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Everything posted by ThisIsMerlin

  1. I love Blunderbusses (sp?) as a secondary weapon to use against pirates. They normally have low armor so the multiple hits stack for great damage. Naturally you do not want one for heavily armored encounters, but in Deadfire, it's actually relatively easy to predict enemy armor density based on faction. So while I wouldn't invest in them as a panacea, I certainly enjoy having them around
  2. I think that is just a way to compensate for the fact that the AI isn't as clever as a human character. I have had success bringing down bounties far above my level because I could focus on ship combat and avoid boarding. The enemy escaping and repairing has been far less devastating than the enemy boarding and one/two hitting my main. I suppose you could argue that one should only go after ships of about the same level but I think it fits the lore for me to be competent enough to down a big ship and get some gear considering the Watcher's feats in the first game leave him/her extremely competent, albeit low on power..
  3. Is this the only area in which noise comes into play? It seems strange how every Cipher spell has a noise value but it is made irrelevant by the fact that combat inevitably alerts all near by enemies to itself. I suppose if I was soloing and was trying to one hit enemies from stealth, the noise value would make sense. But that isn't exactly a common possibility in-game lol. Does anyone have an example of how it is relevant outside of traps? Maybe they will release a DLC that takes advantage of the feature
  4. Ahh I see, thank you for clarifying! It did seem a little OP for something so early in the game but I figured it was worth inquiring. Cheers!
  5. Good evening all, Has there been an update to the Whispers of the Endless Paths damage? My understanding was that the Greatsword has the damage of a longsword but strikes twice upon hitting to compensate for this. However, I cannot see any evidence of this in the game log. Is this sword nerfed due to how easy it is to acquire if you played the original game/created a background story where you got both blades? Am I misinterpreting the data? Or is this a bug. I would like to get credit for being extremely perfectionist in the first game, but I do not want to waste time with a weapon that is nerfed if that is how it is designed. Does anyone know what the status of this is? Thank you!
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