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Everything posted by doctor_kaz

  1. Excellent, thanks! Looks like I came up with a tough one here. No worries, as an update it looks like it was an issue with the coding, so great find I do know work has been done and looks like it has been resolved, so we'll do some testing and roll this one out with the next patch we have coming up. It should fix this retroactively, but it may need an earlier save, and as always please let us know if this isnt the case. Thanks! Thanks again.. Is this patch live now or is it coming soon? If this does not salvage my game, is there a console command that I could somehow use to return to the world map or otherwise salvage my game?
  2. Thank you for the response. Here is a link to the dropbox with my save game and output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2vxno03ed9b5ol/Elohim%20%283355664a-be8b-4d14-be51-cec60e2eac02%29%20autosave_2.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/upl15jo158xsm76/output_log.txt?dl=0 Hello. Just bumping this thread to see if there is any possibility of salvaging my save game.
  3. Thank you for the response. Can I submit you my save game file? Thank you for the response. Here is a link to the dropbox with my save game and output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2vxno03ed9b5ol/Elohim%20%283355664a-be8b-4d14-be51-cec60e2eac02%29%20autosave_2.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/upl15jo158xsm76/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. I have the game installed on two computers and I'm stuck on both of them. Can I somehow get my savegame modified if I post it here?
  5. Here is a screenshot of my problem. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/912423523919420114/D3BE348E52A6C0E5533E2FA6E2695ED0B0FC98CB/ I just started Act III. I am on my ship now, but I can't do anything besides go below deck and/or talk to everyone. The button that allows you to access the navigation map has disappeared. I am stuck here. Is there a fix for this or any way around this problem? Unfortunately the game has autosaved in this state and my most recent manual save is about 20 hours ago.
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