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Everything posted by appletart

  1. i just kept running around using force storm and using life support packs when on low hp
  2. i build up my 2hweapon feats first then i go 2 single blades
  3. Darth Revan (Neutral Male) Tele Tris (Light Side Female) Revan (Light Side Male)
  4. ...you mistake somebody in robes for a jedi ...you threaten someone that you will use a lightsaber when u just pull out a stick ...you threaten to use force crush on ur teacher if he gives u homework! ...you u walk through a street screaming "I AM THE DARK LORD ALL THE SITH BOW DOWN OR DIE!" lol
  5. maybe Knights of the Old Republic III The Mandalorian wars you play as a jedi during the Mandalorian wars or a erm Mandalorian
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