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Everything posted by galenbd

  1. Bastilla_Skywalker lol. I hope this is a joke. Please do not answer this. I would consider it a spoiler. Galen
  2. I'm not sure how much this matters. Until there is little to no money in consoles compared to PCs, this sort of decision is likely. Even if KOTOR II sells 3x as many PC versions as console versions, few companys are going to pass up 25% of their revenue early. Even in my personal finances, that is hard to justify. Whereas I am disappointed that I won't be able to play this game over my Christmas vacation(free time, woo hoo), I will still buy it when it's released for PC. Galenbd It's all about dollars and sense. - Chromed Accountant
  3. Perhaps this should go into Akari's next Weekend Developer post. He probably would know if functions for this sort of thing have been built, but not necessarily which NPC's it would effect. From past discussions, we know that it will effect the characters you are travelling with, but no mention has been made about whether other NPC's will be effected. I suspect that would be a lot of work for little gain. Galen
  4. I think this is the stance that Azure79 is referring to. I think masked Revan used this stance with the other hand tho. If this is right, thanks to Azure79 for the analysis. Galen
  5. This topic was not forgotten. I regularly see 1-2 guests and 2-3 members browsing this topic. However, few people are posting comments of substance. If there's nothing to talk about, people won't talk. They'll just move on to the next thread that interests them. If you want discussion, come up with an attribute of the trailer to get opinions on. Some we've already discussed are dificulty, saber colors, lack of dual-bladed sabers, new sith lord with red eyes, lack of new features, marketing trailers, Force Crush, guy-in-silver-suit, et cetera. Perhaps we've talked this one out, but I doubt it. Galen
  6. One of the wishlist items for TSL is to make the game more difficult The number of opponents appears to be slightly more than in KotOR. The few instances where I faced more than 3-5 opponents, I was either injured more than usual or died. If this escalation in the number of opponents is truly indicative of TSL, then I think this game will be harder than KotOR. Galen
  7. At 47 seconds, there is a shot of a sith with red lensed goggles. No one else mentioned it. I wonder which Darth he is. Also it seems that when wielding two lightsabers, a common movement is to attack with the right hand, then rotate the torso backwards and hit with the left hand on the targets opposite side. This movement causes the back to be exposed. This happens more than once in this trailer. <_< Opponents that turn their back on me get hit in the back, usually more than once. Galen
  8. At about 55 seconds, there is a jedi in a white skirt with a blue lightsaber kicking an opponent. The details not great, so I can't see face or even body type, but it could be her. Galen
  9. Lots more time for testing is not necessarily good. If your test suite is not valid 2X or 3X the amount of time will still result in poor quality. The hope is that a reasonable test suite can be run in the amount of time they have left. If these devs are as good as most of us think they are...ehem Hades..., they will have established a test team that is as good at test as these devs are at development. Or maybe I'm being overly optimistic. Galen
  10. Ya know Hades, they are actually doing something with their knowledge. I'm learning to be a developer since I squandered my youth. I don't worship them, but I have respect for anyone who can do development. They are putting their future finances and reputation on the line to provide us with our jollies. Maybe it will be crap or maybe it will be earthshattering. Either way, I appreciate their efforts. It's no skin off my nose to say, "Thanks for trying. " Galen
  11. nightcleaver said "...I'd really like to hear your opinion on what I just suggested - if at all possible. You are, after all, something of an expert, and I value your opinion as more accurate than my own." First, as I said in my first post, I am comfortable with martial arts. Whereas I appreciate that you value my opinion, please do not take anything I post as expert information. I may have more knowledge in an area than you, but I am NOT an expert. nightcleaver also said "So, I agree there's some lack of realism." In a forum that is rife with opinionated discussion, I see little of this. Thank You. Now on to the good stuff. nightcleaver also said "Honestly, my original suggestion wasn't that out-of-whack, though it is original and probably extremely unlikely to happen." AND "I just want to know if I was on to something. " You are. When I was studying Aikido, we used to do aggressive movement from our knees. It was an exercise to get us to realize how all the parts of our body moves when the center (belly button) moves. I have used this technique in a unchoreographed bout. Given the screenshot as it is, she could drop to her knees, move her right hand above her head, elbow at a 90 degree angle and the blade running in line with her shoulders. I believe fencers call that Kent, but I'm sketchy on the terminology. That would allow her to be defensive. It's a good recovery for a screw-up. I also agree that my verisimilitude would not freak about this recovery. In all body positions there are strengths and weaknesses. This position has the weakness that significant mobility is lost. The standing opponent is more able to maneuver her into a vulnerable position. That being said, I have won fights when my legs were (fictionally) wounded. However, I would not often initiate an attack that so overextended me such that this recovery is required. I personally have only seen this screw-up to occur when the footing was slick. nightcleaver also said ...he has considerably little of her to aim at... I have hit so many people in the head when they have leaned forward even 1 inch. He may have little of her to aim at, but it's a lethal little bit. Much of the key to winning is to not hit your opponent, but to cause their body to hit your blade. This most often occurs by placing the blade where they must end up. In this screenshot, the Sith could maintain the angle and position of his blade, but merely walk forward, raking the blade up her arm and into her torso. In doing so, he would keep his blade between his body and her blade. Always a good thing. As a toss off, he has overextended his parry. He is defending a significant portion of air between his blade and his body. Speed requires efficiency which requires defending only the important bits. When my parrys get wild, I get (fictionally) dead. Luke vs Vader... I don't watch fighting movies well. The movie Troy also caused me discomfort. Galen
  12. Very good description of alanschu's suggestion that her momentum might be away from her opponent. The movement of her hair and clothes suggests otherwise, but on to the point. This applies a concept I have run into in fencing. It is very DIFFICULT to run backwards faster than your opponent can run forward. Not impossible. Even if she is retreating, she is off balance. As EnderWiggin, said she's not going anywhere in a hurry. Assuming humanity as a basis, HE can freely advance with balance and intent. SHE must recover her balance to be reasonably sure of her defense. She still has a defense, but it is more based on luck or whimsy than application of learned skill. I know which I would rather rely upon. Her attack may be a flick, not a weight-committed attack, but I don't see that in the picture. If I make a feint type of attack, I insure that if I need to retreat, I can do so in good order. If I must extend my balance, I choose to do so for an attack I feel I can succeed at, not a flick or small feint. There are times when I do not pursue an opponent in a vulnerable state. These may be that my balance is off, my timing is not sufficient to capitalize on the vulnerability, I choose not to risk exposing my defense to make a movement in that instant or I may not have sufficient control of my opponent's weapon. The list is long. If she were retreating with her balance intact, I would perceive that she would very likely would get away given your layout. However, in her unbalanced posture, I still maintain that she is so extremely vulnerable that the portrayal becomes unrealistic to ME. That brings me to a related subject. nightcleaver suggested that the Force will allow her to perform outside of the bounds of physics. I agree. In my original post I suggested that I did not feel that all things should be bound similar to my mortal shell. However, to enjoy this protrayal, I must be able to relate it to something I can understand. This concept is called verisimilitude. Defined as the quality of appearing to be true or real. This is what I strive for in my pen-and-paper roleplaying games. We know they're not real. Otherwise, why would we play. However, we need something we can understand. Most roleplaying games, fantasy and science-fiction alter , but do not entirely discard the laws of physics. If a NORMAL-LOOKING girl walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, I would expect her to smile and say hello. I would not expect her to grow 3 inch thorns from every pore, bleed rainbow-colored fluid and turn and roll away. If I saw a picture of this monstrosity kissing me, I wouldn't be able to believe that it could happen. A similar thing occurs to me when I see this screeshot. I can't believe a person knowledgable in violent action would allow themself to get into this position willfully. She looks pretty willful to MY mind. Since the artist has failed to convince me that his reality is reasonable, I don't like the screenshot. I suspect the artist was not intending me as the audience. I appreciate everyone's commentary on this subject. Thanks. ichpokhudezh, I hope I have answered all your questions. Galen
  13. I've been looking at this screenshot with disgust for days. I feel comfortable with one armed martial art. I'm familiar with 4 more, armed and unarmed. NONE that I know, suggests that losing your balance is good. Most stress that causing your opponent to lose their balance is the key to winning. Some have said Ok, let's chill out some, it's just art. For those of us with an interest in martial arts, all suspension of disbelief is lost. It's like playing a realistic space flight sim only to be attacked by a pink fuzzy bunny. I'm not interested in super-realistic fights. They are limiting. However, art done so detached from reality gives me the screaming heebee-jeebees. We can do lots of speculation about how this will turn out, but she has lost her balance, he has not. She would have to be better than him by several orders of magnatude to keep from getting killed. On the most metaphysical side, if she's attacking with this much passion or anger, she shouldn't be considered a Jedi. Galen
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