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About idkfa7500

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. When you 're trying to help the people of Taris and then you notice that your efforts had been in vain beacuse Malak destroyed the planet In the Rakata temple when you found Bastila already turned into the dark side and you ally with her killing Jolee and Juhani. When Juhani takes her revenge killing that dude who killed her parents. If you fight Calo Nord when you're not a jedi. He kills you and you can't do nothing WTF? That's stupid! he`s just a bounty hunter! When you order Zaalbar to kill Mission, his best friend.
  2. jedi weaponmaster lvl 28 lightside
  3. K2 have a more darker story line than K1. For that reason i preffer K2, even it haves much bugs or cut content.
  4. But the Sith Marauder is more offensive than the weapon master.
  5. My exile
  6. Kotor1: Favourite: Kashyyyck - I like wookies Dislike: Dantooine - It's seems too boring for me do the test for become a jedi or the other quests. Kotor2: Favourite: Dantooine - I can get the lightsaber more faster if i go there first. Dislike: Nar Shadaa - I'm tired of those stupid exchange thugs.
  7. My order is: Dantooine Nar Shadaa Korriban Onderon
  8. I choose GOTO, i hate that stupid droid. But in the poll GOTO is missing, i choose Bao-Dur, because he is completely useless for me.
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