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Posts posted by HooAmEye

  1. Actually: Watchers are also interesting topic, not that good as living god, but enought for some short publication. Not always you can catch live speciment. So she may be interested in study the Watcher, most of the time its PC who knocks and ask stupid questions about npc background. But if OE needs character to ask Watcher about his past and feelings... eager lisener ready to make some notes.

    Well, as long as she doesnt go down the Liara route, I would be completely down for this

    • Like 4
  2. *Bathing in the positive vibes*


    So excited for multi and subclasses.

    Number of classes in PoE1: 11

    Number of possible combinations in PoE2: Freakin' high.

    That's going to add LOADS of replayable with unusual combinations.


    On the companions side, I've got a good feeling about Xoti. The sickle looks wicked.


    And just in general, I'm sure Obsidian has learned a lot from PoE1 and any points that were lacking before will be improved upon.


    Im super duper excited for this too. We know that there are three subclasses per class. So that means 33 total, with the possibility of dual classing. This means that there are a total of 1089 combinations. However, if subclassing is optional, this raises the total to 44. Thus with multi-classing, the final total is.....1936! Wowzer!

    • Like 1

    Also... arent you a mod and supposed to defuse the situation? XDXDXD

    Was I being inflammatory? Either way, other mods own the deadfire boards, I'm more active on other boards.


    Anyway, though I paraphrased your jackpot phrase I wasn't specically adressing you rather the idea that gamer girls are one in a million. And I acknowledged I'm a statistical outlier, but one female gamer in an entire social circle at this point strikes me as the opposite outlier. (I'm 29, for the record).


    As for not getting matched in Destiny, I have my own theories about that. I wrote a long explanation but my phone ate it, but the gist of my experience is a majority of lady gamers don't use matchmaking. I have more examples, but my fiancee has two Overwatch accounts and the one she uses for random pugs has a male handle, and I spent 4+ years in a WoW guild that had a female majority and they rarely grouped outside the guild, and never used random matchmaking. I make no conclusions why, but pretty much none of the gamer ladies I know play with randos or participate in open game communities like this board.


    Do you even realize how much I want to say just "**** you and stuff your good luck where the sun don't shine"? :D


    Now I'm just jealous as ****.

    Don't be. I also suffer from crippling anxiety and depression and being a mediocre freelance 3D animator pays ****.



    Nah, you definitely hit the nail on the head. My female gamer friends are super into multiplayer games like Halo of LoL (while I am the antisocial one playing Obsidian games :) ). One of them, once told me she never joined in on voice chat due to the comments and insults she'd get online. Seriously, when people are willing to be sexist and racist at a drop of a hat, it much of a surprise that most women prefer not to make their gender known online. Hell, give that f*g**t gets tossed around so casually, I avoid those games myself most of the time.


    Also, anxiety twin highfive

    • Like 2

    IMO, if they have to add gay romances, then keep them to 1 or 2 people (one male and one female).  It seems more realistic than making over half the party gay since the majority of the people in the world are not gay.


    Not that I give a damn about the sexual orientation of people in general as long as they play nice, but I do give a damn about statistical arguments. So I ask you this. In a fictional world with magic, dragons, and lion companions. Do you really find it prudent to use statistics of the real world to justify a position, limiting the creative freedom of OE to make the game as they see fit?  I think it's rubbish.



    THANK YOU! Jeez, was having an arguement over something similiar irl over something quite similiar (race representation in fantasy, in regards to the Thousand Kingdoms Trilogy). People are all ok with there being all manner of of liches, gods, and alchemy, but as soon as you bring in actual real life issues they get one one's case about being an "Ess-Jay-Double U"

    • Like 2
  5. Love that wall of text. Always nice to see another person that gets the whole swipe over thing. Hell, even in the LGT community it gets pretty swept under the rug, with the pressure to take a "side".  Just look at the Korra debacle a few years back, with the internet getting all up in rage (Korrasami FTW).


    The Rivalmance had this kinda...molesty (?) undertone to it. It was bit like those weird romance films where the girl is totally against the concept till the guy starts making out with them, and then their into it. Would like to see some more of those cut of points like in DAI and BG2 where a wrong decision could lead to the end of that route. Or more routes that could end pretty depressingly, like Bull's in DAI.


    Ok, if Iselmyr is female, and Aloth is male, does that make them intersex?

  6. "Your name" that was movie i thought about.


    That is also an idea for quest. Maybe somewhere in Fulvano voyage. Travel back in time to change the future. Edgy enought.

    Romance: In past reality we meet that perfect girl/boy, but we cant take them to watcher time, so village is safed, but they had lost beloved one. lol


    I've always thought a "Time Traveler's Wife" or "Dandelion Girl" style romance could be wonderful




    Never know. Aloth could be into men only lol.


    Knowing my luck, that's exactly what's going to happen. :mellow: (Especially since Iselmyr is only into women.)


    My Watcher has been hopelessly in love with him since practically day one, but it turns out he's only into men, or only elven women, or only women/elven women (bad news for my wild orlan watcher), or what have you.


    I know the devs have stressed being faithful to the characters even if it disappoints players, and I'm all for that... but it wouldn't stop it from being disappointing.  :unsure:



    What I want from Aloth is a weird semipolyamorous relationship. C'mon romancing two people in the same body, I can't think of any fiction that has done that. Personally, that would be fascinating...


    Thank Eothas I told him to dominate Iselmyr.




    • Like 2

    Never know. Aloth could be into men only lol.


    Knowing my luck, that's exactly what's going to happen. :mellow: (Especially since Iselmyr is only into women.)


    My Watcher has been hopelessly in love with him since practically day one, but it turns out he's only into men, or only elven women, or only women/elven women (bad news for my wild orlan watcher), or what have you.


    I know the devs have stressed being faithful to the characters even if it disappoints players, and I'm all for that... but it wouldn't stop it from being disappointing.  :unsure:



    What I want from Aloth is a weird semipolyamorous relationship. C'mon romancing two people in the same body, I can't think of any fiction that has done that. Personally, that would be fascinating...

    • Like 1

    Yeah, you need 2 stones to make a spark. That's all you need though, you don't need 4 stones, 6 stones or any other number. 2 is all that is necessary. All the other stones are more or less expendable. You can throw the stones at bears and wolves as much as you want as long as you can pick up two of them afterwards and you're good to go.


    Actually you need like 10000 stones. Otherwise you're stone population becomes susceptible to erosion.


    Well, really you could make do with maybe 4400 stones, if you were careful and kept them polished

    • Like 2

    Yeah, you need 2 stones to make a spark. That's all you need though, you don't need 4 stones, 6 stones or any other number. 2 is all that is necessary. All the other stones are more or less expendable. You can throw the stones at bears and wolves as much as you want as long as you can pick up two of them afterwards and you're good to go.


    ...What are you people even talking about? Whatever metaphor this was originally it's been stretched so thin it could be an Elder Scrolls questline.


    Also, psst, if I were on the writing team, the game would def. have polyamory as a possibility. Oh yes. I gain power from alt-right fanboy tears.


    Fear me.



    All hail the new dark empress!


    There are various reasons why there's less homophobia in Thedas than there is the real world, but my essay about that would be really off-topic.


    The thing is, every game world needs to treat non-heterosexual characters the same way that they are treated or were treated in this world. Also the percentages of the different sexualities of this world need to be applied to any fantasy game world.


    For example let's say we would agree that 10% of our world's population was not heterosexual. Then by logic that means the same must hold true for Eora, Thedas, The Forgotten Realms etc etc.



    The problem like that is that these world are completely unlike our own. In fact, you couldn't get further away for any of the ones you suggested. There are multiple gay couples in PoE, along with Hiravias being bisexual. Thedas has much of the same, along with an in universe explanation (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Codex_entry:_Sexuality_in_Thedas). Hell, even D&D hasn't had a stigma ever against it. In fact, homosexuality was even addressed in 5ed. (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/136405-D-D-Developers-Explain-Choices-on-Gender-Diversity-in-New-Edition)



    Micamo, 10% or less of the population is estimated to not be heterosexual. There's a kind of bizarre tendency in RPGs and some genre fiction to portray this as the 'lived experience' of a large portion of people or even a majority (see certain Bioware titles).


    Which BioWare titles have non-heterosexual characters in the majority?


    (Spoilers: it's none of them.)


    In DAII everyone was bisexual.

    Inquisition had two gays and two bisexual. The straight characters were four, just like the non-straight (three of those were only available for females PCs, though). 

    That's not a correct representation of sexual orientations, since more than 95% of the world population is straight. I'll also add that having a setting based on medieval Europe where people think it's ok to kill others because of their faith or social class but somehow everyone is more open-minded than contemporary real world people about being sexual orientation/identity is also ****ty fanfiction-tier writing.




    Micamo, 10% or less of the population is estimated to not be heterosexual. There's a kind of bizarre tendency in RPGs and some genre fiction to portray this as the 'lived experience' of a large portion of people or even a majority (see certain Bioware titles).


    Which BioWare titles have non-heterosexual characters in the majority?


    (Spoilers: it's none of them.)


    In Dragon Age II they were all bisexual.

    Also, Inquisition had two gays and two bisexual. The straight characters were four, just like the non-straight (three of those were only available for females PCs, though). 

    That's not a correct representation of sexual orientations, since more than 95% of the world population is straight. I'll also add that having a setting based on medieval Europe where people think it's ok to kill others because of their faith or social class but somehow everyone is more open-minded than contemporary real world people about being sexual orientation/identity is also ****ty fanfiction-tier writing.




    Only those two characters were exclusively gay, but Lily and Cass were arguably LGBT. I agree that it didn't feel as forced - part of that was good writing, but part of it was also not having player romances. It was always a background detail.

    Cass seemed straight to me, you could even flirt with her if you were a guy.

    Lily was a very old woman with some kind of mental illness, I wouldn't really say she was LGBT or whatever. 


    Yeah, SunBroSolaire seems to have ratio reversed


    Just have relationships, regardless of what sort of combination of individuals it involves. Avoid trying to define what "flavor" of relationship it is. Just let things be and show how they for, why the work, or why they don't. It's not only the best way, but it's the only way. This is a post-traditional world, but unfortunately many people don't know how to write relationships without tossing around identity labels. Just let things be.

    Problem is "just letting things be" in your writing means you create a world that reflects only your own lived experience. What comes naturally to a heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied man won't resemble my reality at all. If you don't care about anyone unlike yourself being part of your audience then that's cool I guess, but escaping this and including people unlike yourself takes deliberate, conscious effort.


    High five! I've personally always like the Bioware romances (Team Garrus/ Team Cassandra FTW). I hate it when people go all "Uh oh, heres teh SJWs". It always seems that the crowd who so despise "identity labels" are the ones to ties themselves most tightly to them. I haven't met a PoC or lesbian who made that the crux of their identity, yet have encountered way to many who demand attention to their pale masculinity. Sad really.  Some people just are happy to be represented, by media that so often either passes them by or fetishizes them to the extreme. Not too mention you dont have to necessarily have those life experiences to talk about them. Just look at Gail Simone, Neil Gaiman, and Noelle Stevenson.



    But always still man or woman.

    Hahaha that's a funny joke. NB people are the best.


    Seriously though I read Pallegina as demi or perhaps agender. She (in the absence of Pallegina speaking up on pronouns, I'll gonna use the same ones the game uses) seems to wear femininity grudingly, like an old mask she's never bothered, or dared, to try taking off.

    Bz she is a woman in a brotherhood and its out of place in that day and age. Shes only inside that group on a technical loophole in their laws. Imagine how that feels. From the start her superiors talk about her as a someone going against the grain. Ofc she wants to cast her genderrole aside.


    Btw whats NB ... im a non native speaker.



    It means nonbinary, a.k.a. someone who doesn't identify with the categorization of male or female. For example, Eddie Izzard, Elly Jackson, and Tilda Swinton

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