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Hey guys, I took a break from playing Deadfire since the first DLC (the Winter one) and before I was updating many mods to keep it playable. Do I need to update the mods again this time for 4.0? If so, what kind of mods need to be updated? All of them or just some? I remember I have to update subclasses and abilities mod from pre-2.0 and pos-2.0. I want to play again now that every premium DLC is out but I also want to play with some of the mods I previously used. Thank you for any kind of response...
Apologies if I don't write it clearly, I mean per level... Not just for all enemy which defeat the purpose if all enemies gain it regardless of their level. I already knew about the HealthMultiplier etc. under each Difficulty since I've made a difficulty mod. What I'm asking is more variations of these entries: "LevelScalingArmorLevelIncrement": 3, "LevelScalingArmorModifier": 1, "LevelScalingPenetrationLevelIncrement": 2, "LevelScalingPenetrationModifier": 1, Because, this related to the enemy level / scaling, not just any enemy. So would you have a scaling table for any single enemy? Not any single enemy but enemies that are affected by the scaling. This is what I mean, editing HealthMultiplier under the difficulty affects all of them including enemies from the first island or with low levels. However, Armor and Penetration on the level scaling (either Increment or modifier) - like this line "LevelScalingArmorModifier": 1 - only affect some enemies that are affected by the level scaling. So, for example, Guardian of Ukaizo which is by default level 16 (if I'm not mistaken) will be affected by the rules if we fight it on level 20. Otherwise, if we fight him on level 16 or below, the scaling rules I mentioned, won't be applied. This way, we could give more challenge when we have higher levels. I hope I can explain it clearly. Sorry, if it's still confusing...
Apologies if I don't write it clearly, I mean per level... Not just for all enemy which defeat the purpose if all enemies gain it regardless of their level. I already knew about the HealthMultiplier etc. under each Difficulty since I've made a difficulty mod. What I'm asking is more variations of these entries: "LevelScalingArmorLevelIncrement": 3, "LevelScalingArmorModifier": 1, "LevelScalingPenetrationLevelIncrement": 2, "LevelScalingPenetrationModifier": 1, Because, this related to the enemy level / scaling, not just any enemy.
Till right now, I'm still tinkering to create or finding difficulty tweak that can give harder challenge as we gain levels. Maybe I'm just too stupid but I find it too difficult if I just only have 2 scaling options (Armor and Penetration). Is is possible to have other enemy scaling options such as Health Multiplier, Damage Multiplier, or even AttackSpeed / Recovery multiplier per Level in the Global.gamedatabundle? There is also an interesting mod in the Nexus which I think has the same goal as me but using a pet / equipment (Baldur's pig or something). However, it ties the scaling with our character's skills which is not ideal, IMHO. Although, I get it why it's chosen since there is no Dynamic Value related to character level. So, is there any chance that Obsidian gives broader access in modding?
I agree with this balancing. So the questions are: 1. Will Obsidian take another look at game balancing? Especially making it harder for high level? Currently, the only challenge I feel is only in the first island. After that, it's smooth sailing... Maybe except some Fampyr encounters. 2. Still related to balancing, actually, I prefer more editable entries related to game balancing in the override folder (modding access). Currently, we can only edit Armor and Penetration gain (scaling) per x level. Can we have more variables to edit in the GlobalGameSetting, such as damage multiplier per level, health gain multiplier per level, etc?
I agree with you. Although armor and weapon are easier, for me at least. Clothing is the one category that's really messed up and harder to search. I really don't understand why they have different sorting by Enchantment value and Price (which usually is pretty similar) while there is no type based sort.
I wonder if it's the weapon-swapping that's doing it. Idle speculation: The way the extra projectiles seem to be implemented is that when you shoot with Eccea's, a temporary buff gets placed on your character that increases the number of hits for all your attacks. This would explain why the extra projectiles apply to other weapons, and persist even when unequipping Eccea's, but appear to go away if you unequip one of the other weapons and then examine it, unequipped, in your inventory. The buff is supposed to only last long enough to give you extra projectiles with that shot. My guess is that the "extra hits" buff doesn't get removed properly if you've already swapped to a different weapon set that doesn't include Eccea's by the time it's supposed to expire. Since my character opens by shooting with Eccea's and then immediately swaps weapons every fight, this happens all the time for me. I'll try and do some more careful testing in the next day or two to confirm/deny. I think your idle speculation is a spot-on. I'm pretty sure it's the case because I've been messing around modding Deadfire and find similar / could reproduce the same effect. Let's say I created a new armor with an ItemMod that linked to a StatusEffect giving +5 Con. Open the game, equip that armor, save and exit. To make that +5 permanent, I could just remove the ItemMod linked from the armor without removing the StatusEffect (you could do that since the ItemMod and the StatusEffect are actually different entries). Load the previous save game. You will notice there is no mod on your armor but the StatusEffect is left permanently. The StatusEffect from Arcane Blaster is active when you are switching weapon (which the ItemMod is removed) so it's left permanently on your character. Therefore, I don't think it's a bug but it's just a messy implementation between ItemMod and StatusEffects on an Equipable / Equipment. I hope my explanation is not too confusing (my english is terrible)...
It has 16 armor but I'm not sure about the health. However, I use different method with DD about the health scaling. DD edits manually for every enemy and I use the multiplier found in the global setting. I also think it's too high although, at level 20 (I don't lower exp gain, so you could easily reach level 20 so much earlier), we should have many skills to lower enemy armor. However, if you want, you could easily lower the settings for my mods. Or how much armor do you think it's appropriate for the high level enemies? On the other side, you could also take a look on its damage to my Eder. I think, with my mod, the enemies could give bigger damage. I played 2 run-through with DD and also see the modified files (and it doesn't modify any enemy damage). So, maybe it could be less boring? Even though the enemy has similar amount of armor or maybe bigger health pool, the enemies also deal more damage and act faster (since I also modified their recovery speed). That's why it won't be boring, IMHO. What do you think? Your mod damage can be abused by Ciphers/Rogues - dominate enemies -> go to invise I played x2 times solo with DD mod, I can't suggest a lot for party balancing 16 armor is ok and 17 is very high :D On DD Ukaizo has 26L on your Screen it has 25L - this is also ok Check how much Ukazio regen health on each stage ? On DD this amount ~ 940+ Normal enemies should not has more than 14 BASE armor Could you also show Ukaizo DM roll ? I want to compare penetration value. While I didn't see +100 DM hits, your mod well balanced Thanks for your opinion. If you have the time, would you help me to test it too? Let me check the rolls when I have the time to open the game. However, how can I check about the health regen? It's harder to check most enemy's stats in here unlike in Skyrim.
I know how you feel. Although, because of what you said too, I think it's crucial to make them attack faster since we have ways to make our chars faster. But, I guess maybe it needs better tweak. I've tried different number actually but 20% faster is not really noticeable. That's why I boosted it to 40%. Let's see how the others, if any, feel about this. I (or you, if you want) could change the number easily since it's only in one line.
It has 16 armor but I'm not sure about the health. However, I use different method with DD about the health scaling. DD edits manually for every enemy and I use the multiplier found in the global setting. I also think it's too high although, at level 20 (I don't lower exp gain, so you could easily reach level 20 so much earlier), we should have many skills to lower enemy armor. However, if you want, you could easily lower the settings for my mods. Or how much armor do you think it's appropriate for the high level enemies? On the other side, you could also take a look on its damage to my Eder. I think, with my mod, the enemies could give bigger damage. I played 2 run-through with DD and also see the modified files (and it doesn't modify any enemy damage). So, maybe it could be less boring? Even though the enemy has similar amount of armor or maybe bigger health pool, the enemies also deal more damage and act faster (since I also modified their recovery speed). That's why it won't be boring, IMHO. What do you think?