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Everything posted by mathmatics

  1. wanted to res this post I found on google. Obsidian did such a great job post release. I never knew there was a time slimes were not immune to prone :D
  2. After reading through this thread because I found the fight hard, I am so sad to notice how many people did not enjoy it. Yes its hard. Its a fooking dragon! It reminds me of baldurs gate when I thought my party was tough then ran into my first drago pn. I really hope Obsidian does not leave out encounters like this in poe 2 due to some who do not enjoy challange.
  3. There is a fancy new bug that gives you negative skill stats to your custom made character s. Thats from the latest patch and very annoying.
  4. The constructs have a bit of defence for a level four. There are traps that need 9 mechanics and 10 mechanics down there. There is a scroll that gives you a mech boost. Thats all I know.
  5. This has more content than Tyranny. If you love this as deeply as most of us do than Tyranny will become a must buy for you. The combat in that game makes some of us sad though.
  6. I hope I am wrong but it sounds like you may have gotten an ilegit copy.
  7. Wow that is a great suggestion that will directly affect my current party. My rouge is duoing Resolution and Bittercut. This is my first play though. Edit: do you know if any stats effect weapon procs. Like is there a way to get Stormcaller to proc more often other than attack speed?
  8. Wow 20% thaat would make heart of the storm a very good talent to respec to when you get Stormcaller. Do you happen to know which patch fixed this?
  9. Wow so apparently the joke is on me, and my English major wife who laughed when I showed her. So much for entering the forum community to my new favorite game with a quality funny!
  10. I thought the typo was funny. I made a joke out of it.
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