I am using Apotheosis and trying to using ability categories. I noticed that ProgressionCategoryFlag has unused categories (custom2-5) but when I tried to use them, they do not appear in the ability screen.
"$type": "Game.GameData.ClassProgressionTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
"CategoryNames": [
"Category": "General",
"DisplayName": 2935
"Category": "Custom1",
"DisplayName": 415902000
"AbilityPointUnlocks": [
"Level": 1,
"CategoryObsolete": "General",
"Categories": "257",
"Points": 1,
"UnlockDescription": 2925
"Level": 1,
"CategoryObsolete": "Custom2",
"Categories": "8",
"Points": 5,
"UnlockDescription": 415902001
Am I missing something or are custom2-5 not implemented?