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Posts posted by HooAmEye

  1. I'm just going to copy this post I made about the only romance I ever felt interested in in a game (though if we are talking about books I could give a list)



    Ok, this is going to sound bizarre, but there is one romance option that most people on here might be intrested in: The Imoen Romance Mod for BG2. Yes yes, it did come the very infamous effed up one that made the rounds years ago, but it got completely reworked in 2015. A huge amount of content that adds to the story, rather than taking away or dominating it like most mod npcs do. The story can take, like, a bajillion different routes depending on whether you aren't interested, gender, how you view your relationship with Imoen, and if you break it off. Hell, it even does away with the whole incest angle. Extremely great mod, just hard to recommend without people thinking you're a pervy lunatic

  2. Do you suppose somewhere in Eora there's an equivalent of the Greek god Eros? I wonder what appearance his or her godlike would possess? Maybe giant phallic symbols? Maybe some work as religious sexual companions to "spread" the word. Perhaps their knowledge resembles that of the Deltans in Star Trek, as epitomized by Ilia in the 1979 Star Trek movie? It would make for an interesting interaction.

    The closest would be Ondra, given her whole moon romance thing. Though what you seem to be thinking of matches up more with  Priapus, a god you should never google at work

  3. I know we all want to reach those later stretch goals, escpecially since we're so close to that 4.5m goal. With slacker backing we have the potential to reach that front. However, most don't seem to even know about the fact that there is a way to raise more money now that the campaign has ended. So, that leaves us in the position of needing to inform that "yes, we can make this gmae even greater!". But how can we do this? Spread the word on the various forums? Thoughts?

    • Like 1
  4. Ok, this is going to sound bizarre, but there is one romance option that most people on here might be intrested in: The Imoen Romance Mod for BG2. Yes yes, it did come the very infamous effed up one that made the rounds years ago, but it got completely reworked in 2015. A huge amount of content that adds to the story, rather than taking away or dominating it like most mod npcs do. The story can take, like, a bajillion different routes depending on whether you aren't interested, gender, how you view your relationship with Imoen, and if you break it off. Hell, it even does away with the whole incest angle. Extremely great mod, just hard to recommend without people thinking you're a pervy lunatic

  5. You know, I don't know why I don't see more of the anti-PC romance people complaining about Gjefa. You know, the sex worker from the Salty Mast who, if you have 19 CON or higher, will be so impressed with your performance that she'll quit her job and move into your quarters at Caed Nua to have sex with you as much as you want for free for the rest of her life.


    Nah, they love that stuff. Makes em feel big

    • Like 1

    sorry if I am starting a controversial topic. my idea is not to get a flame war started, but I am interested in knowing what is obsidian position to companion sexuality. I would personally like if it was independent of. the player's choice in character. that is a companion will be attracted to a given gender and race regardless of who the player choose as a main character.


    also I've notice that many of the female companions are not really conventionally atractive. pallegina being the exception, but with a very unattractive personality. perhaps a more conventionally attractive female character would be aappropriate for our mostly male player base.

    I don't think that's what OE is going for. They're going for interesting complex characters. Not hot damsels with a ladyboner for the pc. I heard Bioware has a new game coming out, that will probably tickle your fancy. 



    Yeah, this kinda thing alwayas annoys the heck out of me. People complain about LGBT romances as "pandering", but then ask for the romance options to pander to them instead. It's like the Cassandra debacle from DAi all over again

    • Like 15

    See, there have only ever been two romances in gaming that I've enjoyed. One was a mod, and the other had me date a pidgeon. It wass beautiful


    Hatofuru boyfriend?


    Btw, I've been thinking: Can Ciphers read minds? Wouldn't that make for awkward moments in terms of romance?



    Watcher, I've finished scouting out the area, and... you pig!


    What! I haven't even said anything to you yet.


    Yeah, but you were thinking it.


    Oh, yeah! You're a Cipher!


    Look, Lets just get on with this, ok?


    (Bonus points if you know the reference)



    Stupid sexy zerg

    • Like 5
  8. I have seen plenty of japanese animation that are triumphs in art or pleasant explorations into the fantastic, but to indulge in a genre so played out and simplistic in its narrative execution that the basic tropes of human characterization can be discerned on sight or succinctly with one word, why bother watching it or continuing to make it?


    Did that make sense or has thread affected my brain more heavily than I thought?  ;)

     Im with you on that one. Heck, my avatar is even from a manga that stands on equal ground with the best of western comics. The problem is that most of what the majority of the anime community obsesses over is just so baaaaad. Ex: Kill La Kill, One Punch Man, Erase, etc

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  9. Yes, they all do count toward stretch goals. However, new backs wont unlock further Fulvano voyage lengths. Given fig's weird stance with paypal, and how that method is the main donation path on KS, it can be expected that quite a few will be joining in. We know that at least 15k has already been made. As for an online tracker, Obsidian mentioned that theyre working on it

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