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NW of Chicago Now
I don't list my year of birth but I'm old enough and well traveled enough to have seen most of it, tried some of it, and to have at least sketched impressions of the rest of it. <br /><br />I have taken part in one War. Very Un-Jedi, I took it very persoanlly.<br /><br />Professional artist/Published illustrator and author.<br /><br />Degrees in Art, History, Theater, Philosophy, Biology<br /><br />Areas of intrest- Too many to list. Dog lover - worked with wolves, lions, wild african dogs, Siberian Tigers and many others animals (hands on) in both research and captive breeding programs - Other highlights, Show jumping and endurence riding.<br /><br />I was born and remain a Lady- I can be a bitch. Just not often. Don't drink, save once or twice a year. Smoke too much. Love reading, music and good discussion.<br /><br />For the age minded, I saw the initial release of the 1st SW movie while still in first year of college...not that that will help you totally... You would have to guess at what age I started collage. <br /><br />Oh, I won state medals for archery and fencing in HS, then went on to learn the saber and a variety of swords as well as the basics with various guns and assorted other weapons for theater and Directing which was my area of interest at the time. During this epoc I earned my black-belt... which are a dime a dozen now.<br /><br />There is more....but not for here. :D<br /><br />Vexia aka Ladywolf
Oh, no he isnt....
Common....everyone looks horrible DS... I'd play DS more often if they didn't....And Atton...Yiiiishhhhh!Gaaak! Really they totally over-do the Darth-Sid look.... or "good" comic lines need to be in dialogue from npc's as well as crew.. Little rodian sells guns, armor, swords, crystals, parts...NEWU-Skin cream! "Something wrong with the juma juice sir/miss" "Yes Miss I sell foundation makeup...by the pound" Common....I keep expecting facial parts to start falling off! (could explain Malak's facial issues) Oh man, I need a cold drink. and DS WHO wants a romance??? Please kiss me with your dead decaying rotting lips....uuuughhhh!!
Well, as a female I rather tend to play female... altho there is just one male avatar in K2 I dont mind playing, cus he is so attractive... Have done that twice now, but the first time, was my second time I EVER played the game and I was SOOO bummed out when I was stuck with the HM and couldn't get Mical. I kinda avoided HM... even RPing it was just too creepy for me, which doesn't really make much sense as one of my mains in swg on-line was an reble buttkicking male... but all my friends who I remain in contact with, all used a utility that allowed us all to talk together real time while in game. So while that toon was male all the people I spoke live with knew it was me... which goes to show how weird the mind can work, playing alone, with no one to talk to but the other characters in Kotor, having weird conversations with handmaiden just isn't my cup of tea... and I never did give a damn what her name was LOL! Oh and how I love being RUDE to Atris- LS or DS --- MUHAAAAAA!!!! I'll play my male avatar again when I can find the mod that will let me replace HM with Mical. I believe it is out there. Just haven't had the time to find it again and figure out how to install correctly. At which point I will have great fun!!! (w00t)
A few thoughts... Some jedi possess for-sight, the female jedi in question may have sensed his importance to a future she could not forsee in great detail... But her forsight was both powerful enough and urgent enough for her to find Atton and in the end die for him... she may have even forseen this outcome... even to the extent of knowing what he would do to her once she was captured. As we are talking about the force and a hardcore jedi... Atton talks "Around" why he is imprisoned on Peragus...citing "trumped up charges...infractions" ... I kind of like the idea he was drawn there subconsciously by the forsight he was exposed to when he killed the un-named female jedi. I also like the idea he may have arrived on perragus in time to get the drif on what was going on. Enough so that he got himself thrown in jail - which turned out to be a pretty safe place to be... or he was an early inconvienence to Corta... who got him thrown there... Lots of room for the imagination to play. Vexia
[Mandalor sitting quietly watching the on board-security-cams and listening to the rest of the dysfunctional crew ] Thinks, 'Humm...if they were mandalorians I'd know how to deal with them all. Damn the Exile and... Revan both... probably best to let Atton and the rest know about the other reason why all but mandalorians don't fair too well on this beast infested rock...We mandalorians are immune to the cumulative effects of the bio-toxins here-damn flora-...I was hoping the jedi among them would prove resistant...then again its not like they have been 'jedi' all that long...not like Revan, or the Exile. Thought maybe the old woman would have warned them when they first came here...Humm, obviously not. And the Exile...Had greater worries at the time...[grunts] must be getting sentamental in my old age to worry about any of this group. Motley mess if I ever saw one...But the droids...T3 isn't all that chirpy these days...HK silent...which, all in all, suits me just fine...still, it's off too...silent and, what? Can a droid sulk? GO-TO...Never trusted that one...Bao lost his little droid in the second destruction of Malacor V....How the hell did GO-TO manage to get back to us...unless it's...interesting, maybe he did after all, wonder what circuts got fried even at that range...[Humph] Mira is half mandaorian...wonder if she knows...well, not my place...anyway, not enough to keep her from being affected. Visas...she proved her metal on that hell blown ship...And she has had greater taining than the rest. But even she is acting strange. Maid is just a hair off too. I'll have Kex send a scout with antidote right now...[ takes a momment and uses his private com- then] That should help. Still a problem with the droids...Not that anyone ever asked or knows...aside from Revan...I'll see if I can have a talk with T3...Revan said he was unique... seen pllenty of evidence to know thats true enough...hummm...something is affecting the droids...no idea what...maybe T3 will have some ansures...Siths Blood, when did I turn into an...] gets up and shuts off cams and com's still grumbling. Just ignore if you dont like
Thanks Alec :D Yup... all the Di bashing made me want to post. Among other things. Di is the guy Btw...Nice to meet you all on the forums Vexia aka Ian/m (level 90 veteran Master jedi swg's online rpg) Wolven/fem ( level 87 vetern master Bounty hunter 'same as above') Tess/fem (veteran master bounty hunter, ex-jedi, and long unused rebel guild spy) lots of fun while it lasted. Still have accounts...but some mysterious force -no pun intended- made all the peeps vanish. Kinda hard to rp alone on line.
Vexia started following Sexiest KOTOR2 Character
Hi all, new to forum... Not new to K1 or K2 been through both about 17 times now...give or take a game here or there...I know...compared to the rest of you I'm a piker (w00t) Sexiest.... Love that word. Me... LS/DS female Exile AND it is ALWAYS Mical. Yes I can hear the groan's. Allow me to give you a woman's perspective. Mical is almost the most talkative. Atton whines. Mical has a voice like male velvet. Atton grates on about torture and Pazzak. (Which to me is right up there with listening to sports scores and poker.) I love playing sports and poker, but its not what I want to talk about in rl or in my gaming. I always get Mical right after Atris on telos. I usually don't do all of dant till later, but I get Mical and crystals. And as Mical starts as a soldier... he becomes an awesome jedi as does Bao-dur, my second fav boy. No, I don't hate Atton. But I find him predictable, and honestly boring... I did go with the Atton choice first couple of times, had no problem turning him ever, he or Bao. But alas Bao is off limits... personally I love the contast of his soft spoken nature with his violent an tormented past... much more magnetic and full of pathos then Atton's pissing and moaning about this that and the other thing. Mical's side story, after you have played it differing ways "Mical Being Disciple" tugs at a womans heart strings. Unlike Atton's story, that LS or DS, makes me wish I there was an option in game for killing your own crew. But then as Kreia says "Someone has to fly the ship." And yes I have gotten the high-influ ending with Atton. What can I say...PAZZAK! Atton is a toon designed by guys, to be played by guys going with a female PC. The only trouble at all with Mical is that he too was designed by male types trying to guess/using polls or a weegiboard(sp) what kind of simi-vulnerable male would work in the game as well, who would be "Attons Polar opposite." which I rather think was the whole point. Di is better looking, has a better bod, better voice, more vulnerable story as it harkens back to the Exiles own personal past. And end game makes one hell of a jedi. By The time My Avatar gets to the "end " She can do it all. Knowing that her Mical ..... ahh, no ending give aways here. So all in all, I get the whole Atton story, yes I turn him too, but make sure to keep my influ as low as humanly possible to do it. And with my Beloved Mical at my side... and Bao too... do my best to save the known universe. And then there are Di's wonderful bedroom eyes... Oh yeah... Sexiest