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About KKoenig

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    Systems Designer
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  1. This was actually caused by a fix to another issue where I had to change how this item worked behind the scenes. As you mentioned, unequipping and reequipping should cause it to work again.
  2. This is intended behavior actually. It was done because of the ability granted by the rapier, "Spider's Flurry", and its custom animation. With how our animations are made, there wasn't an easy way to mirror that animation and make it still look good, so we decided to just make the weapon main hand only. Balance wise, I see no harm in downloading the mod if you want to wield it in the off hand, just note the animation for Spider's Flurry will be wrong.
  3. An action set delay acts like a cooldown for the action set. When the value is 0, the AI will keep trying to use that set, whenever its condition is met. For example, if you have an action set set to "Always True" and a delay of 0, the AI will use whatever ability is in that action set, until you are out of resources. However, if you set that delay to 10 seconds, it will use the ability and then skip over that action set for the next 10 seconds, even if its conditionals are met. In your picture you used "Not Has Inspiration - Dexterity" to stop it from casting Lightning Strikes non-stop (since it applies a dexterity affliction), but you could have also set it up with something like "Enemies in Melee Range > 0" and put an action set delay to prevent it from repeatedly using the ability every time you are in melee with an enemy. Hope that helps!
  4. Hi all, It seems Stunned isn't actually working as intended and was designed to apply a small deflection penalty on the affected. Thanks for catching that! Neither paralyzed or prone are currently designed to give you a deflection penalty; the former was given the hit-to-crit conversion to give it some offensive punch and the latter has been changed into a more powerful version of interrupt. I'll make sure the feedback on these are known though -Kyle
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