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About Tmoney

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  1. I'll probably check in once in a while to see what bugs are out there. I'm not much bothered by spoilers but I do enjoy the challenge of figuring things out myself as much as possible.
  2. Never heard of them and probably never heard them enough to remember or care who voiced what characters. I usually turn the sound off and listen to music (probably due to hearing 'Go for the eyse boo!' 600,000 times) while I play games.
  3. It really depends, in some regions a preload is just nice to have, if you really want to play on release day. However in some rural areas all around the world, the pre-load is really worthwhile, since you do not need to spend ten hours downloading it on release day. Before Amazon, Steam etc. it was quite normal not to play on release date, we just got used to getting everything delivered by the time it unlocks. Back in the stone age people pre-ordered then made a midnight run to the local game store to pick it up on launch day, or they pre-ordered and hoped that the UPS dropped it off early so they could play before the official launch. The tales of rage and woe from those whose game didn't arrive on launch day or whose local game store somehow ran out of pre-order copies were epic.
  4. I am strongly tempted to call my ship Fred, for no real reason except that one day I was killing some time reading an article on a Swedish shipyard that listed all the ships it had built over something like a hundred years and one of them was a cargo ship named Jose`. I figure if the Swedes can launch the Jose` then the Deadfire Archipelago can launch the Fred. I suppose I could jazz it up a bit and name it Phredde.
  5. I work remotely and it goes live for me right around lunch time so I'll most likely play a bit when it goes live.
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