What platform are you on? Stream/Android/iPad, etc.
Windows 7 PC
What version of the OS are you running? Android 4.4, iOS 9.3, etc.
Service Pack 1
What is your PFID#? (Located in the settings menu)
Cyclonitron #1168
Is pass & play on? Is permadeath on?
Neither is on
Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? (If not quest mode, did you recently enter it?)
Story Mode (assuming the normal campaign is story mode)
Characters in Party
Lini, Amiri
Location of each character
Lini - Thassalonian Dungeon, Amiri - The Leng Device
Turn Order
Lini, Amiri
Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play?
6-4, normal difficultly. Replay
What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc)
Frost Worm
Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? (IE, you just encountered an enchanter and failed the check, and on an additional explore you ran into a blessing of the gods but didn't auto acquire it)
Subsequent explore. Can't remember card encountered previous to Frost Worm
Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it?
Restarted several times, crash occurs regardless of other characters helping.
Was the encounter a Horde? (Skeleton Horde, Goblin Raid, Zombie Nest, Zombie Horde, Garrison Location Power w/ multiple characters, Henchmen encounter in Black Fang w/ multiple characters)
Not a horde
Issue: After killing a Frost Wyrm, Amiri must make an acrobatics or dexterity check to avoid taking damage. The game immediately freezes and crashes after I roll the dice and the result is displayed, but before the resolution of the check.