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About Sabamonster

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    TTRPGs, RPGs, Crpgs, Gaming in General, Mini-painting, Warhammer 40k, Comics, Graphic Novels


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  1. I'm not sure what led you to this conclusion and perhaps my perspective here is off but one thing I can say for certain - is that I, along with many other people, love Durance. He was absolutely meant to be abrasive. However, he goes through tremendous growth and rather than word vomit the change he is undergoing, he keeps it relatively to himself. You pick up on it but it's because of subtleties, not because he has 12 minutes of monologuing about why he's changed. He's insightful, crass, doesn't give two ****s about your feelings, or anyone else' for that matter, and calls it like he see's it. He also understands exactly who and what he is and from all accounts, he's incredibly self-aware. You have to keep in mind that he's also seen some ****. Which is probably why he's so abrasive in the first place. This is a priest that killed a god. You have to wonder how that would effect his own faith- the gods in general go from seemingly omnipotent entities that people devote themselves to, prostrate themselves for, and spend their entire lives trying to appease, to little more than the mortals they rule over very very quickly. Compound that with what he learns at the end of the game and you've got a real good recipe for crazy. Everything he dedicated his entire life for, committed deicide for, turns out to be a lie. Not only that, after he engaged in what he thought was the holiest of acts, his goddess cast him aside like a piece of used furniture at the local dump. IMO he's also pretty hilarious at times and offers a comical, if not dark, perspective at times. Perhaps that's just my 40 year-old disabled combat veteran self finding him somewhat relatable but Durance is one of my favorite characters in the game. Having said that, I can definitely see why some people would dislike him. Especially people who don't particularly like confrontation and/or typically avoid it when possible. Xoti on the other hand drives me insane. Here is a character that is insanely devout to a God that is traipsing across the Deadfire laying waste to basically everything, despite the fact that the Watcher, Eder, Aloth and Pallegina are all acutely aware that the gods are "jumped up Engwithins" that put themselves on a pedestal. I find it incredibly hard to believe that she wouldn't undergo some SERIOUS reflection given that knowledge. I also find it hard to believe that she wouldn't be shook to her core considering how devout she actually is. She's travelling with a group of people who have seen what the Gods are, what they've done as a result of their petty in-fighting and just how little they actually care about the people they supposedly "watch over". Her quest and/or mission is also a direct contradiction to what the Watcher is doing and all of the aforementioned. She wants to essentially hoard all of the "lost" souls so that Eothas can collect them at a later date in Hel, when the Watcher himself was tasked with sending them back to the in-between to return to the wheel for Berath. At no point is the watcher able to tell her "I won't stand for this" or "I don't agree with what you're doing" or "Berath tasked me with leading these souls to Adra" (Or anything in between), she interjects before anything can even really be said whenever something to do with souls comes up, and she acts as if her job is more important - despite the fact that the Watcher was literally brought back from the dead by a God to do their job. Both the Watcher (At least in my case) and Eder' consistently try to drill it in her head that she's basically a naïve sheep being used to further the circle-jerk that is the gods "non-plan" and the only response she gives is how she's right and it's her sacred duty. It's honestly infuriating at times, lol.
  2. Still doesn't take away from the fact that he was using the forums for what they are intended for. If the information didn't readily present itself when he looked for it, there's no issue with him asking here. If you took the time to come here and comment and found it to be an inconvenience then that's on you, you could have just ignored it. It's not as if he obfuscated the subject matter with the title of the post. Instead, you decided to enter the thread, read it, comment on it, leave, then come back, comment on it again and post a link. Pretty counter-productive for someone miffed that it's been discussed before.
  3. If you play on higher difficulties the entire temple is somewhat difficult. Kaoto is a nightmare depending on your level reaching him. Those monks can dumpster you fast.
  4. Yes. It is. It's easy to suspend belief in the case of bards invoking magic on account of their instrument and voice. It's not nearly as easy to suspend disbelief on account of some guy being able to punch a dragon in the face and kill it. It's even necessarily based on what's realistic, it just seems out of place. A lot of people feel this way about monks and there's obviously a reason for it. Whether it's right or wrong doesn't really matter - but if it "feels" awkward or out of place for thousands or hundreds of thousands of people there has to be a reason.
  5. I realize this thread is crazy old but I wanted to chime in anyway, due to the fact that I play through Poe1 and 2 regularly and I have a particularly strong opinion on this topic. I personally don't feel like monks belong in Poe OR DnD. Aesthetically, and lore wise, they are so "out of place" it's jarring. Firstly, who in their right mind is going to focus their entire life (Which traditionally is what being a monk calls for) to fighting unarmed, without a shirt, when you've got people hurling balls of fire, swinging massive claymores and riding drakes. When you think "fantasy" who in their right mind goes "Oh, yeah, like shirtless monks!" You could ask 1000 people who know absolutely nothing about fantasy nerdom what they think of when someone says "high fantasy adventures" and not a single one of them is going to list monks as their point of reference. Most, if not all of them I would wager, would be surprised if you told them that monks are included. Mechanically speaking - and this part is probably even more contentious. They are usually completely busted. And the lore implications to "validate" the abilities that make them so broken don't even make sense. A fighter, or Barbarian spends as much time or more getting the crap kicked out of them, so why do monks receive natural bonus' to their AC where the aforementioned don't? This is just one example - to which there are many. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons (And derivatives of it) since I was 9. I'm now 40. I have seen more monk-centric multiclass combo's banned from games (Both PnP and Digital, including Persistent Worlds on NWN, etc) than any other class in existence and the margin isn't even close. Historically, (Think 3.5 and previous) Monk/Druid was the most disgustingly egregious manipulation of rules you could find in any game period. All your unarmed bonus', AC bonus' etc, combined with wildshapes bonuses, etc, etc, and it certainly doesn't stop there. Even in PoE, the most difficult enemies in the game are without a doubt monks. You can cruise through a good portion of content without much resistance if you know what you're doing (Even on PoTD) and the moment you encounter some monks, it's like you've ascended to the heavens and are now facing demi-gods made flesh. They ignore virtually everything outside of weakness and frighten/terror, do massive amounts of damage (Crits especially with multi-attacks) and can more or less teleport themselves and your entire party on a whim. IMO monks are a completely bs class. Having said that - despite my criticisms and my seething frustration with them; having options is always good and some people like them. The game isn't all about me.
  6. I'm having an issue with this as well. Am I doing something wrong or is there a specific place I'm supposed to be? I went to the actual boat, and clicked on the panel to change members even (While in Neketaka port) and it says I can't change crew members without going to the Neketaka shipyard. Anyone know what the deal is here?
  7. I just wanted to say that I've been a fan since the launch of the original Pillars. I unfortunately missed the deadline for backing or I would be playing the Beta right now. Having said that I have the up-most faith in your team and your ability to create an amazing game that I know without a doubt I'm going to enjoy for a very, very long time. I know that you guys don't get enough recognition for what you do in the industry in general and most of the time the feedback you get is either criticism (Constructive and otherwise), or when a mistake is made, you get hounded and pressed because of it. I just wanted to extend a thank you for the hard work and time you're putting into the games that you create. Being a disabled Vet there are very few things I do with my time, and video games admittedly take up most of it. I for one cannot wait to experience this iteration of Pillars and I assume it will take up a vast majority of my time. Again, thanks from a humble fan.
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