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V-Chan: Jedi Wepons Master

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Everything posted by V-Chan: Jedi Wepons Master

  1. ...no, why would something like that be said?
  2. okay fine, chances are, their will never be a kotor movie. ...oh well, people in order to not anger these people anymore we must give up talking about suck things, okay?
  3. uhh, wow that's a lot to read, but yeah.... good ideas and... yeah, okay good thinking kind sir
  4. the only one's I said were hot were Natalie Portman and Carrie Fisher. and that the kotor chicks actually had personalities. and no good sir, a girl friend is not had, though future ex-wifes are? why do you ask?
  5. and what part of my picture needs work? oh please share your wisdom
  6. what's wrong with my hair? the force powers weren't all flawed, force scream was preety sweet, and master heal was better than heal and cure in the first kotor
  7. Because no one from Lucas ever said their wasn't gonna be one, so that leaves the topic open for discussion, no?
  8. cool guy, ehh, bout to cry, really the tears are welling up. allright, fun times, well sir I'm sorry I didn't put up more of I fight for you and that you don't have any pictures of yourself. I shall bother you with my comments no longer and may you live a long and prosperous life oh wise one
  9. dude, that's not nice, I think Nadlie Portmans hot and all but she doesn't have a persanalitie in the movies!!! And nothing tops the real princess Leia in her Gold bikini, can't stress that enough!!!! and why don't you put up a real picture of your self? probally some 25 yearold punk using his moms old windows 98 or something
  10. Duh dude, my 9600 pro works fine with it, gotta upgrade soon though huh?
  11. Yeah sure, like everyone knows their gonna mess up the Halo movies, but they wouldn't neccisarilly be bad!!! But if they did, then each game would probablly end up being a trilage. like the first one would end with Revan begining his training as a jedi. The second would end after the escaped Malak, Bastilla is captured and Revan learns who he is. and then the third would end... well hopefully the light side ending since it's supposed to be the cannoical one
  12. wow, you guys really get into it, I gusto the musica though
  13. Dude, Mira's a red head (victor's gt a thing for red heads) and handmadies like... will kick your ass, Padme's a little bitch who dies cuz hubby smacked her around a bit. All about the Kotor girls... execept for Princess Leia and her gold bikini!!!
  14. Yeah, that's the easiest way if you haven't made Atton a Jedi!!! It's pure genious!!! ....think I spelt that wrong
  15. ...I want Revan back, the living force vs the death of the force!!!!
  16. This is some dirty stuff... Kotor has made us all forget about Princess Leia and her Gold Bikini *sniff sniff*
  17. Thank you good sir, so what would you rather have 1. Revan come back and fix the Repulic or 2.Exile come back and save the Republic or 3. Get to see what Revan and Exile (lady of course) ended up fighting
  18. Revan is best, but I always go lightside!!! ...course you gotta have the force storm, can't help it<br>
  19. yeah, but wasn't it one sick game?<br>
  20. I just want some some closer for Revan, it's a pain not knowing what really happened to him!!!
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