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Everything posted by WhiteRaven

  1. why would anyone mod a console? would not you have to tear apart the console, stick a bunch of incompatible parts in it, put it back together, and pray you didn't damage it irreparably?
  2. Okay, I'll try to be unbiased here. "Vandar/Yoda" did you think Yoda was the only... whatever they are? "Star Forge/Death Star" uh... Star Forge- awesome battle dreadnaught/matter generator, Death Star- Big metal ball. despite it's popularity there was nothing abnormally cool about the Death Star, like Halo. "Bastila/Leia" uh... What about them? "The list goes on. What would KotOR be without these things in the OT to draw inspiration and ideas from? What gave it that
  3. "How it is so hard to people to get game characters names right?" probably the same reason some people spell "psychic" P-H-Y-S-I-C-K. "Yeah, I had her running around with no weapons, and then she pulls a vibrosword out of her inventory." Well did you think you were the only one with possessions?
  4. I didn't fall for his scam, I STOLE the holocron. Now, can I trade it to some very stupid Jedi for a lightsaber or something?
  5. does Malak's armor restrict force?
  6. there are a few feat and power I have heard you or some of your party members can get, but I can't actually find them in the game like... um... Telekinetic combat (I'm guessing this is kreia's, and she's using a powered up version of it in trayus core) Beast Confusion Force focus: alter(or something like that...) were these cut from the final version, and if not, does anyone know where to get them?
  7. I stole the fake jedi holocron from that one dude. is there anything useful I can do with the stupid thing?
  8. "The dark side doesnt merely taint an individual but it corrupts completely." I've heard that one a million times, that Anakin was already completely under the influence of the dark side, if that's really the case though, then why was Padme's safety the first thing he asked about when he awoke? also, why didn't he kill the one who basically caused him to turn on Padme, why didn't he kill sidious? he turned Anakin to the dark side, causing him to kill Padme. of course the Jedi weren't much better in dealing with Anakin, if memory serves, they assigned Anakin to guard Padme alone, providing the perfect opportunity for romance to blossom, they didn't bother helping his mother, I mean, did it not ever occur to them that might have caused some resentment towards them? duh. "Scientific rationale in as far as the fact that the Force is not merely an abstract metaphysical energy that manifests itself through spiritual belief, but has a foundation in Star Wars science and biology." I don't think it requires that nonsense to make it more scientific.
  9. "It is because you were afraid." hm?! maybe I'm nitpicking, but when I played through without killing the jedi she said it was because I had no choice, are you certain? Atton: Don't stop your long boring rants on my account, I was just getting sleepy eyed. Kreia: Also in private we will mercifully free from the opinions of imbeciles and fools. Kreia: I would see to that fool in the ****pit, and remind him not to veer from our destination. Exile: I'll smash his skull on the bulkhead if he tries. Kreia: That was not the most pleasant landing I've endured, next time we should perhaps seek out a more reputable pilot. Atton: You're welcome Kreia, you know if I weren't such a crack pilot we could have hit the shield wall or the rock faces. Kreia:Yes, our current situation is a vast improvement. Handmaiden: battle is a pure form of expression, all restraint is swept away and trapped emotions are set free. Exile: so, if I crushed Atris' skull into the floor that might get to the heart of the matter?
  10. "Just because she said "he had no father" doesn't mean he was a virgin birth or created through some Sith Alchemy. Perhaps she meant it as; do not speak of him because he was bad or whatever. She was a slave wasn't she? *shrugs*= Don't care, because the prequels are crap." no, it was like... jedi: who is his father? Anakin's mom: uh... no one... I know it seems impossible, but I just got pregnant one day and nine months later he crawled out of me... ... okay so maybe it wasn't EXACTLY like that. the point is that she didn't think he had a father, so unless she was drugged... or ...um... force-sleepified... or she was telling a big fat lie, Anakin had no father. of course a jedi would have been able to tell if she was lying. "On the other hand, the scientific rationale does lend some 'reality' (and I use the term loosely) to the nature of the Force." what scientific rationale?! a monocellular organism responsible for limitless power?! ridiculous!! "But the rebuilding of Vader at the end was using cybernetics, not that power mentioned earlier. Or am I miss reading that? Anyway it's not meant to make sense it adds to the "tragedy of his fall" " you are miss reading it. I was speaking of him turning to the dark side to save the woman he loved, then eliminating that reason as a possibility by killing her. or in play format: Anakin: ROAR!! I will now render this explanation stupid by killing the woman I turned to the dark side in order to save!
  11. midichlorians? thanks a LOT for reminding me of that absurdity. George Lucas needs a kick in the nads for that explanation, "a buncha bacteria created an energy of limitless power" that makes perfect sense. oh well, maybe that was his son's idea... "If Plageuis "created" Anakin, that his mother would've said so. Lucas wouldn't leave something like that wide open. He was just simply conceived." Anakin's mother stated in episode 1 that he had no father, so no he was not conceived. I read somewhere that sidious was plaguis' apprentice. speaking of Anakin, there is one thing that escapes me, he turned to the dark side to save Padme, but he was the one who killed her... confusion alert!!! so in order to save padme he becomes a sith lord, so that he can study things the Jedi wouldn't allow, like creating life and such, then he ruins that explanation, by killing the reason he turned to the dark side, then he almost dies, and instead of turning his vengeance towards sideous, who caused him to turn on his love, he tries to kill the Jedi and take over the galaxy, stupid, he should have killed sideous first, and THEN killed the Jedi and took over the galaxy. "0h bt h3 dnt hv nuff pwr 2 kl Si-D-us thn." oh, but when he only had one hand left and was almost dead it wasn't any problem?
  12. well they can travel at light speed, why should it be surprising that they could power such a magnetic field, my question is, why doesn't that magnetic field attract huge chunks of metal, short out nearby electricity, and other such things, I'm no physics expert, but is it possible that they might use one of the nuclear forces to hold it together, again, I don't know too much about physics, just a wild thought, but then, don't those tend to be the best kind? "A Photon is a particle with ZERO mass" ... even I know that a particle with no mass is ridiculous!
  13. I bought Jedi Academy, but I thought it sucked, so I returned it, it said you could be evil on the back, but it turned out you could only choose which side of the force your powers came from, you have to use those power for gyoooo.d
  14. I'd love to see Dr. phil with a lightsaber through his heart, he's a lot like disciple, in that he's a big wuss.
  15. if the force had a will, wouldn't it eliminate anyone who found out that big huge death echoes can kill it? at Malachor kreia learned that, but she lived quite a bit longer, the exile learned it first hand, but again wasn't killed by the sith, or by the jedi masters, the council failed to cut her off from the force, she could have died anytime during her exile, she could have died from the explosion at peragus, so why didn't she? to will is to make happen, try this, politely ask your arm to move, without actually moving it. It doesn't work. Now just move your arm, you willed your arm to move and it moved (unless it's broken). "except maybe pope Palpatine" I didn't know he was catholic... "the natural phenomena responsible for existence itself, probably the original idea of the Jewish version, considering the meaning of the name." which name, there are many hebrew words for god: YHVH Adonai baal eloh elohim(this one is translated god, but is actually plural) Illahu
  16. I can just see kalfear now Kalfear: *looks at advice book* go back in time and don't act like a moronic jackass if you don't have a time machine, turn to page 184. Kalfear: *turns to page 184* You poor bastard. Kalfear: *throws book away* Me: *sends hot girls to kick kalfear in the nuts/crotch* is kalfear a guy or a girl? roflmfao I just thought of something else, actually being able to go through the door to the military base sub level... what exactly is down there?
  17. You said homosexuality had no place or whatever. S/he said there was juhani/female Revan in the first game. "Hey I want the sith and jedi to join forces and chop off the heads of all Liberals and NDP'er here in Canada (mainly because they just to stupid to live. Or as Klingons would say "they a waste of good skin"). But thats a political request that has NOTHING what so ever to do with the game/setting of Star Wars." The difference being that your request would be unreasonable because canada doesn't exist in the star wars universe. "So yes by saying you want homosexual interaction in a Star Wars game you ARE pushing your own politics into the topic." My statement had something to do with the game, more options for romance, I simply expanded on that by saying that more lesbian pairings would be nice. I was not "pushing" anything, pushing would be if I said ROR THEYR SHUD HAV BIN MOR GAYNUSS!!! pushing would be forcing, meaning demands or orders, I'll even post dictionary.com's definitions of pushing here to prove it. push (psh) Pronunciation Key v. pushed, push
  18. kids' movies in which everyone gets their hands cut off, actually that's great, maybe it will help people realize that kids don't need to be "protected" from seeing violence. I am not asking for a gorefest... well, actually I kind of am, but I'd be satisfied if there were just a realistic amount of blood. humans bleed when cut open, it's a scientific fact. "Im not religious and Im not homophopic, but enough already, leave your sexual desires and demands up to the CREATOR of the genre. In this case Lucas dictated romance is between man and woman, plain and simple. People should have enough respect to accept that and not try to push their own politics into the game/story/show/movie/ TOPIC! Really cant say it any clearer then that!" this topic is about what people wished was in the game. I simply stated some things I would have liked to see, I was not "pushing my own politics" into anything. ways to kill disciple? how about kicking him in the nads til he goes into shock, or maybe feeding him to a giant spider, you know spiders don't actually drink their prey's blood, they paralyze them, then they eat them a small amount at a time, it would eat his legs, wrap him back up, eat his arms, etc. at least that's what my biology teacher said, but he also thought cuckoo was pronounced "chuck-ew"
  19. how exactly is the anglican church non-xian?
  20. "huh?" when the male characters in these games walk they wobble. it annoys me to death, but maybe my annoyance is a result of my OCD. "That would be sooooo much not-Star Wars. Tell me some SW scene when you've seen a Jedi kiss someone? Not like the Jedi-Code." you can be dark side, and the exile isn't a jedi, hence her being an exile. "You forget that there are some very strong groups in the US that would boycott the game and raise merry hell if anything like that was so much as implied in the game, let alone shown. To give you an idea when the star of a US Sit-com came out as being gay these groups had enough clout to have her show pulled. LA is not going to try and tackle these groups, frankly it wouldn't be worth it." I didn't forget, I just stated something I would like to see, and fundie lunatics wouldn't buy the games anyway, because it is "wiyutch crayuft" and has "ocultic" themes. also Visas seems to feel very strongly for the exile whether male or female, but I get what you're saying, why can't fundies be more like the less retarded christians, anyway? incidentally are there any non-christian groups that oppose homosexuals?
  21. all of today's games are too easy like that , play some super nes or sega genesis or even ps1 games and you'll see what I mean. video games used to be for people who enjoyed being challenged by video games, now they're for every average joe off the street. if there's one thing I would change about this game, and in fact both games, it's that the male characters would move less stupidly. the female characters move just fine, but the male characters look like they're just now learning to walk, if I saw someone walk like that in real life I'd think there was something wrong with their brain. also, the relationships wouldn't be as limited, by this I mean female exile falling in love with visas/mira/handmaiden and also that there would be kissing and hugging, and also passionate stuff if at all possible. oh and being able to kill random people to get more evilness, like in fable, if anyone's played that. and yes, definitely more force powers, maybe a force decay power, where you could make people's bodies rot. add some blood and other graphic stuff.
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