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About SirMirrorcoat

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  1. Now that I think about it and did some more research, I wonder if I should ditch the 'summoner' aspect and focus on the pet more... As strong as they are, I just don't like the animated weapons Wildrhymer would still be interesting, simply for the passive and active buffs and the indefinitely useable revive for the pet. I'd consider a more offensive pet for that A Waelite/Stalker could also be cool, strong self buffs and also heals and revives, albeit not infinite Geomancer I read a lot of good things about, and I'd still get a strong summon Seer (not Ghostheart as seems to be preferred on the webs) with strong ACC and stuff This game has far too many interesting class choices xD
  2. Thanks, Boeroer! Another Plus for Wildrhymer, though the Spiritualist concept is intriguing as well. Any more insight on that? With Psion, I could ignore Might and instead boost Dex for faster casting, though the chanter's healing would suffer... mid M/C/R high D/I/P?
  3. Long hiatus, hello everyone! Looking for some advice here, as my prefered playstyle these days is the summoner. I would LOVE to have a big ass dragon by the end of the game, so SC is definitely a big consideration, but some MC options offer a certain amount of variety I find appealing. I will definitely go for a Moon Godlike (so pretty!) explorer from the Living Lands, and I want to be next to my summons and Eder in battle, so an off-tanky char or melee-dmger would be up my forte as well. Aloth will stand in the back and spam spells. The last 2 slots will switch constantly, as I am not yet sure which way to go with this first full run... Most appealing MC is Wildrhymer Stalker. Another body, better atk acc, and rangers are awesome, and again, the pet! I can have a Drake AND a bear! Only I haven't read anything flattering about this MC, so I'd like some input, especially considering a relatively blind PotD run. Five Stars for flavor, though. Herald (in my case Kind Wayfarer) I read a lot of good things about, and the flavor is cool, too, but Wildrhymer is cooler xD Single Class has DRAGONS! And higher power level for other invocations. But most importantly dragons. I think this would be the strongest and most versatile choice for a summoner, but Wildrhymer, again, has the bear.
  4. Interesting. I didn't pay too much attention when watching the LP, so my character knowledge is mostly based on the old games
  5. In what world is Kratos DISpassionate.
  6. @BoeroerIMO Sword and Sickle look pretty cool together. Like sword and kopesh or something
  7. Found an Aumaua with a bear AC on the wiki. Will stick to bear then They are majestic beasts
  8. Which animal companion would be the most fitting for a Huana? Bear seems not too fitting. Boar? Thinking about the old druid on Maje island... Sucks that there is no tiger AC I would prefer to go for Stag for flavor, but read a lot about how bad it is. Is it good enough with CP and Balance mod? And also I have not found a single stag in the game so far, so I am not sure how well it is to RP... In general, it seems like there are felines, canines, boar and that's about it for normal animals in Deadfire... At least I am finally decided on the class xD
  9. I think I will go for Xoti's Sickle after all, and just RP that I am knowledgeable about religions, even though I don't trust the gods xD Because 60% bonus dmg sounds just far too nice to pass up
  10. So far I find the double FoD healing pretty great, so I am inclined to stay with DW after all. If it falls off in usefulness later, I may switch to Ngati's Tusk
  11. As much as I'd like the dmg and speed buffs from Xoti's Sickle for a dps unit, I find it hard to justify leveling Religion for this char from an RP pov... I thought to go for Survival, because bonus Stride from Walking Cloak and bonus damage from Mohora Tanga seem nice. Or are those 2 meh?
  12. As a fEmInIsT I find boob-plate armor very annoying xD
  13. With 4 Stealth and 7 Athletics, I can get to 18 Arcana on Shepherd, so that seems nice. Everyone gets 4 Stealth and 7 Athletics, tho.
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