KOTOR is my second favorite game of all time only next to halo. I loved what they did with KOTOR and what I hear about Obsidian and KOTORII, I know this game will rock, I know this isnt a suggestion or anything, all I wanted to do is remind you guys that YOU ROCK, KOTORII will own us all, I want to show my appreciation to you guys, Dark alliance rocked and you black ops boys are bad ass, better then anything BioWare could dish out. Infact when I grow up I want to be just like you guys, hahaha, yea but really. Big props to you guys, KOTORII is going to be even better. By the way, you guys are expecting KOTORII this holliday season like christmas, we don't want to rush anything but I can't wait. Thanks for.....reading this post. And thank you for KOTOR II.