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Everything posted by Galadedrid

  1. I have a slightly different problem. I found the first conch while exploring underneath Dwelver's Row and the temple with the giant monster thing guarding the sockets to place them in. Then went to meet Dereo who told me where to find the second one (noble in the Palace district). Took both conches and opened the hidden door in the Sunken Ruins temple before talking to Dereo again (want to see what they do myself, not turn it over to some crime boss) - which took both conches then sunk underground making them irretrievable. Dereo's 'Bring me the conch' quest however hasn't failed or been resolved in any way, so it's essentially the end of my interaction with him - I don't know if there's supposed to be any more to his story or follow-up quests, but I suspect so given he merits his own subzone. I think I'm actually going to take a break for a week until the Tuesday patch, since I seem to be inadvertently doing every quest the 'wrong' way and getting into bugged states everywhere.
  2. After some investigations, Are you able to use the interactable switches in the room? They will show up as any interactable. Thanks! -Caleb
  3. During the fight, the tentacles will try to destroy the machine-type thing on the shielded ward spot. You can heal it and buff it to stop that happened, but if they manage to destroy it then you no longer have the option to siphon him.
  4. After rendezvousing with the smuggler, I paid the inflated price and took the crates towards Sayuka. Iverra appeared, and we spoke. On arriving at Sayuka I used the Quick Travel menu (from the map when initially docking) to go directly to the workshop. This caused the 'go dive here for this' cutscene' to play. Then when I left the worshop the camera panned to the Docks where Iverra played her 'Ah, Sayuka, thanks and bye' cutscene. The journal tells me to talk to Fleet Master Okaya, but her only dialogue is the speech-bubble 'Fight or Flee as you like, just stay out of my way." As a result I don't actually have the next quest, and progress with a major faction appears to be completely blocked. I can't post the savefile since it's enormously larger than the file size limit. If you have a preferred rehosting site do please let me know.
  5. Super, here's to hoping it's a straightforward fix. Meantime there's an absurd amount of other stuff I can be doing, thanks and have a great evening.
  6. So I actually stopped at the Oathbinder's Sanctum before reaching Neketaka, cleared the first two floors and released the innocent soul, and killed the Shadows which spawn in the aftermath. I left since one of the doors on the level had no interaction prompt at all (the one on the Western Wall) while the Northern door simply says 'this door is stuck fast' and there was nothing else interactable in the dungeon, aside from the two statues. I returned after getting the quest to save Oswald from the Woediccans, but it's as before. The quest journal advanced to "judging by the lit candles..." as soon as I turned in the previous step. Friends I've asked say their journal includes the "lost soul proclaiming its innocence" part in their quest journal - but since I've already triggered and completed that interaction (before accepting this quest, which it has not retroactively logged) I assume I'm just locked out of the bottom of the pyramid entirely. Please advise. Edit - unfortunately the upload limit is 530k and the savegame appears to already be maximally compressed at 1.5MB, so I stuck it on file.io - https://file.io/1aHBkN
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