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Posts posted by brasilgringo


    Hey guys, 


    Trying to decide which weapon I should devote myself to as a, well, Devoted Fighter/Rogue. I have a few ideas in mind. 


    1. Swords: Primarily for Modwyr (Domination immunity) and Duskfall (Flanked bonus), but there are a few other good swords in the game too. Dual damage type, less damage than sabres, ~12 Penetration (Not factoring in bonus Penetration from abilities). 


    2. Sabres: Lots of good options throughout the game, pure slash damage but 10% extra damage, ~13 Penetration. 


    3. Pollaxes: Only two good unique options - one extra engagement at the cost of damage. Lord Darryn's Voulge - Dual type damage, pretty particle effects, and 'okay' Penetration (Few enemies tend to have very high shock DR). Furthermore, it's a LIGHTNING AXE. It's like the Hammer of Thor... but an axe. 


    I say "Okay" penetration because honestly I forget how much it has. I do know it's not that much though. With Devoted, it'd be 2 extra, more if I managed to work Penetrating Strike into the build. 


    4. Battleaxes: For Oathbreaker's End. Great AoE weapon, but only obtainable in the mid-to-late game. Before then, I'm more or less stuck with crappy generic enchants.

    Pollaxes have really good penetration! My experience with lord darryn’s voulge is that you basically don’t have to worry about penetration at all, and that was before the buff to two-handers.


    Personally, I’d choose the weapon for aesthetic reasons. If you want a swashbuckler image, I’d go for a sword or saber and tuotilo’s palm (it counts as “fists”, so devoted is automatically profficient with it). The palm is especially nice for a devoted since you have lots of cheap, powerful primary attacks to spam that you can spam at higher than normal speed because of the shield. If you want a brutish image, I’d go for the pollaxe or battle axe, though the battle axe will be rough at the start of the game.


    Regarding swords vs. sabers, scordeo’s edge is a top-tier dps weapon, but swords have some nice advantages. Not only are dual types really good for a devoted, the modal is much better than the saber modal. Both give penetration, but the sword modal doesn’t reduce dps to do it.


    Some cool ideas above, thanks.


    Is there any way to put the Tutilo's in the 2nd swap slot offhand and be able to have it replace an off-hand weapon from the first slot without having to also change the primary weapon?  I can't figure out how to do this - when I put a different off-hand in the II swap slot and swap, it also changes out the primary weapon (to nothing). 

  2. I made a pure lifegiver focused on using the Spine of Thicket Green as a stat-stick - which I think goes to +3 Plant / +3 Beast Pls in enchants.

    Several of the plant-tagged spells are also your heal spells.  So you end up ass +2 rejuv from lifegiver, up to +3 plant for those heal spells also tagged with plant (there are several), and then can do damage with the plant/beast spells.  If you stack Alchemy I think it still affects the poison damage of Vile Thornes and some other plant spells (tagged as counter: antidote).   No transformations required.  If you go Nature Godlike and always start with fast-cast Nature's Vigor, you should get +1 PL in general at the start of each fight.

  3. I like Devoted dual-wielding spears -- the two high end ones, including the one you can buy (Stalker's Patience) that scales with Stealth.  I'm pretty sure they do slash/piece.  And Devoted gets automatic crush damaged with unarmed (it's considered spec'd automatically).  But it's a style thing - if you prefer sabers.

  4. Has anyone built anything particularly interesting with this weapon?


    Pure Ranger w/ Twinned Shot + Driving Flight seems obvious, but potentially boring as well.


    I'd like to know too.  There used to be a bunch of assassin /* builds around launch based on sniping from afar but I think they were all nerfed into oblivion.  The power builds for guns today seem to be either around blunderbuss (applying rogue effects/damage in AOE and self-flaking on streetfighter) or 2-pistol (with FoD) to abuse full attacks (ignoring reload).  There was some recent talk about Scordeo's pistol / Eccea's Arcane for a one-hand build but i didn't really follow it.  Most of these also didn't come with full build suggestions.


    I like the idea of an arquebus user, but it seems inferior on a lot of levels to the above.

  5. I had a lot of trouble solo facetanking the Fampyr cave, sanguine great-sword fampyrs, and even part of Nemnok, on PoTD using a build stacking deflection and using some potions.  

    I guess facetanking is bad.  I need to probably use heavier armor (patinated) and abuse mechanics like blunderbuss/streetfighter, plus the aforementioned tactics.  Thing is, I like facetanking - running into the room and just destroying everything.  That's not a playstyle necesarily compatible with PoTD.  If I lower difficulty to Veteran, the screen is full of near-insta-gibs and i destroy everything.  Who knows what is better?

  6. yeah the Helm is amazing...so on good on cipher, bleakwalker barbarian anything really it is tough to decide whom to give it to. the only con is that it looks kind of ugly and usually mismatched with any other outfit in the game.

    click the eye icon above the helmet slot and turn it off (appearance)!

  7. You should look into stacking Religion and using Xoti's Sickle as one of the weapons, if dps is  your focus.  It has some sick bonuses.

    If I'm not mistaken there are some other nice weaps/sheilds that stack with Religion - though if you need Intimidate for BW, then maybe this would only apply in a Goldpact case.


    Question on your stats:  how do you get Gift of the Machine (+1 STR) and Effigy's Resentment (Durance +1 CON) - I assume these are background choices when you import your POE1 background, so if you could explain what choices need to be made to get these, that would be helpful.


    If you don't really need to stack Initimdate for BW (maybe the checks aren't that high for your MC), I'm not sure Casita armor is worth it - not sure your stacking enough +Def for it to really matter.  There are a bunch of posts recently pumping Patinated Plate for tanky builds, esp using Abraham pet.  Worth considering?


    Apparently the new BoW helm gives a simliar bonus to ring of focused flame but for Mind/Afflication attacks which apparently (they said) FoD on BW gives (Sickened) - haven't tested it, not sure worth sacrificing head slot, but if it's true it might free up a ring slot.


  8. Not sure how this competes with the red hand but something with bleak walker using dual pistols puts out great single target damage.


    By spamming flames of devotion you attack with both pistols without having to reload one at a time.

    Is it better than the AOE damage you can do with blunderbuss?  If you went Bleak Walker / Rogue dual wielding blunderbuss, could you do even better damage but in AOE?

    There was a fextralife Fanatic bulid for dual-pistol BW/Barb abusing FoD recently - sort of interesting.  But that's before I found out the blunderbuss lets you apply the Rogue extra damage (from blinds, etc.) in AOE.  Presumably it would let you do that with FoD too.  Unless the damage of Blunderbuss is so much lower than pistol it's not worth it.

  9. Goldpact Paladin in Patinated Plate with Gilded Enmity after 18 seconds of staying still:




    Can you explain:


    1) Why you like Patinated Plate so much vs. say Reckless Brigandine -- is it just you wanting to stack AR as high as possible without +dmg / + action / + engagment slots?  How do you keep mobs engaged? (enough mobs)?  Are you using the stun-enchant for this armor (and which one) - it is worth it?


    2) Isn't Gilded Enmity just a sort of recastable version of Ironskin?  Why not just use Ironskin potions and go Bleak Walker?  Is it because Ironskin can be dispellled but Gilded can't (though it wears off after a few hits)?


    3) Even with the higher AR, aren't you still getting hit too much unless you stack Deflection to (somehow) 180+?  (PoTD).   See my other posts about not being able to facetank at 169-ish.  Are you able to heal thru the hits enough with Lay on Hands?


    4) How are you doing respectable damage when so slowed down by Patinated, sheild, etc.?  FoD competes for resources with Gilded recasts right?


    5) Can you talk about your stat spread?  I went 18/8/8/10/18/18 (I think) on my last tank attempt (+2 Berath's on top of that) and the low Dex and Perception were really noticeable, especially on Pen issues vs the Fampyrs and higher level mobs.



  10. My devouted/trickster crithunter is pretty tanky:

    * 22 Swashbuckler

    * 57 level

    * 10 resolve

    * 20 Refreshing Defense

    *   4 Tuotilos

    *   8 Legendard (Tuotilos)

    *   7 Cloak

    *   6 Weapon+Shield Style

    *   4 Superior Deflection

    * 30 deflection from Mirrored Image




    Could be pushed to more with rest and escort bonus, items etc, but the main focus was high crits. Also persistent distraction could be considered another +5 bonus (debuffs engaged enemies perception). Double chance for riposte (rogue+shield), high base penetration and better crits for weapon and shield from devoted (interestingly, devoted is proficient in hand to hand from monastic training AND weapon of choice). Natural crits are only about 1/5 due to low accuracy (124/128 without buffs) but due to several sources of hit to crit (orlan, ring, hat, feats), and auto flanked condition the actual crit rate is a lot better. Also high penetration + crit -> overpenetration, and crits are quite good (+95% due to feats, items, devoted).


    I was getting around this deflection on my Unbroken/Trickster (Def. 169)  and I still couldn't solo tank the Famypr cave (they were hitting me enough to get thru, especially if I got flanked).  Even chugging potions and castin a few Moonwells (where the Deflection was supressed for some reason) didn't allow me to kill them all before they killed me.  Nemnok cave facetanking was slightly better but still not easy.   I could really use some help finding a better build that won't get hit - it seems on PoTD they crank up enemy to-hits so much .... also Mirrored goes away after even 1 hit gets thru .  

  11. To edit into my above post, here's a standard look at my Deflectino:

    22 Swashbuckler (at 20lvl)

    +57 level

    +15 resolve

    +8 Inviolate (entonia sig ring)

    +20 refreshing defense

    +12 Apex Ward

    +8 legendary Apex Ward

    +6 weapon/shield style

    +7 greater cloak deflection

    +4 superior deflection (fighter talent)

    +10 llengrath's displaced image (sometimes I'll cast mirror image but it gets dispelled easier)

    = 169 total Deflection

    Sometimes the fampyr's seem to bat that down to 162 or lower

    If i get flanked, it goes down to 159 or lower (see pic)


    And they are hitting me at these levels.

  12. Try Holy Slayer: Goldpact/Streetfighter with Hand Mortar(good) or Fire in the Hole(better) One-Handed(big damage), Weapon and shield(for when/if your main tank dies). Blunderbuss modal gives you flanked 100% up-time (doesn't stack with perception inspirations).


    Trickster with Riposte and Great Sword Devoted with WotP is a lot of fun too: 

    - less damage than mortar: almost everything in this game is less damage that streetfighter+mortars

    - able to engage more with stances

    - incredible survivability with Trickster (one of the best defenses in game for this combo)

    - more active than your average tank - fun factor

    - Probably hardest thing to kill in the game that actually does some decent damage


    What stats / race would you go with?  Dwarf for Might etc. ?


    I cannot seem to facetank the Fampyyr Cave on PoTD with an Unbroken/Trickster stacking around 168 deflection that seems to get knocked down lower by the fampyrs.  I had him using Cap Banquet to not get charmed, and I was chugging Ironskin and Mod Heal and Merciless Gaze potions.  He could hold his own for a while (with second wind / heal pots) but they just wore him down* (note didn't take Unbending Trunk).

      Is your Goldpact/Streetfighter going to do better?


    I've been reading all the tank threads and can't seem to find a build that I like an can test that can facetank the Fampyrs in the cave, in the woods (Sanguine Great Sword), or Splintered Reef.  Even stacking engagement - spear modal, blackened helm, Unbroken, Fighter +1 talent, Large Shield, Guardian Stance - mobs are still breaking thru and going for Aloth when he starts casting.


    I'd really like to understand how to build a tank for PoTD that can do his job and/or solo (at a reasonable pace, eg not Sir Sit A Lot).  Is it all just cheese with potions/scrolls to do the PoTD solos that involve Fampyrs (or even things like Nemnok)?

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