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Jedi Kasra

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Everything posted by Jedi Kasra

  1. Just one question. Did Kreia become a Sith at the end of the game? Did she become Darth Traya once again? Or did she stay as Kreia?
  2. My favorite were the Makashi, Sores, Ataru, and Juyo forms.
  3. I usually use one violet lightsaber with the Dueling feats maxed out, with the Exile's ultimate light-side crystal and the Solari crystal. I wanna play with a cyan crystal but the damn crystal won't work properly! What, I have to comment on what color my saber used to be so it works properly? Anyway, I havan't actually played dark side in KOTOR II, but in the first game I played with two blue lightsabers, a'la Exar Kun.
  4. The good crystals for me were the Solari, the Upari, the uber-Personal crystal, the Kaiburr, and the Ankarres Sapphire. The colors I use are Violet, Blue, and I'd use Cyan except I have a bug on my X-Box game. If I try to use it in my lightsaber, when I save my game and reload it the blade is showing, but it's not activated. Is this a result of having a used game or something? Can anyone help me with this? I've tried everything including using cleaning wipes.
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