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Posts posted by brasilgringo

  1. I've been using Nerian's Ward medium shield as end-game on casters who need a shield - the acc debuff (malus) from Large was too much, and the medium shield modal (30% to block attacks, I think) plus Nerian's enchantment to downgrade hits seems to help a lot when you get swarmed solo, especially during your self-buffing phase.  Nature's Resolve buff basically helps with the shield penalty.

  2. brasilgringo, try to trigger event with the shrine. I did it this way.

    I could get the shrine bonus to stack with 1 food bonus if I trigger the scripted events - I wrote about it in the no-rest thread.  But if there's multiple food stacking or multiple shrine stacking, I can't get that to work.  Even doing 1 shrine scripted event after the first one, the second one still overwrote the first shrine buff (but not the food buff).

  3. I've been running no-rest builds recently, but looking at recent posts about Weyc's item bonuses, saw this on the Weyc's wand:


    Wael's Inspiration: After Empowering a priest spell, the wielder gains Courageous (+5 Resolve, immune to Interrupt) for 8.0 sec


    So it seems to be one of the only ways to get the Courageous buff (with the very rare immunity to interrupt) except via that Pally subclass lay on hands.  Does the base time go up with Intellect?  And can it be extended with Salvation of Time and/or Wall of Draining? 


    There's probably something to doing a duo or trio character party run, that relies more on empowers and per/rest or per/encounter items.


    Mathematically,a priest who can cast Salvation of Time.


    doesn't work too well with a tactician since their brilliance is not durational :)


    edit - guess you could be talking about restoring salvation of time to extend other effects


    One reason a Thaumaturge (esp. BDD) remains good is that you can use the Shroud of Phantasm to get Brilliant and then use Wall of Draining and Salvation of Time to extend the duration of Brilliant (from the Shroud) up to 10+ minutes (600+ seconds), just by being patient enough to let some mobs whale on you for a while.  Then you just run from fight to fight enjoying Brilliant. 

  5. Tac/Wiz is super easy, barely an inconvenience to get Brilliant via Chill Fog ... you really only have to worry about (a) flank immune enemies (very few) and (b) spread-out mobs that you have to cast multiple fogs on or group up.  


    Tac/Beguiler (cipher) is also pretty easy but in my testing I found it much harder to solo (not really possible on harder encounters) and I didn't find the Flanking as easy to create, even with Phantom Foes.


    Tac/Rogue(Trick?) is pretty easy to get flanks with blind and the AOE smoke powers, but I didn't find it nearly as easy to solo despite vids of people doing the same -- fampyr's cave was really tough for me, for instance.  On the flip side, Fire Dragon dies basically in 20ish seconds as you just constantly interrupt and flank with Debilitating Strike to the point where it can't use any powers or summon any oozes, and you just keep regenerating guile from Brilliant.

  6. Don't know if somebody already said that, but if you like FoD (and the PL scaling from Otto Starcat, Sun&Moon and Magran's Favor which gives it a whopping 25% multiplicative dmg boost) you might also want to wear the Ring of Focused Flames which improves your FoD accuracy even more.


    It even boosts the ACC of auto-attacks of Sun & Moon - but only for the "Eothas" head. :)

    Hm... maybe Bleak Walker/Soulblade would be nice as well in this case? Sun & Moon applies Soul Annihilation and regains focus with its dual-hit while it also gains +10 ACC for Soul Annihilation use (with the Eothas head with Ring oFF). And if you need more focus you just use FoD, followed by Soul Annihilation again... 


    If you are a Bleak Walker you could also think about Chromoprismatic Staff. It will give you +2 PL (one for burn, the other for corrode) for your Bleak-Walker-FoD (plus the lashes it comes with).


    By the way: when I use Eternal Flames on my current Bleak Walker/Arcane Archer the Imbue spells also get +10% burning lash. Does this also work with Cipher's Shred powers?

    Could you also use Helm of White Void on Bleak walker for even more acc, since I think FOD applies an affliction (Sickened)?

    • Like 1
  7. Could be.  I installed some highly ranked mods from Nexus Mods, but didn't think they'd be doing OP stuff.  The duration is because I was stacking Salvations of Time (via Brilliant via Shroud of Phantasm) and stacking Walls of Draining (this pic is before the Wall of Draining change by Obs a few weeks ago). 


    Mod might be this one:  https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/72


    If that's the case, sorry I really didn't know. I only starting using mods a month or so ago.


    For fool-proof interrupt protection, get Hands of Light on a paladin, which grants Courageous (completely immune to interruptions, still grants a Concentration after 6s).


    Doesn't priest's Crowns for the Faithful (lvl 8?) make you immune to interrupts ("cannot be interrupted")?  I've been using it on my BDD builds....


    • Like 1
  9. Pretty sure the food items that give fear immunity don't get cleansed. I was on a no-rest run with Captain's Banquet and didn't get feared, even when I was cleansed.


    Here is a link to Imgur showing the Miss from the Obelisk of Cleansing.  Its ays "(reflected)" but Arcane Reflection seeming has no effect, so IDK.



    Here's one showing the obelisk missing being "reflected" (but it blows thru Arcane Reflection so no idea).


    Note writ of sorcery hits but has no effect :(

    • Like 2

    I always go Nature Godlike for Druids for Theme and the fact that it's super easy to self-buff to get the Godlike PL bonus - though generally this is for party builds and not solo builds.

    One comment here: if you want to play a Shifter this is probably not a good idea. Giving up helmets means giving up Survivor's Tusks, which is the best Shfiter accessory and the only Soulbound item Shifters can fully benefit from. Shifters also don't constantly use active abilities, which are what benefit from Power Level. 


    Fair enough. I never play shifters, only nukers/healers.

  11. I largely agree with MaxQuest's list.  Though there are enough items / talents / foods that give Dexterity affliction resistance/immunity that I have a hard time choosing wood elves over something else.


    @MaxQuest - for BDD builds, do you believe the +3PL from Death Godlike is enough to overcome the downside of not having helmet (e.g., using Revku hat for interrupt immunity) and the added accuracy of a Human build under BDD?  I've typically run Human for BDD for these reasons, especially wanting the extra accuracy in boss / megaboss fights.  I had the sense I could stack enough PL from items and buffs, vs. accuracy always being valuable.  Curious on your thoughts.  (Also the hat slot for no interrupts or for extra damage / acc).


    I always go Nature Godlike for Druids for Theme and the fact that it's super easy to self-buff to get the Godlike PL bonus - though generally this is for party builds and not solo builds.

  12. 1) for Arcane Damper, it was something like 194 at least to resist Fampyrs on POTD (see the Electric Dyslexic build thread). 


    2) for Arcane Cleanse, it *seems* unresistable, although I've seen it "miss" and I can't tell what it rolls against to miss or not -- i even posted about it and OBS didn't respond (Boeroer jumped in).  It's kind of BS that it is unresistable and we don't know what it rolls against.  Maybe someone can crack the game file to see if the power is coded with some useful info.  


    2a) I believe Writ of Sorcery does shut down mobs that cast Cleanse, like the ones on the Deck of Many Things (if you attack them), for its duration, but it sure as shinola doesn't shut down the Obelisk of Cleansing, which I find supremely annoying and borderline unfair. 

  13. @thelee - ref Shattered Vengeance, at least in my testing a month ago, it appeared that phantoms summoned with your gear (by Wiz) who were wielding Shattered Vengeance would also apply their own stacking damage buff *on top* of the one the player had applied ... multiple phantoms could be summoned to do this, though they never get all 5 hits in each ....

  14. Is there a way, to prevent "Last Trick" from the sigilmaster? I had killed her, but after that, all pillars got released and i was pretty dead. The cap what should prevent resolve afflictions at all does not work really well, same to Sandals of the Water Lilly and Tayn's chaotic orb stun. Those two pillars are the problem.

     Most people just avoid it by not killing her before the sigils, or at least some of them?

  15. Did I miss it or didn't you say which Priest subclass you used?

    Fair question.  I've tested a bunch.  Honestly I believe the best is Woedica both unmodded and using the Dynamic Priests mod.  Because you get great utility spells (e.g., Writ of Sorcery) and you also get Pillar of Holy Fire for free (unomodded).  In the Dynamic priests mod, it just gets even better. 


    The Writ spells from Woedica are nice additions to the arsenal, fairly unique, generally large AOEs long-lasting with high Int.  You still have enough power picks for the key priest powers/talents.  


    I'm still massively angry that Writ of Sorcery doesn't work on the Cleansing Sigil (afaik), but it definitely does on actual mobs -- shuts down all caster mobs. 


    Pillar of Holy Fire and Storm of Holy Fire are amazing with +5 Fire PL items (axe, flail, cat), too and even unmodded you get 1 "Free" - modded you get +PL because they both are coded as Punishment/Condem, which is a bonus PL in the Dynamic Priest mod for Wodica. 


    For less pain self-buffing, I recommend using the mod that opens up level 8-9 spells and only taking Crowns for the Faithful if you want to be "pure" -- it just eliminates 1-2 other buffs you'd have to do every fight.



    I was fighting with Jageferlas the Ancient and while I finally bit her at second atempt, I could not penetrate her armor with most of my attacks. She was invincible ( insensitivity, resist? sorry english is not my native lang :() most of my weapons (even legendary) and most dmg was dealt by Maia and spells. Don't remember now but it looks like only piercing dmg could harm her? I can't find anywhere information about what kind of ressists she have. I've moved on so I can't check what kind of weapon could do any damage to her.

    My question is: How to lower enemy armor rating so I can start doing some dmg in those very difficult fights? Are there any spells which can help me? How to lower enemy armor rating efficiently?



    You can buff your PEN (penetration) with foods (Hot Razor Skewers for weapons, for instance, I think, and Crusted Swordfish for spells), as well as I think potions.  Also spells - Cipher has a late level spell that gives +8 PEN and Priest has a mid-level one (Champion's Boon I believe) that gives +2 PEN.  If you're not playing on Expert mode, you can mouse over the enemies and see their AR levels which tell you what PEN you need for each damage type to get through their armor ... and then switch to items that do that damage type, for example firearms do Pierce generally, as do Estocs and Stilettos (which have some of the highest PEN of weapons, and modals that increase their PEN further).  Also remember that Crits increase PEN (I think) so a high-crit build should be able to PEN as well.  And finally there are talents for certain classes (like the elemental PEN talents for casters) and certain subclasses (e.g., Devoted fighters, and I think Fury druids, for instance) that get extra PEN with certain items or spell types.


    For lowering enemy AR, most casters have certain spells that do it -- for example, Expose Vulnerabilities for Wiz, or Rust Armor (name?) for druid and i think Berath priest subclass?  Also I think if you apply certain afflictions like Paralyzed or Petrified, you can boost your crit % which will increase ability to PEN (Entropy spell from druid, Wiz spells that paralyze, etc.)


    For stealing items from the Crookspur merchants and others, don't forget the Boots of Leap (or Barbarian leap ability) also let you stealth first, and then pause as soon as you land from the leap, to get close to the chest/item without breaking stealth, which lets you steal in relative safety as long as you can open the chests / etc (mechanics).  You can generally open the chests etc first with mechanics on any toon without aggroing enemies, and then use the leap tactic on another toon (if needed) to steal from the then-unlocked chest.  Various items and potions (e.g. Luminous Adra) or even foods (Hylea Bounty?) and I think boons from tavern prostitutes (in Dunnage?) increase your skills, so you can at least temporarily get high skills (mechanics) early to steal items even early.  And some nice high level items are also buyable early if you save your money, including starting money from Berath's Blessings, at places like Treasure Trove in Dunnage or shops in Nekataka (Dark Cupboard, for instance, or the Foundry place in Brass Citadel -- both of which have lots of stealable items too, or Marhi's Metalworks in periki overlook).  Oh yeah, the vendor in Sakuya by the food tables has a really nice Spear for stealth-skill invested toons that you can buy early too.

  17. Steel Garrote + Ascended/Beckoner maybe?


    Both will get endless resources.


    Ascendant/Beckoner summons skeletons and kills them with Grave Calling. This will give Paladin +2 Zeal via Devine Retribution. The resulting Chillfogs will generate focus for Ascendant.

    Steel Garrote will use Sacred Immolation to do AoE damage which will heal him with 15% of damage dealt, probably countering the self damage sufficiently (?). Also uses Greater Laying Hands and Exalted Endurance to heal. Ascendant spams Amplified Wave etc. once ascended - or single target stuff against bosses while sending in summons to distract etc.


    Just an idea...

    This is a cool idea.  That said, given you have an Ascendant that could restore the Paladin's resources with the Cipher spell that gives Brilliant, maybe going fully Pally to get Divine Retribution isn't needed?  In fact, if Chill Fog is going to be a key element of play, you could also consider Steel Garotte / Tactician, which should be able to self-generate Brilliant if the Chill Fogs nail all the enemies and flank them all, right?  Or if you flank them all with other Cipher spells like Phantom Foes?


    Or SG/* where *class brings a bit more to the table for tanking or damage, if the cipher (Ascendant) is still restoring reources on the Pally/* with the cipher spell that gives Brilliant?  Maybe even SG/BloodMage or SG/Evoker?  or SG/Streetfighter or SG/Trickster (for tanky)? 


    If you go this route per Boeroer, maybe get the gear that gives bonuses on downed allies ... i forget their names, but there are 1-2 late game?  Presuming the downed summons count.


    The key to duoing or soloing the bosses/megabosses generally is replenishing your resources, so having the Cipher as one of the 2 toons is probably a key element (not 100% necessary -- see recent single-class monk discussions -- but certainly will make things easier).

  18. I am having a giant problem with Auranic...the cleanse keeps on killing my main DPS, my Nalpazca monk...who obviously can't heal when not on drugs. Seems like I'd have to start the game over entirely, which really makes me angry...any help? After we got the electric sigil down, everyone but my Healing Wall specced Pallegina died, but she was able to get the boss down to near death until she got screwed by the final attack.

    Generally you first pull her two melee helpers back to the entrance where you can dispatch of them quickly.  Then you try to take out the Cleansing sigil when it's up, healing through any of its attacks.  I'd stack healing gear and spells on your toon/party and not use anything that the sigil can Cleanse until after it is down.  On my Thaumaturge, I stacked all healing gear and healing spells and potions/scrolls of healing and focused the cleansing sigil (including combusting wounds and any DOTs that tick when it's not up, like Gouging Strike could work)....once it is finally down, take your drugs and go to town on the boss and the other sigils.

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    This is a hellwalker monk. When pause and rest at 0 o'clock, you can keep food and rest bonus at the same time as far as I knew, which would be a bug.


    This is the 2nd time I have seen someone hint at a "pause" tactic to rest and keep food bonuses etc.  In both cases the phrasing has been weird and it has not been explained clearly (at least for me) -- what does "pause and rest and 0 o'clock" mean, in pratice?


    In the no-rest run thread, someone said you could "pause" before resting at shrines, and I tried it but could not get the results of not having the shrine overwrite the other bonuses / lose no-rest bonuses.


    Beyond this, I still don't get exactly what's going on here.  Boeroer said he's using blade turning to deflect melee attacks, so we're staying a single class monk can do enough damage with his fists between blade turning attacks to take down the Ooze so quickly?  And then presumably somewhere at the end he hits resonant touch to finish it off?  And then spams WoW with the stalking cloak to chain stun the split oozes while he kills them all so quickly?  I'm just sort of stunned because the other vids I've seen of people soloing this boss make it seem so long/tedious and we're saying a single monk can do it this fast and can do Doro in 5 minutes? Just makes me wonder WTF I have been doing on Tac/Bloodmage or Thaumature ....


    I ran a dual-blunderbuss monk through SSS with a full party, and he still had trouble with certain fights (like the ones with ever-increasing giant boars), so I'm just scratching my head a bit here.  *Shrug*


    He's got a lot of self-healing coming from somewhere .... also I'm amazed at how much damage he is doing, even just on the first megaboss ooze ... Given how hard it was for other people to solo this boss, including to stay alive (on things like Tactician/BloodMage), i'm just curious if other folks can break this down. Is it possible this is not PoTD upscaled?

    There is a moment when defences of ooze are visible so if you want You can fight thru and compare if it is PotD. Healing looks like two greater regen rings and whiteleaf with dawnstar blessing maybe?

    edit. Just download it if You want rewatch


    I thought it was Ring of Prosperity Fortune (crit ring) and some other ring (the silver one) I don't fully recognize.  From the picture, the silver ring looks like Kuaru's Prize, which maybe he is using just for the stat bonuses (+1 Int, Per) and not for the 5% spell damage buff: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Kuaru%27s_Prize


    Footprints of Ahu Taka sandals?   What are the gloves, maybe Dungeon Warden?  Cape?

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