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Everything posted by Taitealch

  1. Hybrid melee blunderbuss look good for me. Both Streetfigher/Barbarian ways. Any change with the full about the main attribute/skills you talk me about in your first answer ? (DEX+PER>MIG>CON>>Dump RES/INT) It was about full blunderbuss. I'm interested about Streetfighter/GhortHeart or Arcane mage too. It's the same attribute repartition ? Any more advice or all i need to know is here ? :
  2. What a complete awser, thank you all very much for all this explanations. Yes by Berserker i mean Barbarian subclass. I can use Hand Mortar and Fire in the Hole but i don't want to specialize to much for them, i will be happy with the regulars blunderbusses i can find (with backup weapons) Ok that a lot's of attributes i should max ! To much for the starting character. MIG, DEX, PER, high(ish) CON (and a build with INT too). How do you see stat attributes repartition for a starting Streetfighter/Berserker so ? How should i balance them ? I've started with the idea of ranged heavy with big pirates guns, but pirates with saber and gun is realy lorefull too. Huge bonus with the two ways but big downsides too, confusion, squichyness, and the full attack problem for the melee one. I've heard you, and i will definitely bring a priest/good healer with my barbarian pirate for compensate and access his "god mode" You gave me a lot's of tool to make work a Berserkers/Streefighter...I don't know if i prefer full ranged or dual weapon way, maybe go with a bit of both and see ingame what fit the most for my playstyle (the philosophy of this class combo with blunderbuss remain the same no ?) And you give me something to think of with this story of Streetfigter/Arcane Archer too. For a heavy ranged build (but without my pillar of eternity 1 Barbarian heritage. A shame but i can live with it. A pirate just need a gun, dirty tricks and bad manners, like a Streetfighter) I don't see this build in the forum. May you share your Streetfigter/Arcane Archer build, with starting attribute ( A question who always give me headache) and skill lvling please ? You make it look very fun ^^ I know you can't provide me this for Streetfigter/berserker if you haven't personaly played it, but as Streetfigter/Arcane Archer seems to be one of your favorite i make the assuptions you may have it writed somewhere. (Some screenshot of you character profile may do the trick instead) Anyway you have already given me plenty of informations, so no problem to say i had enought ^^ Thk you again, it's very helpful !
  3. Hi, I seek all over the internet a build pirate like with blunderbuss and streetfighter (who had bonus with Powder Burns modal) My character in pillar of eternity 1 was a solo berserker build. So i prefer a Marauder for roleplay reason but i'm open to suggestions about it (I just want to keep Streefighter if possible. I just don't want paladin, too limited in dialogues interactions) My main problem is the starting attribute, i don't know how to put my stat point efficiently for this build And i will be happy to take some advices about how not **** it up with a Marauder who can die easly (berserker + streetfighter) Thank you for your help.
  4. So DEX,PER,RES,CON and some people say INT + MiIGHT It's all the attribute ! Some choices have to be made x)
  5. Why accuracy is so important ? High might and int don't let so many point, if you do that you have no dex, an other important stat for melee (and no resolve/con) Why prec>dext for the howler ?
  6. Oh, and don't mind tell me if this multiclass combinaison is just bad because of that
  7. Hi I have some issues with a good marauder build (Berserker/Streetfighter/Human), because the two classes have so many differents priorities I want strong aoe with my zerker, they need high intel for buff and carnage It's a melee build, i need a hight might They are squishy and they need to be bloodied with half endurance, so a good con is needed Resolve can be dump for zerker, but the streetfighter work with deflection for counterattack... It's a dps so the dext need to be strong to, for more hits and crit I haven't enought point for all of this and i don't know what attribute dump or max ! XD I will be gratefull to have some advice with this problem
  8. Sorry to ask for third time, but can you tell us the attributes repartition for your Ravager/Transcendent used for your test please ? Maybe it's a dumb question, but i need to know why if so.
  9. OP, can you give us your attribute point repartition for this two caracters ? (Ravager and Transcend) We can't expect some results without the good score of might, int, dex...
  10. So only for aoe damage ? Debuff don't work for allies and buff for ennemies ? Ok it's a good news Nobody now about the attributes point for the howler ?
  11. Did you knwo if "confused" debuff with the berserker frenzy make your buff affect your ennemies and your debuff affect your allies ? If it does, Skald/Berserker is a huge bad combo right ? If it not, what is the best attribute repartition ? Might and Intell ? Resolve ?
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