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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Now, I'm a PC'er, so this doesn't affect, but I do the big name stores have less manners than the more dedicated game stores. (EB Games, Funcoland, Gamestop), when it comes to games. I have experienced up to 4 day delays or early releases from big name stores, who aren't dedicated to gaming, (WalMart, Target, KMart). It just happens.


    And that is the same reason store like EB would not put a game on the shelf prior to the release date, but a chain like Wally World would. The wage slaves at Walmart just grab a box and whatever is in it, so long as it is the right type of item, goes on the shelf. HL2 was on the shelf 2 days prior to the release date at the Walmart in my town, and with one of those goofy "Just Reduced" labels on it.


    Yeah, I don't have much respect for big chain stores when they pull off stuff like that. It seems to me that they pull off this kinda things, because they won't get punished by it.

    The thing is that even if they do get hit with a fine from the publisher for putting a game out on the shelf early it would barely even show up on their end of the year buget outlook.


    Ya man, those giant retailers would pay off the fine with their bellybutton lint.

  2. OK folks, I've got some good news for you: even thougth game retailers like EBgames or Gamestop got the game last week, they've refused to sell it until the 7th (Tuesday). 


    However, Target stores are putting it on the shelve at midnight tonight....so you can pick it up first thing tomorrow morning!  (w00t)



  3. LOL, people like that can get annoying. Do you guys think I could trick my best buy into handing over a copy of tsl?


    You gotta be good friends with one of the staff there. Like I said earlier, I am mad because I lost my store connections. Before, I was able to snag such titles a week before they actually released.

  4. How did walmart get the game early anyways?  Here the game isn't even shipping tell the 6th.  So how was walmart selling the game early, it dosn't really make sense...  Perhaps those who said they got it from walmart lied as well?


    All stores get games early, that way they can put them on the shelves opening day. It wouldn't make sense to ship the game out to stores the day it comes out, they wouldn't have enough time to stock their shelves and label and price everything in their databases :thumbsup:


    Actually i asked two stores and they both said it will be shipped on the 6th... They will have it in possibly late on the 6th or on the 7th.


    That's not good hear.

  5. No, they really do have it. Mine had it but was sold out.


    I figured you were lying jedi. But just incase I wanted to make it clear no story or plot spoilers lol. I would have been upset to get the game and then have it play out just like you told me.


    dont worry im always full of **** lol


    You smell like it too.


    now dont get mad because i tricked your fat jabba ass. end of this fight


    Now that you're bringing in the fat comments...




    *sits on Jedi Lord Umraan*

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