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Everything posted by Alexzipse

  1. Maybe we'll get some sort of romance option for him in the future dlc's. I doubt it, but just maybe. It felt as if a stronger relationship could definitely have happened after finishing pillars 1, at least to me anyways, so I was pretty bummed. It would be nice to see the growing of a deeper relationship between he and the watcher after all this time, to at least have the option for it.
  2. Oh no :/ Can you elaborate a bit on your steps to load? Does it attempt the game on steam and just black screen, or are you able to get into a New Game? I can get to the title screen, but when I launch a new game it never gets to the character creation, there's just a black screen unfortunatel Alright thank you for the info, that helps! Can you first try giving it a good amount of time on the black screen? There we some bugs with the loading screen on first load. I let it try to load overnight but still nothing, just a loading black screen. It's okay though! Will just be more anticipation/excitement when I can play in April!
  3. Oh no :/ Can you elaborate a bit on your steps to load? Does it attempt the game on steam and just black screen, or are you able to get into a New Game? I can get to the title screen, but when I launch a new game it never gets to the character creation, there's just a black screen unfortunately.
  4. Unfortunately, the beta is still an endless black screen for me when I launch the game. Running on a Mac, not sure what to do :/
  5. Probably a silly question, but how did you bypass steam to play the beta? On a mac here as well and have the constant black screen when I load it directly from steam.
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