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About Blade-m

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    The land of ice and snow
  1. Coruscant Alderaan Dorelia Nabo Kashyyyk Yavin 4 Felucia (dont know about the spelling) Toss in a few more planets and we are off and running. Have a crystal cave on each planet.
  2. Better him than me....
  3. Sure I will help you out .....lol
  4. They sure sound the same..
  5. What do you mean by choice? ( switch yo Kreia she can make any med) How does that work? I have switched to Kreia. I still can't make advanced medpacks... Skill&xp...
  6. I am getting so I dont care if they cancell them both.
  7. I have the codes I just can't figure out how to enter them. what do I click when Im in the console on the yacht? I cant remember. Keep clicking until one works.
  8. What do you mean by choice? ( switch yo Kreia she can make any med) I see what you are talking about now I misread last time. You cant make them at a workbench. You need to find a labbench. I cant recall their being any on Narshaada.
  9. What do you mean by choice? ( switch yo Kreia she can make any med)
  10. Kotor3 would be nice... wishfullthinking
  11. no sir they are not i wish they were i loved those crystals to death in kotor 1 Thanks for the bad news . Too bad they sure helped in Kotor l
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