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Anakin Skywalker

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About Anakin Skywalker

  • Rank
    (3) Conjurer
    (3) Conjurer

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  • Location
    Courscant's Jedi Temple
  1. Mira is important, because Zez-Kai Ell hired her to keep the Exile SAFE! Despite his own fate at the Exile's hand. And Kreia realizing that with Mira alive, she could not manipulate the Exile, with out Mira interfering, so she sent Hanharr to exterminate her
  2. I don't know..... allow me to review the files again and then i'll get back to you on that one....
  3. Put them in the modules folder.... i think that was what you needed to do...
  4. Defeat Revan, "escape" the cave, and that is where you will meet her....
  5. ^ (w00t) Hmmm.......... she looks like a man, I'll give you that
  6. I meant Deralia or however you spell her name.... not once have I seen her not have a red crystal, on either PC or X-box
  7. They meant the hilt.... which is kinda stupid, being as they knew what he meant.
  8. Yeah...... you meet Sion at the entrance hall.... so, everything is going like it should... good luck
  9. Hey Adi Gallia wields a red Saber..... but she is LS... and he has a fix for that avatar... it's blue..... thanks to CSI: Nihilus
  10. Hmm........ too bad..... that is a good mod.... perhaps you either didn't do something right... or the mod was unable to fully download... try kotor2files...
  11. The Twilek is not alive... that is a hologram... it is supposed to appear when you access the console and when you insert the datapad and say "Play back recording" but you do not have to do that... instead you can unlock to door to the academy and be one your way. Then when you go to the cave Lonna doesn't appear until you are "leaving the cave"
  12. Can I change side? :D If so, I would like to say the Lightside....
  13. Dark side for me......... and the Gothic Handmaiden only with out black hair
  14. Or you could use cheats "giveitem g_w_lghtsbr02" without the quotes........
  15. Oh, how typically Jedi? I am Sith............. so NO JEDI for me........ unless Jedi Slave
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