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D. Kain

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Everything posted by D. Kain

  1. I don't understand you people! We are all waiting for kotor III but when someone says that it will come out soon or shows some rumors you say: NO! Bull **** kotor III isn't coming out!
  2. NO WAI, Swoop-racing was fun... FUN! Yep swoop-racing was the best minigame!
  3. I'm not asking for everyone to have 2 party members I'm just asking for that option if you want more then say yes all the time!
  4. In kotor 3 I would like to have an option to say NO! When someone wants to join me! I hate all those stupid companions that I never use! I want to complete all the game alone or with 1 or 2 companions that are realy useful!
  5. Cortosis can be cut through with a lightsaber its just hard! Like in jedi knight II when kyle fought with shadow troopers!
  6. FRAP? Free Ranging Apple Picker??? I think you're in the wrong thread! And yes...PANTS!!! I want to get a video here that I have made with fraps! I'm asking how to do it. I can't do it through the photobucket the weight is more than 100mb!
  7. OMG pants in the middle of Tatooine. I need to travel to Tatooine instantly. I need some pants. No thats a body without feet that was choped in half!
  8. I know many people want to see this screenshot! http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...12_212723m5.png That's what happens if you made a mistake while fightning with Two DB Lightsabers! (Now that's stupid) Why?
  9. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-12_204604.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-12_204640.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-12_204701.png
  10. Lol my override folder's weight is 567 mb!
  11. I wouldn't kill Anakin because he became Darth Vader! I love sith and the dark side one of the best sith lords there, ofcourse I wouldn't kill him!
  12. There is no edit I made the screenshots today while I was playing! I don't know cuz I'm not the one who made this mod BUT the lightsabers do thril and hit with both sides! Maybe they do act like single one's but now they are double-bladed and if your char waves the ''single blades'' with the other end it looks like he hits with the other blade.. ( I don't know english very well ) You know what I mean..
  13. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145334.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145401.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145416.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145426.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145437.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145451.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145502.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145511.png http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igo...5-02_145520.png Here.
  14. No because it's like I sayd in the game the lightsabers don't go through the body or through each other! I realy studied that whached every move!
  15. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/Igor911/DSBastila.png There. A bit more realistic then the previous one's I think, and a bit shorter too!
  16. Oh well .. But I don't remember that beeing discusst I think I wasn't a member yet.
  17. Ok if we would add 15 years betwen kotor II and kotor III then you could start as a 20 years old Revan's and Bastila's or Revan's Carth's son/daughter. I know that some people didn't romance Carth or Bastila and some people even killed them but it's a good option! They could like ask from the start of the game did Revan and Bastila (Carth Revan) get along or not! We would get a young cool character! What do you think?
  18. I have an idea for a starting Character but first I need to know how many years are there betwen the I and III kotor's?
  19. The more star wars the better! I don't care what the next movie is going to be about!
  20. Then why is character talking when you click on him or have him become invisible , place mine etc. ? They should either have you to pick a voice for those simple situations or remove it!
  21. Thank's for your answers everybody!
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