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About Lord_Sion

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    The dark alleys of koriban
  1. lol is there anyway to get jedi master robes being good in k2?
  2. i agree u should be able to use there mnds to control them and u take over there caracter. and if there was a new side of the force u lead i rekon it should be a kind of rebil jedi thing were people who dont belive in jedi teaching join you but u are not a sith either and at the begining u may spend the game building up ur rebil jedi army and then someone turns peoiple agaisnt you and you have to leave because it is to dangerous there (lol bad idea but it is a place for ideas)
  3. aye is it worth buying now? (after playing number 2)
  4. lol bastila is so hot girls think she's sexy lol
  5. yeah i know must be a moron :"> but i cnt figure out how u do cheats but i read the thingo over and over for cheats and it ses about turning cheats on or somthin and i cnt find out how
  6. lol vrook was the only hard one because i was low level when i tried it (yes olame excuse) but i just kept using force shook level 2 and it took awhile but he died all the other masters die in about 10 secs after shok storm.
  7. kavar he is perdy kool and he sed he wanted to be ur master but the stupid council stopped him
  8. what was the best bit og kotor I????
  9. if there was 1 thing id want in the game was multiplayer over the intrenet. Just an idea
  10. lol i can see his boner from here
  11. SA was fun and is defiantely in the top of worlds best games but once u complete the game (the missions just normal ones) all u do is go around do secret missions (most of them boring) and stuff like that. But kotor 2had a great story line and very interesting features + the side missions are fun. the only bit i was ever bored at was the begining in peragaus and is the only game i would play ver and over and over so yeah. P.s how do u do cheats i dont get it a bit confusing
  12. i have to go with 2 cause i hvnt played 1 but im dyin to get it
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