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About Puuk

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  1. You may want to do more than a quick scan. A lot of what I was bitching about is based on hard facts. It's easy to look up everything I mentioned, hence that's why I included links and encouraged anyone who disagreed (or agreed) to look it up for themselves. The deficit and debt? Not pulled out of my ass but an ever-growing fact. The scandals and corruption? You only need to read the news that's out there (and not FOX News, the neo-con propaganda machine) - international news, even. Halliburton no bid contracts are a fact, not fiction. Bush family getting their annual income from oil - fact, not fiction. Nothing I complained about was pulled out of thin air. It's common knowledge and only people with their heads in the sand choose to ignore it or believe it's not true. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on which side you're on), even turning a blind eye is failing considering how many Republicans are trying to distance themselves from this current administration. Let's face it, the people in power are NOT Republicans. Republicans believe in fiscal responsibility (I used to be one, I know), but there is absolutely nothing fiscally responsible about this administration. Going from a $240+ billion surplus to over $500 billion debt is irresponsible. Having a deficit of almost $9 trillion is fiscally irresponsible. Having China holding that debt is fiscally irresponsible. So, show me how
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