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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I had this one dream when I was about ten that there were these shapeshifting aliens comming to invade the planet. They looked like bolling pins but had holes all through out them. If you shot at them, it would just go through the holes. I went on a news program like Dateline to talk about the aliens, but the entire camera crew turned into the aliens and killed everyone but me and the main news interviewer. An Australian guy with one of those Austrailian hats came by in a motorhome to get us out of there. We went back to a trailer park and the Aliens came and we were shooting at them. Then I woke up. So... What does it mean?
  2. So the legends are true! I have to tell Baley quick!
  3. I had a dream last night and some of you were in it. I didn't know what you guys looked like, but I knew who you were and your names. I don't remember what I was doing or what you guys were doing. It had something to do with starwars...
  4. At least not since, the incedent...
  5. Heh, Gayman. Heh.
  6. So, do you pronounce his last name as "Gayman"?
  8. Sorry. I just breifly remember something about it. Like I said, I don't have a link, but how old was the guy? Like 18 or something. I know his freind that he stabbed was still living with his parents.
  9. I agree, I'm not saying video games are to blame. I think we are all in the same boat on this internet game forum.
  10. What about that kid that killed his freind for selling his virtual sword on some game... Sorry, no link right now.
  11. Truly.
  12. "You will be my martian honey, all the day..." Lovely Day - Pixies.
  13. I think everyone seems to be missing the point. It isn't the video game companies fault, it's the governments fault for planting subliminal messages into the video games and causing everyone that plays them a lot to turn into new government supersoldiers who are not phased by the thought of taking another's life.
  14. Well it was your fault that France's leaders were killed. You should have been babysitting your team. Besides, we need you back in 2101 because of your superior intellect. All of my team are going to stay in france for the rest of thier lives. (Life expectancy is high.)
  15. Earth Times January 1st 2101 Time Machine Mishap Kills French Third Republic 200 years ago Scientist acting under a grant from the Word Governing Council created a time machine and accidentally went back to January 1st 1901 and accidentally killed all memebers of the French Third Republic. Leading scientist Baley Forumspammer had this to say, "Well, I was at the store buying the latest X-Men comic and when I came back, Launch and Kaftan had already went through the time machine. When they came back and I asked them what happened, they just said they accidentally killed some people." Leading World Council member Jaguar Forever has decided to send a team of leading members of our scientific community, and one oil rig captain, back to take the place of the French Third Republic so no one will know what has happened. This team, lead by Lou Gutman, of Lou Gutman Private Investigators Inc., will insure that all desisions made by the French Third Republic during the past 200 years will remain the same. The team also includes the likes of Laozin Olastname, Korqel Droma, Launch Chick, Kaftan Barlast, and Ender Wiggin.
  16. So... Am I supposed to tell some sort of story about how I came into power?
  17. I am the best Atton look alike, if I dyed my hair.
  18. I for one can say that I never liked Green Day, just a bunch of "punks" with power chords and simplistic chord progressions... Note: When I say "punks" I don't mean like punk rock like the Ramones or Sex Pistols or X or Husker Du. Thats my opinion anyways.
  19. Barbados Twist by Susan & Surftones.
  20. I would have to say Pixies were the best band...
  21. I told you, ice cubes on your viens.
  22. Wait, so you're saying you didn't hate them?
  23. I think I look like Atton. Only I have dark blond hair.
  24. Not all 80's music is bad. "Post Punk" bands and the like. They weren't bad.
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