you should be able to reposition if Dorudugan kills all the summons and starts coming towards you. Stack all +accuracy items and have the captain's belt so Dorudugan can't pull you. Also make sure you have Revku Cape (turns all fire damage to healing) so you don't die fcrom Dorudugan meteor attacks. To proc it you can have Pellagina force attack your Nalpazca Monk and kill your Nalpazca Monk to gain an injury before the fight. Equip the grog pet so that in the unlikely scenario Dorudugan reaches or use his pull power thing your Nalpazca Monk or Pellagina can just run away. This fight should take you 15-20 minutes as you only need to have 550 stacks of resonant touch to denotate Dorudugan. So do stack alot of drugs in your monk invnetory. But that should not be a problem as a drug lasts for around 250-300 seconds. There you go, easy peasy. I can confirm that 550 stacks is not enough to kill him on POTD with level scaling. I have gotten him to near death, but no closer. This fight is the worst part of this game. So tedious. In fact, 700 stacks was too few. WHY!?
The pillar is not the problem, it's more or less the one, that gets activated the least. My current build dumped resolve to 4, so i am missing around 20 will anyway, so i can get around 17x with all temp boons etc. The spell reflect potion is too important in that fight. If the pillars would fall rather easy, it wouldn't be such a problem. And second, as i mentioned, the items dont work, so i need high will to prevent terrified and stunned, both target will. My way of handling Auranic was this: make spell reflect pots, rest at Konstanten's. Bait two goons to entrance, IGNORE the fear and just wait it out, my monk was immune so she took care of the goons solo pretty much. My healing wall specced Herald Pellagina's heal auras kept the group up throughout the fight, but squid head's chanter aura and druid heals also helped keep us up in the early parts of the fight. It'll go out of fear and allow your team to kill them, then wait for health to go back up, drink 70% reflect and charge in (I had two on each of my chars besides Aloth, who was KO'd, but also had big stacks of the lesser reflect pots). If you aren't close to the boss, the sigils won't open so you can heal up near the entrance before you charge. Ignore the boss, she doesn't do much damage, just focus on sigils. Aloth having a bunch of reflect spells from one of those legendary tomes helped out a lot too. The lightning one went down really fast with the reflect, we'd just wait out the fear and paralysis and hacked away at the sigils whenever their invincibility bubbles opened, periodically refreshing the reflect effect with potions whenever it went down--getting the cleanse sigil down first was my goal, but the reflect killed the damage ones quicker. Fear went down last, mostly because it was the hardest one to damage because my group was running around scared besides my monk. After all of the sigils were down, the boss went down very quickly. I wouldn't bother even attacking her until all the sigils are down, though we could've done it with the fear one up. If you're solo, I think you could theoretically keep on going back to the entrance to heal, but you're going to need items that give anti-fear and anti-paralysis and several stacks of the larger spell reflect potion...which requires adra ban, so good luck with that. I would suggest getting some passive heal items (like that ring and belt, maybe even Blackened Plate and lethandria's shield) for your monk and just riding out the fear since there's no way I could find to take out the cleanse easily.
Drop the other three and keep Nalpazca Monk and Herald Pellagina. Use pellagina for summoning ancient weapons as well as the chanter phrase that summons skeletons. I've tried this with a troubadour subclass so I don't know if this will work with normal chanters but I think it should. The summons should keep Dorudugan busy. Make sure to spread out the ancient weapons so when Dorudugan does the meteor shower thing, one of them should survive. Make sure pellagina has exalted endurance (hp regen per 3) and any other hp regen items as well as having enough burn armour (only meteors will hit her as the summons will do the tanking while she stays near Dorudugan NOT attacking him). I recommend horn of auroch helmet so he can't pull you either. For the Nalpazca Monk, get frostseeker. Normally I would recommend kitchen stove but that has too low range when you don't have a proper tank and you only rely on summons for tanking. With frostseeker excess range, you should be able to reposition if Dorudugan kills all the summons and starts coming towards you. Stack all +accuracy items and have the captain's belt so Dorudugan can't pull you. Also make sure you have Revku Cape (turns all fire damage to healing) so you don't die fcrom Dorudugan meteor attacks. To proc it you can have Pellagina force attack your Nalpazca Monk and kill your Nalpazca Monk to gain an injury before the fight. Equip the grog pet so that in the unlikely scenario Dorudugan reaches or use his pull power thing your Nalpazca Monk or Pellagina can just run away. This fight should take you 15-20 minutes as you only need to have 550 stacks of resonant touch to denotate Dorudugan. So do stack alot of drugs in your monk invnetory. But that should not be a problem as a drug lasts for around 250-300 seconds. There you go, easy peasy. Alrighty, thanks, that sounds pretty doable. I am pretty sure I have frostseeker still. As per usual, I tend to overcomplicate these fights. Will report back when/if I'm successful.
After reading @thelee's guide, I collected gear today and had at it again. I gotta say, I LOATHE this fight. It's basically a WoW fight in all of the worst ways. Auranic was frustrating, but there was a solution in the sigils...this fight is gross and should be reworked into something more interesting. If I wanted to relive Molten Core, I'd find a Vanilla WoW server. Take a cue from D:OS 2 and make a more unique optional fight, like the Doctor. Also, I used up all of my adra ban and can't upgrade Essence Interrupter or that pistol. So, really frustrating. My key takeaways: Fire resistance gear was useless for me. Tanking seems like a bad plan...maybe summons? Move whichever character is getting hit if you have Grog Have a massive amount of time Move from one end of the map to the other when he does the flame mines and hope to god that the AI (which is turned off!) doesn't screw me. Seriously, what's up with that? My team: Nalpazca Monk, Herald Pellagina, Chanter/druid squid head dude, Seraphim as cipher, and eder as Swashbuckler tank. I can swap in pure priest Xoti or pure mage Aloth, but found Aloth was all but useless. I am willing to respec any of these, but for RP reasons I refuse to go for a hireling. Is it possible with this group? I have Seraph with Essence Interrupter, MC monk with duel pistols (she usually does melee), Eder with Shattered Vengeance+shield and Pallegina with that raw damage sword I keep on forgetting the name of+Lelandra. I have defeated every other fight in the game that I'm aware of. Should I switch them all to range like with Belranga? I get the feeling I'll have to respec everyone to even make a dent in this guy, but maybe I'm just tired.
Generally you first pull her two melee helpers back to the entrance where you can dispatch of them quickly. Then you try to take out the Cleansing sigil when it's up, healing through any of its attacks. I'd stack healing gear and spells on your toon/party and not use anything that the sigil can Cleanse until after it is down. On my Thaumaturge, I stacked all healing gear and healing spells and potions/scrolls of healing and focused the cleansing sigil (including combusting wounds and any DOTs that tick when it's not up, like Gouging Strike could work)....once it is finally down, take your drugs and go to town on the boss and the other sigils. I was already pulling them to the entrance, but found that stacking Konstanten's rest bonus with a bunch of spell reflect potions combined with completely ignoring the boss until I got all of the sigils down was key. Guess I was overcomplicating it, she died in one try today. Now for Dorudagan, who seems like a huge time sink more than a challenge. I tried him today, but got bored and decided to take a break. Any advice from anyone on that guy? My team wasn't having too much trouble surviving against him as long as we stayed close, but we also weren't able to really dent his health bar at all. From what I've read, lightning damage is key. Anyone know where the ideal place to position my team should be? Range or melee?
I am having a giant problem with Auranic...the cleanse keeps on killing my main DPS, my Nalpazca monk...who obviously can't heal when not on drugs. Seems like I'd have to start the game over entirely, which really makes me angry...any help? After we got the electric sigil down, everyone but my Healing Wall specced Pallegina died, but she was able to get the boss down to near death until she got screwed by the final attack.
Well, they addressed the issue here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/107767-why-dont-drugs-work/?p=2129691 I've been trying to make some noise about the issue just to get it going, but quite frankly I'm too tired at the moment to bother with dropbox. It's too big to upload, but I'd be happy to email it.
Why don't drugs work?
Carnifexus replied to hollerer's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Yep, been a while, but I submitted a bug report through the proper channels...definitely sucked not to have the game I'd planned to play to get me through the Holidays, but that's over now...hope there's a fix, but if there isn't soon I'm just going to have to uninstall because I need room on my SSD. -
can't you just delete all the chants you made and remake them from scratch? Nope, that's the problem. I have an entire list of chants that weren't even in her book, multiple A's B's and C's, and she starts every combat with her chant on cooldown which means my entire team gets wrecked. I didn't level my other healers because she was working so well for every other fight, so my options are to: A. Wait for a fix. B. Uninstall and realize Obsidian is now Microsoft, and as such doesn't give a damn. I don't get what you're saying - can't you open up your chant creation book and click on all the chant icons on the right side of the page to empty out your songs? Even when my Tekehu had this issue I could always delete the songs on the right and create new songs from scratch. FWIW, I get this "chanter not chanting" periodically with my troubadour when I'm doing a lot of switching between songs and turning brisk recitation on/off, but the issue either clears if I switch songs/toggle brisk recitation again within combat, or when combat ends. I can do that, but the list remains the same. Just like user Itr reported on the previous page. Deleting the chants does nothing and she keeps on reverting to the speed chant when I need her on the healing chants, and starts every fight out with her chant stuck in cooldown when I try to get her to go back to her healing chant. On the bar, she has a huge list of chants that aren't even in her book. It doesn't matter if I make her healing chant A, B, or C, it's stuck with the speed chant permanently as her default "A". I tried reloading and it apparently cursed ALL of my old saves, I've tried respeccing and it did nothing (still the giant list of chants with multiple A's, B's, and C's) and I tried deleting the chants from the book like you said. She'll eventually start chanting after her chant comes out of cooldown in combat, but I've cleared all the content I can beat without my Off-tank/Main healer and don't want to start a new playthrough just to have the same problem once again. If the content I had left was easy story stuff, it wouldn't be a problem, but to do the two new megabosses and the final parts of Forgotten Sanctum I need a fully functioning healer since I'm playing POTD w/level scaling. I beat Belranga and the slime dude, but this is easily the most frustrating aspect of the game right here. I'm pretty good at de-bugging stuff, and my guess would be the issue occurred after I went through and deleted some of my old saves (the loading screen was stalling the hell out of the game). So, no idea what to do other than uninstall and start a different game, I need room on my computer and having the issue go unresolved has left me very frustrated. Usually there's a fix by now, but I'm guessing Obsidian just stopped caring about updating this game. I've been a die-hard Obsidian fan for years and loved the hell out of this game up until now, so I'm hoping they fix this issue so I can convince more people to buy a game that tragically undersold.
Why don't drugs work?
Carnifexus replied to hollerer's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
My game's been broken since the 16th, when exactly should I hope on a fix? I tried everything. Fix your game, Obsidian. I have been playing Obsidian games since I was 14 (so, over 15 years) and never run into a bug that I couldn't fix until this DLC. I beat the megabosses, I beat every ship fight I could find, I just want to play this game and I can't because it's broken. This is typical of Microsoft, but not the Obsidian I grew up with and loved. Obsidian games have always been buggy, but there's always been a prompt fix...until now. -
Why don't drugs work?
Carnifexus replied to hollerer's question in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Obsidian decided that they don't care about this game anymore as this DLC also destroyed my game. They're Microsoft now, I'm giving up.