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Everything posted by XboxSithLord

  1. so whats goin on with call of duty2. I have heard its coming out for xbox 360 and the xbox, and ps2. anyone care 2 clear this up for me
  2. Do you guys think that John Williams would do the music for future Star Wars games. I mean like new stuff as in Star Wars Episode 3, because that stuff was amazing. Would he take time out of his schedual 2 compose music for a game? or would all depend on his pay?
  3. found that on a Lucas Arts thread. can anyone confirm that...or have any of the issues and care 2 look thro like all 10 of them 2 find it. Because of the grammar, and lack of labeling the date of which in came from...i take it he is of young age. Or has this already been covered...idk ive been just recently looking up information on a possible Kotor3.(again...took a break for a while) So i may be a little behind. so please...flame me, and give me information on anything in this topic.
  4. 100% agreed. i maybe post once every 2 months now.... i remember how excited i was when kotor2 was announced and coming 2 this site everyday. Then when they added up the kotor3 suggestions, i felt it come back...but now my doubts are rising for kotor3's fate.
  5. It seems that what ever posted on this certain thread is closed. So please be more specific. suck it :cool:
  6. go away mr. 5000 posts. You need to go outside and breath some air, and stop sitting down all day at a computer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quoth the "One-Topic-Wonder" known as XboxSithLord who's famous topics include the following: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ult_type=topics "Can I jerk off K3?" "Will K3 jerk off me?" "Ideas and suggestions for jerking off K3" "Something sexy Obsidian could do to help us jerk off K3" "O.K - so I've jerked off K3" "So, did anyone notice me jerking off on the kotor series?" "OMFG - I JERKED OFF K3" "What if you could choose your stoking method for jeking off k3?" "Great jerk, but awful climax" "I wonder how long it will take before I can jerk off K3" "GREAT IDEA - Massively Onlline Muliplayer Jerking Off for K3!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and today i praise you the assuming virgin. If you may have noticed in some of those threads someone by the name of kyle/chris has posted on them because those are my roomates. I overall have posted atleast 20 times on this forum. It was a mighty good try tho. Oh, and i didnt even read that lil put 2gether of quotes....so that was a waste of time. Great try tho...rlly....... FAGGIT!
  7. go away mr. 5000 posts. You need to go outside and breath some air, and stop sitting down all day at a computer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I get paid good money to sit infront of this computer and type this at the moment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1st. i do not believe that 2nd. if it is then its prolly about min wage. Nothing you can say can convince me other wise. There is no way you can get paid more than 5.30 an hour typing on a video game forum. So congrats. You made a profession out of being a nerd and having no life. I am actually very sad for you. You are at home on a computer for the whole gay. Well now that i think about it its quite funny you choose this profession. So was that post supposed 2 make me jealous? Or wish that i could sit home all day instead of going out? Hum...sorry im not impressed.
  8. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) we can all be friends again and who says we need the justice system to settle arugments. :D
  9. go away mr. 5000 posts. You need to go outside and breath some air, and stop sitting down all day at a computer.
  10. What a poser <_< I have a T-Shirt that says that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what a poser? odd....how was that making me seem like a poser? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because you want to be like me!!! You poser! This one short emo kid at my school calls everyone a poser, yes even Metal heads. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> does he get all the chicks?
  11. What a poser <_< I have a T-Shirt that says that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what a poser? odd....how was that making me seem like a poser?
  12. I think that would be a good addition to KOTOR3 (or any further game with romance in it). Make it somehow affect the story. For instance, as a male PC if there were 2 female NPCs vying for your affection, if you choose one and reject the other, then the rejected one maybe leaves the party, or even worse, betrays the party at an opportune time. Or to a lesser degree, if a NPC has some information that could be useful for solving a specific quest, if you fail to romance her properly, she just never reveals that information, making you have to complete a quest the "hard way" Example: female NPC knows the codes to a secret passage way to a control room. If you romance her, she'll give you the codes, you complete the quest to find a way in the base. If you fail to romance her, she won't give you the codes and you'll have to then fight off the guards and find clues on how to make it to the control room the long way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that would be awesome.
  13. hahahaha! anorexic hoe. Thats what his wife is...
  14. i kno this is random, but are you in the army? Yeah. I'm shipping out at the end of July for good ol' Fort Benning, GA. I hope I get a chance to deploy to Iraq so I can help out over there. first off I live in GA! Awesome. second: i love you GOOD LUCK! mine was better see craig. Better than just "good luck" SUPPORT YOUR SOLDIERS CRAIG!!!!
  15. :cool:
  16. Big Bird has a wife? And Elmo and she were horizontal jogging? On a children's programme? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  17. YOU ARE THE CROWD! THE CROWD DOESNT TALK! OR CHOOSE SIDES!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not the crowd. I'm just laying back and eating popcorn while people debate about Emo. Not to mention intervening from time to time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i kno this is random, but are you in the army? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. I'm shipping out at the end of July for good ol' Fort Benning, GA. I hope I get a chance to deploy to Iraq so I can help out over there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> first off I live in GA! Awesome. second: i love you GOOD LUCK!
  18. She's dead now. Anyway she was Catholic and she believed in tough love. Elmo is as straight as you can get! There's no doubt about that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and I heard Elmo had sex with big bird back in 92. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was Bigbird's wife (that Elmo had sex with), <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol oh is that who it was with? o well they all look the same.
  19. YOU ARE THE CROWD! THE CROWD DOESNT TALK! OR CHOOSE SIDES!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not the crowd. I'm just laying back and eating popcorn while people debate about Emo. Not to mention intervening from time to time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i kno this is random, but are you in the army?
  20. dont mess
  21. At my school the Emo are one of the richer groups along eith the preps and they have there own band. In one of there songs they complain about how life isn't fair to them. That's bull****! Some people that go to my school can't even get a hot meal everyday! And these little bitches who's dad's make over 100 grand a year are complain about how they always get the shaft! They need to shut up and be great full! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well its not like all kids are like that and tell those kids..... to suck it.
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