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Everything posted by Kammellion

  1. As the title says. I'm playing pathfinder with friends but do only have a few months of experience with Dungeons and Dragons. So far I have played as a dragonborn sorcerer and a halfling warlock in two different campaigns. Sadly enough, the dragonborn sorcerer campaign seems dying out (we don't get together as much) and apparently the chance that my halfling warlock dies in the next session is really high. Thus I'm looking at a new character. I am looking to create a necromancer cleric/gunslinger build. I want my character to be able to shoot guns from a distance and raise the dead. I believe because of this I will not be able to heal though (positive energy/negative energy). Within this multiclass I want more focus on the necromancer side of this multiclass build. I need someone who can give me a start, a place to look. Domains, spells, grit, guns, race, how can I best combine these two classes? I am not aiming to create a power play build. Thank you so much!
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