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Grinning Fool

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About Grinning Fool

  • Rank
    NWN2 Community Representative
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. Now I don't know you on two boards. Pretty cool.

  2. This is some really great stuff, can't wait to get my greedy little paws on it.
  3. Commenting just for the heck of it. Have at thee!

  4. My understanding with the trees is that rotating them is essentially the same as rendering entirely new objects, performancewise -- so the advantage we have today of 10 trees using the same seed = 1 tree rendered (kinda) is wiped out. However, that info involves reaching in my memory all the way back to toolset beta timeframe, so I could be mistaken However, I've also seen numerous modules where people place only 5 or 6 different tree seeds; and using scaling and irregular placement you literally can't tell that they're the same when you're walking through the area. (In the toolset, of course you can because you get the birds' eye view -- but that view isn't available to the players)
  5. Excellent news all around.
  6. Been through once, a half-time when I broke my character by using reset level function, and now another half-time (current play through).
  7. This time I wanted to add one for myself strictly for amusement value.

  8. I wanted to add a comment for myself so that the comment section wouldn't look so pathetically empty.

  9. Couldn't pick more than one option. The weight of this choice is overwhelming; I don't think I can make it.
  10. There are usually data recovery services that can at least get an image of (most of) your data from the hard drive. Though I would expect it to be in the realm of "not cheap"...
  11. Hmm -- does this mean the missing client command-line options made it in too?
  12. Great news about the patch, though it seems to cause toolset loading issues here are a couple of examples of that new snow texture in action (nothing exceptional, I just tossed 'em together in an hour or so to help show what's possible with the textures): snow 1 snow 2 snow 3 edit to remove toolset fix because it may cause other issues - Rob
  13. Jasperre: kivi found that the module will load after another (recognized) file, such as a 2da, is added to the hak. Once this is done, the custom contextmenu.xml is not recognized. Which ties in well with my thoughts on custom content: While specific uses may vary, there needs to be consistency. Every single resource type should load uniformly whether contained in a Hak, Override folder, or a Campaign folder. This includes gui xml, tga, dds, mdb, wav, ncs, nss, ut*, sef, pfx, bbx, and all the other myriad file types that NWN recognizes as resources.
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