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Everything posted by ILs

  1. I have to agree, товарищ
  2. Design of menus in Baldur's Gate II
  3. Btw... I've already made a paper-version of Pazaak (w00t) yet I can't figure out the right ballance between cards...
  4. You did it. I haven't played Sith Lords yet, but I can clearly see that you've made them admit that we are steel alive, and that you can wield the storytelling better than anyone. Thanks. If you ever dreamed to become a legend, in your deep youth or childhood, know that you are legends of game-art. I'm sure many would agree... P.S.: Looking forward to explore your new universe and I hope it's quite dark.
  5. !!!
  6. Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 - Licensed to Drive
  7. I hate Morte's voice. This guy? http://imdb.com/name/nm0667326/
  8. Why do you have to play DOOM III, if you can get twice more fun of soul Reaver 2, Planescape or Chess? If I want to try a game, I go to a Internet-cafe. I don't pay additional 400 bucks for the hardware, that supprorts 80% of games that I may not like... The phrase I said right now is very pathetic, but I said it just cuz it sounds nice...
  9. Bying graphic cards is a waste of money - YES! However, bying motherboards is not. You can always buy a good graphic card, you just need a motherboard that will support it
  10. I meant that some things that you don't need at the moment, can quickly become necessary. But actually, you have a point. I think that all these 'Extreme Edition', 'Gamer's Pro' are unnecessary, and you can play anything you want without them.
  11. Very very wrong... in that case you might be unable to upgrade it next time...
  12. Don't be concerned or afraid, it's quite easy. Just be careful and mind all those parametres like system bus rate, socket number and the rest...
  13. Oh, sorry
  14. I have a MX420 GeForce and it's enough for me I'm happy about it and don't need anything better... The best thing is that everything actually works Of course I love ATI, but I don't think I need one for ~200-300 bucks
  15. ILs

    for SW fans

    Yes, you are totally right. It appears in dialogue. It's both of them, Sidious is like the father that Anakin never had. Both of them construct this "Phantom Menace" model. I think it's a great name. Still, English is not my native lenguage, and for you english speakers, the title can seem incredibly stupid. So your meaning worth respect.
  16. "Curb your Enthusiasm"
  17. ILs

    for SW fans

    Anakin is the phantom menace
  18. ILs

    for SW fans

    Is it worse than Return of the Jedi? I thought about that and reconsidered my opinion, thanks to you and your post. Maybe there is some kind of poetic contrast between those titles: Phantom Menace - something dark, creepy, threatning, obscure, unexpected A New Hope - something bright, clear, promissing, awaited by many Return of the Jedi - Sith goes, Jedi stay Revenge of the Sith - Jedis go, Sith stays But what about 'Attack of the Clones' and 'Empire Strikes back', where is the contrast? It's a bit odd...
  19. ILs

    for SW fans

    Yes, even worse then 'Attack of the Clones' I'll try to explain myself as good as I can at the moment: All Star-Wars titles don't reveal the storyline, every title leaves a space for imagination, no matter how predictable the story is. And you actually, have to go there and see this movie, before you know if it's what you've expected. 'Revenge of the Sith' - reveals everything at once, it tells the story even if you haven't seen any of the movies and just heard about STAR-WARS. "- Oh yeah... Sith... yeah, the bad guys, yeah, they win kind of... yeah, and this Christensen-guy becomes a bad guy... yeah... - Yeah, dude, right, something like that...yeah..." ... I'm sorry people, it may have been a bit offending by me to call it "the dumbest title", but I've expected something better, something more intriguing than this...
  20. ILs

    for SW fans

    'Revenge of the Sith' is a dumbest name I've ever heard <_<
  21. Yes, he has UCLA on the list to apply...
  22. Well... maybe you are unique
  23. Me and some DnD games fans always flame with Final Fantasy fans on many forums. FF fans use to hate oldfashioned 2d games and we hate their dumb 3d games ... It happens everytime, and I wonder why is it so...
  24. Here, have a better picture
  25. http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...t&cop=mss&tab=3 Hmph.... I guess Yahoo is not the best tool to find out what Gizkas are... When I searched 'lim lim', it gave out pictures of Corean students. If you don't know what Lim Lim is, it suppose to be a green animal on the ground...
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