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About harkan

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    roaming the universe
  1. Congratulations to team-gizka effort, now they and us can see the light on the end of the tunnel.
  2. dude's are you crazy? mandalore is not a planet but a name given to the leader of the mandalorian clans!
  3. force-melee, theres nothing like force wave then cutdown everything in sight!
  4. he is still on telos. dude just go back tho the ithorians, or czerka, and keep playing you will find the ebon hawk a little later in the game.
  5. short sabers absurd, then shortswords are also absurd? a very common sword type that does a lot more damage than a standart longsword if well used!...
  6. do any of you ever played a dual short-lightsaber weapons-master... they rock alot! so dont say that short-lightsaber's arent good because they actually are!
  7. thk its my video card, it doesnt support it. any way tho go around this?
  8. hi! i would like to know what could disable force sight, i win the power trought Visas but once actived it does nothing!
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